The Legendary Roll

Chapter 25

Proofread by Liang Yaping

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A trace of joy flashes through Gongsun Jing’s eyes when he sees that Yun Qing’er makes the first move. His seemingly unbridled words just now were actually to provoke Yun Qing’er, so when she can’t control her anger and attack, they three can fight back and overpower her together.

In this way, Yun Chuan definitely won’t run away, and Gongsun Jing can get them all.

But just then, Yun Chuan suddenly moves and stands in front of Yun Qing’er and smiles: “Qing’er, it’s not your turn to face these inferior guys. Since they want to die, I’ll satisfy them then.”

“You are really an idiot seeking death!”

Gongsun Jing’s face is full of pity. He stands high and speaks with a teasing smile: “Yun Chuan, who do you think you are? You are not in a drama, acting like a hero to save the beauty. Since you stand out here, I’ll spare your life first.” He commands his servants, “You two, break the arms and legs of this waste. I’ll let him see how I possess Yun Qing’er here. It’s not so easy to die comfortably in my hands!”

Yun Chuan’s face darkens, and he utters cold words: “Gongsun Jing, I can guarantee that you will not die in pleasure. You believe it or not?”

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As soon as Yun Chuan finishes his words, Gongsun Jing’s two old servants at the middle-stage of Body Cultivation have blocked all the retreats of Yun Chuan by his side.

“Palm of Blazing Fire!”

Gongsun Jing laughs grimly. Suddenly he strides forward and releases a palm. His original power turns into a raging fire and rushes out. In a moment, he rushes to Yun Chuan’s front. Meanwhile, the two old servants at the middle-stage of Body Cultivation also attack with endless fire; and for an instant the whole body of Yun Chuan is totally devoured.

“Yun Chuan, Palm of Blazing Fire is a medium martial skill of the Yellow level, and there is now only half step for us three to practice it into the insight-stage. So altogether, it can be compared to the inferior martial skill at the Yellow level. See and die then!”

“Brother Chuan!”

Seeing Yun Chuan has been engulfed by the flames, Yun Qing’er feels startled and is about to rush forward. But at the moment she moves, the fire that has engulfed Yun Chuan suddenly bursts out. In the middle of the fire, Yun Chuan’s figure suddenly appears. Together with him come numerous shadows of the palm, and Yun Chuan batters them on the two servants closest to him.

“Grand Palm of Thousand Leaves, Five-wound Explosive Fist!”

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All this happens in a flash. Gongsun Jing never expects that Yun Chuan, a waste-like disciple who just reached the middle-stage of Body Cultivation a few days ago, can survive under the siege of three cultivators at the same stage. Before he has time to react, he sees an unimaginable scene: his two old servants who have been at the middle-stage of Body Cultivation for many years are flying backwards while spitting blood.

“How could it be?! Only a few days have passed, Yun Chuan, how can you improve your strength so much?”

Gongsun Jing’s eyes are filled with incredibility. According to the strength that Yun Chuan showed in the martial arts assessment before, their strength is enough to kill this guy. But now, the fact chills his blood. Those two old servants who have been at the middle-stage of Body Cultivation for many years can’t even catch Yun Chuan’s palm.

“I remember that Brother Chuan’s martial qualification is only of the first-level blood... Or, is there something wrong with the hearsay before?” Yun Qing’er’s heart is full of joy and doubt. She also didn’t expect that Yun Chuan’s strength could be increased so much after only a few days.

“Gongsun Jing, I said, you won’t die in pleasure. Now you believe it or not?”

Yun Chuan smiles. A few drops of red blood are stained on his white clothes, and he walks to Gongsun Jing step by step.

Gongsun Jing shows a frightened face and stumbles back. At the moment when he sees the two old servants spitting blood on the ground, his heart almost stands still with fright. The blood spitted by those two is mixed with visceral fragments, and their breath turns weaker and weaker. Obviously both of them are going to die.

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“How could it be! He is a devil!”

Gongsun Jing is caught by horror and despair completely. He cannot understand why his two servants at the middle-stage of Body Cultivation can be killed by one pail of Yun Chuan. He turns around and flees to Luoyun City in a hurry.

Now the situation has been completely reversed. Gongsun Jing’s heart is full of endless regrets. If given another chance, he would not provoke this devil-like guy so actively. Until now, he has not figured out why his two servants at the middle-stage of Body Cultivation are so vulnerable under Yun Chuan’s attack—even their internal organs are completely destroyed by him!

All the way back to Luoyun City Gongsun Jing is panic-stricken. It is only after he sees Luoyun city not far away that he feels relieved. As long as he is in the city, Yun Chuan dares not to do anything to him under the rule.

But at this time, he suddenly feels a fist fluttering lightly on his back. Its strength is so light that it just makes him stumble with no pain.

Looking back, he is frightened. He doesn’t know when Yun Chuan has been behind him. The youngster behind takes back his fist and grins, showing his white teeth: “Gongsun Jing, do you remember what I said?”

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Gongsun Jing doesn’t dare to answer, and he runs even faster. After he runs into Luoyun City, he feels secure and looks back. Yun Chuan doesn’t catch up with him, as if he had given up his intention to kill after that light fist.

“Can it be that he was throwing mists before my eyes to frighten me deliberately?”

He feels a little uneasy and checks his whole body again, but there is no abnormality except for a kind of dull pain between his chest and abdomen. However, the pain is very slight, so he doesn’t worry a lot, thinking that it is just caused by his strenuous running.

“It seems that’s the truth. How can Yun Chuan suddenly improve his strength so much? He must be using some tricks. I’m afraid that he doesn’t have the strength to fight with me any more now, and that fist was just to scare me away...”

Gongsun Jing is then relieved after all these considerations. He is crap scared by Yun Chuan just now, so even though he now guesses that Yun Chuan might not have the strength to fight, he dares not to turn back again.

“A wise man knows when to retreat. When I get back to my family, I’ll find ways to avenge myself and punish Yun Chuan...”


Just then, Gongsun Jing’s eyes suddenly widen. There is a muffled sound in his body, and with it comes again the pain between his chest and abdomen, and that pain completely bursts out, making him suffer to the marrow.

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