Chapter 96 As Timid As A Rat

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Although Leo was uncertain of Bullseye’s capability, according to Marvel’s setting, Bullseye was an infamous and ruthless character. Even a commoner with a gun possessed no threats to him.


Therefore, Leo ceased Red Fist and the others from advancing to the fourth floor. Otherwise, when Leo was going to capture Bullseye alive, they would just be a burden to Leo.


Despite Leo giving a kill-on-sight order, it was built on the foundation of Bullseye escaping from the fourth floor.


Right now, Leo was perplexed by Bullseye’s exact aim of visiting El Tech Company and also unsure whether or not he was under the order of Kingpin. So, in order for Leo to acquire more information, the first course of action was to capture Bullseye alive. It was a boon to capture Bullseye alive but if he were killed instead, Leo wouldn’t be bothered by it much.


Due to Leo’s uncertainty about Bullseye’s capability, it was natural for him to enter the battle in his peak state. Right now, the most potent piece of equipment he possessed was the Lightweight Power Suit.


Surging his Mechanical Force, the Lightweight Power Suit automatically attached itself to Leo. He exercised his arms and legs to be slightly accustomed to it before finally adapting.


After preparing everything, Leo exited his lab while saying, “Steam, after I reach the third floor, let Bullseye have a taste of the defensive weaponry first. Make sure to aim accurately, there’s no need to hold back. It’s his misfortune if he dies!”


“Buzz! Affirmative, Master. Steam understood!” Steam’s voice had traces of excitement. Ever since the automated defensive system was installed, this was the first time Steam controlled it.


But for artificial intelligence with a child’s personality, the first reaction it had when hearing about murdering someone was excitement, it was undoubtedly a violent person.

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Companies in America generally didn’t switch off their lights at night, El Tech Company was not an exception either.


In spite of the hallway of the fourth floor being dimmer than the second floor’s manufacturing workshop, it wasn’t an issue for Bullseye to have a clear vision. Leaning his back on the wall, Bullseye tucked himself in a corner like a rat, scanning the interior of El Tech Company.


The building’s design was average since it was done by an average group, void of any professional design that matched the theme of technology and science.


Moreover, along the way, Bullseye went through different areas, and surprisingly the style of walls and floors was entirely different. Judging from it, different groups of renovation teams worked simultaneously during the company’s renovation.


The only one with a constant design was the ceiling which was revamped uniformly at the end. However, why did this revamped ceiling have a jet-black hole in it? Which irresponsible renovation team was it?!


Hold on, a hole in the ceiling? There wasn’t any just now?! Suddenly perceiving the abnormality, Bullseye’s years of cautiousness and vigilance made him immediately notice that something was wrong. Without batting an eyelid, he unhesitantly bounced away from his initial spot. 




Gunshots abruptly echoed violently as bullets showered Bullseye’s original spot. Countless holes appeared on the wall like a beehive.


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Even though Bullseye dodged the bullets, it wasn’t time to celebrate yet. His guts were telling him that he was not out of the woods yet. Without stopping, he ran with all his might! 


Fast! Faster! Even faster!


Rains of bullets chased after his footsteps, shattering the floor and causing a cloud of dust.


Just as Leo arrived on the fourth floor, the brief scene he saw was Bullseye directly charging at the fourth floor’s window and leaping out of it…


Leo hurriedly rushed towards the closest window before seeing a rope dangling and a figure disappearing on the corner of the street. Based on Bullseye’s fleeing direction, he was burrowing into Hell’s Kitchen’s complex terrain.


“Hiss!” Sucking a breath of cold air, Leo was astonished. “Is Bullseye a rat or a horse? As timid as a rat and as fast as a horse. How terrifying!”


Leo was slightly regretting since if it wasn’t for him ordering Steam to fiercely attack, Bullseye wouldn’t be scared away.


If it was just Leo himself alone, he believed Bullseye at least would dare to charge at him, having a brief fight with him. Although Leo wasn’t certain he could subdue Bullseye alone, at the minimum, he could pester Bullseye, making Bullseye unable to flee while waiting for Bucky’s arrival.


But who could’ve predicted the first reaction Bullseye had when being aimed was to charge right at the window instead of finding a cover?! Leo had underestimated Bullseye’s rat-like personality thus allowing Bullseye to escape from El Building.


Unwilling to let Bullseye off the hook that easily, Leo opened the window before leaping out of it too. Just now, Leo had estimated while Bullseye was fast, Leo’s speed under full throttle was even faster. If he began chasing immediately, there was still hope for him to catch Bullseye.

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Screeching the wall with his metal fingers, Leo did a roll before landing. Standing up harmlessly, he stormed along the street like a Pegasus.



The streets of Hell’s Kitchen were absent of people in the middle of the night.


Out of the blue, a flash of glow appeared and a baldy flashed out of a dark alleyway, dashing along the street. A few seconds later, another figure clad in metal pieces flashed out of the dark alleyway too but with an even more lustering glow.


The duo was having a tag game. The distance between the two lustering glows was reducing. Bullseye was the runner while Leo was the tagger.


After fleeing from the El Building, Bullseye immediately entered Hell’s Kitchen’s neighborhoods.


However, the mission Kingpin gave him had yet to be completed and Bullseye also received a huge sum of payment. He wasn’t someone who lacks the basics of professionalism. So, he didn’t leave immediately, instead, he was preparing to observe the El Building for a little longer.


When Bullseye saw a figure clad in a weird metal suit following him leaping out of El Building and even charging straight at his hiding spot, he was startled by it.


Pulling out the steel spikes he had inside his belt, Bullseye’s finger flicked as the steel spikes shot at Leo one by one. The steel spikes were fast and their destructive power wasn’t any worse than bullets.

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Yet the steel spikes didn’t have the effect Bullseye predicted. Parts of them were avoided by Leo and other parts of them struck Leo but they were blocked by the Lightweight Power Suit.


Despite being slightly hindered by the spikes, Leo immediately hastened his speed after Bullseye stopped shooting the spikes.


Seeing his bread and butter fail, Bullseye felt his heart aching and terrifying him to toss his professionalism away, scurrying away like a rat.


Hence, the scene of a game of tag on the streets.


Leo’s speed was visibly faster than Bullseye’s. Gradually, the distance between them was reduced to several meters only.


Glancing at Leo who was nearing him, Bullseye squeezed out every ounce of energy and managed to hasten and maintain the distance.


Another dozen seconds of tag later, the distance between Leo and Bullseye wasn’t shortened in the slightest. All of a sudden, a lightbulb lit in Leo’s mind.


Without stopping his footsteps, Leo raised his left arm and aimed the Frost of Sorrow at Bullseye before him.


Under the supply by the Miniature Highly-compressed Battery, the Frost Stone glimmered like a snowflake, going to release a ray of ice beam.


If landed on Bullseye, his speed definitely would be affected and Leo would have the opportunity to catch him!

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