The Legendary Roll

Chapter 31

Proofread by Liang Yaping

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Besides Zhao Xi and other people who have arrived before, several members of Yun Clan are also sitting cross-legged around Yun Tian, learning the martial skill engraved on the fallen tombstone.

The arrival of Yun Chuan is also noticed by those people. Yun Tian nods to him from afar and then continues to learn that skill with his eyes closed.

Zhao Xi sneers and says, “Yun Chuan? Truly a bad thing never dies. A waste with such a poor martial cultivation at the middle-stage of Body Cultivation dares to come here? I’m surprised that you are not killed by the previous monsters.”

“Save your worries then.”

Yun Chuan smiles and walks forward: “My life is too strong and even the King of Hell dares not to accept it. By the way, I saw many bodies of the disciples from your Zhao Clan on the previous road, and it’s a pity that I didn’t see yours among those ones!”


Zhao Yu goes furious and starts to operate his original force, and the strength of the late-stage of Body Cultivation breaks out abruptly. He threatens Yun Chuan: “You really get a good tongue! Yun Chuan, you waste only of the lowest first-level blood, you are destined to be kept out of the stage of Martial Core but you have gained a lot of Water of Icy Spring. However, the Water only works when the cultivator is getting on the stage of Martial Core, so it’s a total waste in your hands. How about handing it over to us?”

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“Enough, Zhao Yu, don’t fight here; or you will waste your time and get your hands dirty. Concentrate on the martial skill on this tombstone, that’s what we need to do now.”

Zhao Xi shakes his head and stops Zhao Yu. He looks at Yun Chuan with cold eyes as if Yun Chuan were already a dead man. He warns the boy standing in front of him: “We don’t mind letting you live a little longer. Blood for blood, and our Zhao Clan will never let you go.”

At the moment, there are hundreds of martial cultivators around here, others including members of Gongsun Clan and Yun Tian are also looking at them. Zhao Xi doesn’t want to consume their own strength and benefit the third party.

“If it were not for Brother Xi’s words, I would just kill you here. Now your life is less important than the martial skill on this tombstone. What the hell do you think you are? Just a waste trapped in the stage of Body Cultivation all your life!”

Yun Chuan responds with a sneer without any word. There are too many people here. He is also afraid that others will acquire profit in times of trouble. The intention to kill flashes through his eyes, and then he turns to the martial skill recorded on the tombstone.

“What? Primordial Seal of Heaven-conversing, burning blood essence to improve the strength of the body... Such a strange martial skill!”

Yun Chuan is a little surprised. This Primordial Seal of Heaven-conversing is only an inferior martial skill at the Yellow level. But it’s certainly not so simple, for someone has carved it on the tombstone so seriously.

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What’s more, what makes him feel more alert is that only by looking at this Seal once he has already got a lot of comprehensions. It makes him feel that even without the help of the Golden Scroll, he can also reach the perfect-stage of this martial skill in a few days.

However, he can see in the Golden Scroll that 1000 points of soul value are needed if he wants to practice this inferior martial skill at the Yellow level to its perfect-stage.

But for those common inferior martial skills at the Yellow level, such as Grand Palm of Thousand Leaves and Seven Stars Chasing the Sun, about 200 points will be enough.

“You junks have been here for such a long time only for an inferior martial skill at the Yellow level, so keep on and enjoy your slow practice here. As for me, I will go to the front to find more great lucky chances!”

At this time, a martial cultivator who comes a little bit late can hardly retain his composure. He glances at all the people around and jumps up. With his original force rolling over he strides into the road formed by the tombstone and leaves towards the other side of the coffin.

Suddenly the endless black fog comes out, enveloping the cultivator who has stepped on the tombstone. At the next moment, the original power of his whole body dissipates wildly like the snow melting in hot water, making a sound of corrosion constantly.

Although the strength of that martial cultivator is not weak, for he is about to be at the late-stage of Body Cultivation, he still can’t help but increase blindly the release of original force. Next moment, his original force has been exhausted by the black fog, and fear starts to show in his eyes.

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“I won’t believe it... Must I understand this martial skill before I pass here? I won’t believe it...One more chance for me...”

The martial cultivator struggles to retreat, but the black fog has already devoured his whole body. The next moment when the fog lifts and the voice disappears, the martial cultivator is nowhere to be found; nothing leaves here, not even a bone of his.

From the crowd comes a sound of swallowing.

Some people’s eyes show a mixture of relief and fear. The last words of the martial cultivator before he died are still fresh to their ears. Now, it seems that they can only pass after they understand the martial skill engraved on the tombstone. Otherwise, they will die without knowing how.

In the tombs of martial Dhyana, there are always settings full of crisis like this. Carelessness will directly lead to death. So everyone here looks very grave at the moment, all immersing in the inferior martial skill at the Yellow level engraved on the tombstone.

With grave looks sitting around, all the people here keep silence and concentrate on practice. After half a day, suddenly a martial cultivator stands up with confidence and pride. He walks forward and laughs: “Isn’t just a very simple martial skill? Remember my name, Chu Wudao, for I’m the first one that masters this skill. Within just half a day, I have practiced this martial skill to its insight-stage. I am really blessed with a lucky chance! The treasures and fortune left to me by the elders are now destined to be mine!”

The martial cultivator named Chu Wudao is quite strong, even a little bit stronger than the first martial cultivator who stepped on the stone bridge. Now he laughs excitedly and takes the first step to the bridge-like tombstone.

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“Primordial Seal of Heaven-conversing!”

With a roar, his whole body becomes full of original force. His muscles are bulging, popping out of his clothes, and his bronzed skin full of incomparable power is then exposed.

After he has used this martial skill, the black fog doesn’t rush to him as before, but just avoids him as if it had spirit. Seeing this scene, Chu Wudao is much encouraged; he laughs and strides forward.


After he has walked out a few steps, a piece of flesh suddenly falls off from his powerful bronze body quietly onto the tombstone, and then disappears.

Patter! Patter! Patter!

Chu Wudao seems to be unaware of it at all. As he moves on, pieces of flesh with blood on his body constantly fall onto the ground, and then they are directly absorbed by the tombstone. Before he passes half of the way on the tombstone, the whole man has become a walking skeleton.

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