Chapter 84 Poking the Sore Spot

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Seeing Leo had questions, Otto visibly became serious as he let Peter carry some chairs over. The four of them sat in a circle.


It was a rudimentary laboratory, this was how much Otto could do.


“Mr. Erwin, what questions do you have?”


Pointing at the Neural Arms on the workbench, Leo asked, “I was wondering since you have the Nuclear Microreactor Technology, it’s unreasonable for you to be lacking in money, right? Don’t tell me you’re absolutely unaware of the commercial value of the Nuclear Microreactor, that’s impossible. You should know my real question, can you please clarify to me?” This question lingered in Leo’s mind after affirming the authenticity of the Nuclear Microreactor.


Right now, he finally asked the question and was hoping Otto would clarify it to him. After asking it, he silently glanced at Peter and saw there wasn’t any shocking expression, which proved Peter knew the reason.


This made Leo even surprised, with the intelligence Peter and Otto possessed, they couldn’t think of a way to profit from the Nuclear Microreactor.


Clearly, something big was boiling behind the Nuclear Microreactor!

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Hearing Leo’s question, Otto’s expression was mixed, having flashbacks, anger, and more than anything else, powerlessness.


“Peter, I tend to get triggered when mentioning this matter. It’s better for you to explain to Mr. Erwin.”


“Oh, o-okay!” Peter was preparing to listen to Otto’s story again since the last time Otto narrated it all over the place. However, he was slightly overwhelmed when asked to explain it instead.


Recalling the story Otto told him, Peter organized his thoughts and asked, “Mr. Erwin, do you know Norman Osborn?”


“The newly elected mayor and C.E.O. of Oscorp? If it’s him, of course I know!” Leo was aware not just of Norman Osborn, who was often on T.V. and in newspapers, he even knew the various versions of Green Goblin from his past life.


However, Leo believed the Norman in this world was an ordinary person, at most an ordinary person with authority and influence as after he arrived in New York, never once did Leo hear reports about Green Goblin.


Moreover, in this world, various organizations were researching Human Enhancing Technology. Even the genius Howard Stark failed to recreate the Super Soldier Serum and lost his life because of it.

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Thus, how could Norman Osborn successfully develop a “Human Enhancing Drug”?


Leo’s mind was getting off track but Peter was continuing organizing his words attempting to explain the entire matter regarding the Nuclear Microreactor. “Dr. Octavius said before that he and Osborn had spent time together in the same lab during university. They used to be research partners and great friends. People had named them the O’s Brothers. Later, they decided to start a business…”


“Hold on a sec, you mean Oscorp was, in fact, founded together by Dr. Octavius and Otto.” Leo was startled when he heard this and couldn’t help to interrupt Peter.


“Yes, that’s right! That’s why Oscorp was called Oscorp, it was just replacing the ‘Brothers’ with ‘Corp’.”


Spending a few moments to accept the fact, Leo coughed and asked, “But how does this relate to the Nuclear Microreactor?”


“Mr. Erwin, don’t be in a hurry. We’ll get to it soon.” Seeing Leo was slightly impatient, Peter reorganized his thoughts, keeping the main points only.


“While working together in Oscorp, Dr. Octavius and Osborn had together developed the prototype for Nuclear Microreactor. But the radiation problem was unable to be resolved, that’s why it was put on hold for a long time. Afterward, Dr. Octavius left Oscorp and succeeded in solving the radiation problem, perfecting the Nuclear Microreactor Technology by himself. However, both of them had signed a contract on the Nuclear Microreactor. Legally, this piece of technology belongs to both Doc and Osborn. Right now, their relationship has turned sour, so Doc can’t make money from it. Doc even tried to search for an alternative power source to replace Nuclear Microreactor  as the power source for the Neural Arms.” With that, Peter stopped.

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“That’s it?!” It was Leo’s turn to be bewildered.


Why did Otto leave Oscorp? Why did Otto not get along with Osborn? Leo’s desire for gossip was still raging within his heart.


“Yeah, that’s the reason. In fact, there’s much more to it but Mr. Erwin, you seemed to be slightly anxious. So…” Peter innocently shrugged.


But in any case, Leo managed to receive clarification for his initial question. Although the desire for gossip was aroused, that was Leo’s own fault.


Who asked Leo not to be a silent audience? Why must he constantly urge?!


However, the concerned party, Dr. Octavius, was here. Leo was too embarrassed to ask for more details from Peter. But Leo felt he could dig out more details from Otto himself.


Thus, facing Otto, who was seemingly calm yet clenching his fist, Leo said, “Dr. Octavius, I believe you can choose to cooperate with Osborn again. Relying on this Nuclear Microreactor, both of you can make a killing. Whereas you just happen to lack research funding, there’s no need to go against the money. The thoughts must be flexible!”

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Leo was using the language to probe. Based on Peter’s description just now, it implied the conflict between Otto and Osborn was fathomless.


In fact, this point was visible from Otto being penniless while Osborn was rolling in dough. It was easy to deduce from this gaping contrast.


After all, both of them founded the Oscorp together. If Otto wasn’t ruthlessly screwed over by Osborn, how could he be this miserable?!


This move, Leo named it ‘poking the sore spot’! Proactively detonating the explosive barrel!


As expected, Otto, who was using the Intracranial Transmission Helmet for a long time, was particularly prone to outbursts.


Hearing Leo’s suggestion, Otto suddenly hysterically said, “You want me to cooperate with him?! No way! Absolutely impossible! He is a liar head to toe! Not only is he narrow-minded, but he is also incredibly wicked! Can you imagine it? When we were founding Oscorp, Osborn actually tampered with the equity contract! After Oscorp was founded, he was gradually obsessed with genetics research. He had invited me many times to join his research. He even did a lot of unethical experiments privately. I naturally rejected him, after all my interest and direction weren’t in genetics at all. But unexpectedly, he was holding a grudge for this. Using the loophole in the initial equity contract, he gave me a meager amount of money and ousted me. However, that money wasn’t enough for my research, so I applied for government grants for scientific research. Fortunately, my research project was pretty good and the funds were smoothly granted, up until now. But that despicable Osborn was not letting me go! After he became the mayor, he pulled some strings to cancel my grants. He was going to push me off the cliff!”


Otto fiercely slammed on the workbench and continued, “Tell me! Tell me! Is it possible for me to cooperate with him again? Even if we made a bunch of money, will he give a single penny to me?! No, he won’t! He will only use tricks to gain the Nuclear Microreactor for himself! Even if I, Otto, will starve to death, I will bring the Nuclear Microreactor with me down the grave and will not ever cooperate with Osborn!”

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