Within 5 days, the Northern users had occupied 27% of the Harpan region.

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There was no movement from the Grass Porridge Cult units in Morata, Vargo Fortress or the Dawn City. Despite the so-called urgency, the units were standing in line.

After the Lwee Yali fortress was conquered, the lords of the Haven Empire started to lose the will to resist. They were at a disadvantageous position in the war against the Grass Porridge Cult.

Even if the Haven Empire’s reinforcement troops were to arrive a few days later, the lords had no choice but to surrender because the city would be destroyed by then.

“I can’t lose my city and the residents all at once.”

“The Haven Empire won’t leave us alone.”

“Let’s look for chances… when the Northern users show any weak spot, we should rebel.”

“But if we do that, the public opinion of us won’t be good.”

“That’s why we have to act after watching the situation. If needs it, we can just leave the city after taking everything there is.”

After the Haven Empire’s lords surrendered, they decided to act after seeing how the situation unfolded.

If the Haven Empire started to quickly regain its territory, they would stand next to them and fight against the Arpen Kingdom.

However, after the Northern users quickly settled into their cities, they lost the chance to go back to the Haven Empire…




“Grass Porridge, Grass Porridge, Grass Porridge!”

“Wow… the guild facilities in this city are quite good. The stores are big and there are lots of supplies.”

“It’s because it’s the Central Continent.”

“It’s my first time in the Central Continent. Overflowing money and technology. Wow… But of course, the Arpen Kingdom is better.”

“Now this place is also a part of the Arpen Kingdom.”

Northern users came through the widely opened gates and peacefully took over the city.

Even though they only used stores and facilities, the users completely changed the city.

For each 2 users that were here before the Northern users took over, 100 new users from the North had come, maybe even more!

The lords opened their eyes widely at the sight of how the sales of weapon stores, armor stores, and general merchandise stores were soaring at the trading post.

“Yesterday’s sales were exceeded by 84 times, especially the sales of pork and chicken… Ah. The Pork Porridge and the Chicken Porridge troops arrived a while ago.”

“Looks like they are buying everything. Except for the expensive weapons, obviously… Is this the joy the lords of the Arpen Kingdom experience? ”

The lords of the Haven Empire received lots of disadvantages; those being in a remote region, that is.

Even though there are lots of users who take long distance adventures, it’s very rare for new users to start in a city which is in the middle of nowhere.

Usually, new users choose the capitals of each region of the Haven Empire or the Arpen Kingdom, so these remote areas are widely neglected.

Even though the lords were trying to develop the city, the number of goods that were consumed remained at a moderate level.

There were mines, but instead of exploiting them they turned to small-scale import operations, and so the mines were crowded by monsters who had to be repressed by mercenaries hired through quests.

Since the Central Continent had a high standard, it was easy to hire mercenaries, but they had always left as soon as they got their money.

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“This is an opportunity. The opportunity the heavens gave me in order to develop my city.”

The lords of the Haven Empire from the Harpan region heard about the Arpen Kingdom, so the news was of critical importance to them.

Even though they were worried about the Arpen Kingdom’s development and danger, they couldn’t be happier once they changed their flags.

“Welcome to everyone from  the Grass Porridge Cult.”

“Nice to meet you. Welcome.”

“Today we are hosting a free barbeque party at the square. For the participants, the priests are going to hold a blessing ceremony.”

“Come to get a coupon! Weapon exchange coupon for the level 200 users or below. I will give that to the first 1000 people.”

The people from the broadcasting stations were baffled. They came to get news about the bloody battle, but…

“What’s going on ?”

“Why is there a festival suddenly? Are we in the right place?”

“This must be a mistake. But, there is no war at Belden City either. It seems the lord himself betrayed the Haven Empire.”

“You didn’t know that? At the Belden gates, the lord himself came and welcomed the Grass Porridge Cult. He even hung up a huge banner in celebration.”

The viewers were interested in the ongoing events, so people from the broadcasting stations decided to make a live broadcast.

They broadcasted the Northern users’ entrance and the lively faces of the city residents.

The users who were active in the region controlled by the Haven Empire and who came from the Northern part were welcomed.

– Interesting. Of course, it’s the Grass Porridge Cult.

– It’s the human-wave strategy.The signature strategy of the Grass Porridge Cult.

– Let’s have fun. This is going to be interesting.


In some parts of the Harpan region, there were fights which were ongoingbetween the Imperial Army and the Northern users.

The lords who couldn’t choose to surrender due to their reputation, and those who were closely related to the Haven Empire, had decided to fight.

Even though the defenders fought to the bitter end, due to the sheer numbers of the attackers the castle was eventually taken over.

After this came the plundering!

“Take all the properties of the lords and the Hermes Guild.”

“But don’t harm the citizens.”

“Take everything!”

Grains, war supplies, trading goods that were gathered in the castle’s warehouses, they were all taken by the Northern users.

They spared nothing. They even found the goods that had to be sent South, to the Haven Empire.

Even though the Northern users are righteous, they succumbed to greed.

It became a dog eat dog scenario – if you didn’t take anything, you were an idiot!

Even the Grass Porridge Cult could take everything that belonged to the lord.

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They had to ask Seo-Yoon for permission, but she decided to let them plunder.

“This doesn’t belong to the Hermes Guild. Also, you would have to share with those who helped in the strike!”

The Hermes Guild owned many of the main streets and shopping centers, but these places were taken over by the Northern users.

“Cha. Many people are waiting. Everyone take three each. And let’s take only things that can be used.”

“Keep the order. Let’s take everything gracefully.”

“While plundering keeps morale up, everything is for us all.”

Soon there was chaos in several cities because of the plundering.

In the end, even the houses of regular users and locals were robbed.

Even though this was part of the war, the reputation and honor of the burglars had badly decreased.

– During the occupation the city was destroyed due to the fire and plundering.

The Arpen Kingdom’s reputation went down as the kingdom’s actions received a negative response in the nearby regions.

People from the occupied areas started to dislike the kingdom.

They had welcomed the occupants but started to suffer from the pillage.

They had to throw away their expectations and optimism about the Arpen Kingdom.

On the broadcast, it was reported as ‘indiscriminate robbery’ and ‘Hell of Confusion’.

The evaluation on the internet was also a difficult thing to understand.

In the past, when there was a war in the Central Continent, more atrocities happened.The side that won started pillaging, and the side that lost started a fire because of jealously.

But the Grass Porridge Cult’s members were still generous.

– The way to promote robbery!

Rules were made for looting, but actually, you only had to maintain the order.

The broadcasting stations had influenced Northern users to steal the Haven Empire’s property in an orderly fashion.

Since those images were broadcasted, the lords of the Haven Empire in the Harpan region lost their fighting spirit.

They surrendered to the Arpen Kingdom because they realized that if they resisted, they could lose everything.


In the Grass Porridge Cult’s emergency strategy room.

A meeting was in progress over the map of the Versailles Continent

“The Haven Empire’s army is strong. That’s why it’s unreasonable to conquer all of the Central Continent.”

“Right. As for our forces right now…”

“Despite the fact that the Northern users always participate in a war, they do have limits. The Imperial Army will also meddle in the attack.”

“Looks like the Hermes Guild has a secret plot. Also, it looks like they are more concerned about the regions dealing with rebel forces and those where development is slow”

“We should show strength to discourage stubborn counterattacks.”

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In the Grass Porridge Cult’s emergency strategy room, the best decisions were made using all the gathered information.

What to do with the Northern user forces, what plan to follow to reach the Central Continent, and in what circumstances.

Some of the users belonged to the Ministry of National Defense, but they supported the Grass Porridge Cult.

“We shouldn’t be satisfied with the Imperial land. For a while, there is no profit.”

“I agree. Since the Northern users are involved in a war, the production power and economy are at a decline.”

“The Versailles Continent is too wide. Even though only one region was taken, it can be said that Empire’s power has been partly reduced”

The strategists were worrying while putting down the map of the Versailles continent.

The plans to use the Arpen Kingdom’s power and to destroy the Haven Empire were put aside at the end of the discussion.

“My head hurts. The Haven Empire is very strong. The Northern users will be weakened once they arrive at the center of the Central Continent.”

“If the Empire strengthens their tactics and maneuvers, defending our territory will be challenging..”

“If it’s like that, then the war…”

“The death of the Goddess. Don’t you think that everything is going awry?”

In the minds of the people in the Grass Porridge Cult’s emergency strategy room, Weed was angry again because of their words.

As the result, a surprisingly great plan was made.

“Tear apart. Of course, it wasn’t a matter of abruptly conquering the continent.”

“That’s right. To tear it apart piece by piece. Now I understand the meaning of these words.”

The plan to make the Arpen Kingdom stronger is to tear apart the Haven Empire!

The beginning wasn’t even on the land but rather in the water.

“We have to make a statement.”

“But how…”

“All the users who don’t belong to the Hermes Guild think of us as a hope. If we surrender, that’s the end.”

The Grass Porridge Cult and the Northern users wanted to keep their pride. Even though they started Royal Road later, they didn’t want to give in without a fight.

“That’s what Weed said. To tear apart the Haven Empire.”


“At that time we were too narrow-minded .”



Hye, Fractal, Boromir

The 3 mad sharks of Becky Nin.

The ones who went to trade to the far-flung Southern region could not hide their joy.

“Our saviors .”

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“God… Is that our Armada ?”

“There’s no doubt. We are true pirate admirals.”

A pirate!

A buccaneer that belongs to a country and sink merchants’ or enemies’ ships.

The 3 mad sharks of Becky Nin were appointed as the Arpen Kingdom’s buccaneers.

The users of Varna port and Rezard were in a conflict with the Haven Empire, so they were repressed.

The Northern coast was filled with small and medium sailing vessels, adventure ships, galleys and trading ships.

There were amulet ships for the battle and simple fishing boats.

“Let’s get some more pirates.”

“Where are you going? Huk huk huk.”

“I have a skeleton flag. How’s it? Also, there is a bad tooth on the skull.”

“♪♫♪ Nosae, nosae, nosae. Because I’m young… ♪♫♪”

“Old man, stop singing! I’m trying to fish.”

As the waves hit the seashore, more than 100,000 ships were seen.

If you compare that to the number of Northern users, it looks like a small amount, but in reality, it wasn’t.

The 3 mad sharks of Becky Nin were sailing on a ship that could board up to 150 working people.

“Give us a ride.”

“Is this ship going to the Haven Empire?”

“Old man, can we go to the Lidum region on this ship?”

“I’m looking for a ship sailing for Rhodium. I’m a warrior, I can give a hand to your crew.”

Even the regular users boarded ships like taxis!

Considering the weather and the current, they got ready to depart during the night.

Every ship was filled with supplies and trading goods.

“Set the Sails.”


About 100,000 ships were shining brightly and left for the South.

The 3 mad sharks of Becky Nin were leading and other ships were trailing them.

Kyaak! Kyaaa!

There were people who were annoyed by their flaps and squeezed to sit at the front of the ship.

(To be continued…)

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