The Legendary Roll

Chapter 42

Proofread by Liang Yaping

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But at this time, before Yun Cheng finishes his words, his eyes are immediately dazzled. Yun Chuan directly slaps him hard across the face, throwing him away. His several teeth all fall off, and he is now with a bloody nose and a swollen face, showing a sickening sight.

“You, Yun Chuan, you!”

Yun Cheng is totally stunned by this heavy slap. He did not expect that though he has made great progress in this period of cultivation, he still could not see clearly the action of Yun Chuan at all.

What’s more, he was behind Yun Tian at that time. If Yun Chuan wanted to do something to him, he could not get around Yun Tian; but Yun Chuan still slapped him so hard. There is only one possibility in this situation, that is, Yun Chuan’s move was so fast that even Yun Tian couldn’t have time to respond.

Looking back, he feels his heart sinks. A flash of consternation and shock passes through Yun Tian’s eyes, which, though so instantaneously, is clearly caught by Yun Cheng, which further confirms his speculation.

“The late-stage of Body Cultivation!”

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The faint smile on Yun Tian’s face disappears at the moment. He gasps in astonishment at the scene and murmurs: “How can he promote himself so fast? Even for me, I’m not sure that whether I can resist his move just now...”

He looks at Yun Cheng again. Previously, half of Yun Cheng’s teeth have already been broken by Yun Chuan; and today, he gets slapped by him again. Now there is no tooth in his mouth, and his chin looks as dry and shriveled as the bark of an old tree, which is extremely miserable and funny.

“What the hell you are!”

Yun Chuan snorts coldly and walks slowly towards Yun Cheng with a tone full of intention to kill: “A dog like you, dare to bark in front of me?”

In an instant, everyone around becomes silent like a cicada in cold weather. Looking at Yun Chuan walking towards him step by step, Yun Cheng curls up fearfully with tears and mucus running down his face. He looks at Yun Tian and pleads: “Elder Brother Yun Tian...”

Yun Tian’s look changes, and suddenly he says with a smile, “Brother Yun Chuan, for the sake of me, let Yun Cheng...”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

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Before Yun Tian’s words are finished, he hears several teeth-souring sounds of bone fracture, which are followed by Yun Cheng’s miserable scream.

Right now Yun Chuan has just raised his feet. Before Yun Tian’s words come out, he has quickly crushed all the bones on Yun Cheng’s arms and thighs.

Hearing Yun Tian’s words, Yun Chuan shows a look of consternation and stamps his feet repeatedly as if he is very distressed about the result: “Brother Yun Tian, why didn’t you say it earlier? Alas, if you had said earlier, how could I not save your face, Brother Yun Tian? Now I’ve made a big mistake. By the way, I believe that Elder Brother will not blame me for this, right?”

Yun Chuan now wears an expression of self-reproach, but his feet were just now stamping on the face of Yuncheng, who fell on the ground, wailing. Looking at the big footprints on Yun Cheng’s face, Yun Tian cannot help but twitch his face and says with a dry smile, “Of course not, what are you talking about, Brother Yun Chuan? Yun Cheng’s injury is not serious; a short rest will be enough for him to recover.”

At the moment, Yun Cheng winces in pain while tears and mucus are running down his face with his swollen pig-head-like face, and he is completely frightened. Lifted up by others, he immediately shivers at Yun Chuan’s words and then barely shows a smile uglier than crying: “Yes, my injury is not serious, not serious at all.”

“That’s good.” Yunchuan sighs and answers: “Otherwise I will be very upset. Fortunately, it’s not a big mistake. In that case, I’ll go back first. By the way, Qing’er, come here with me.”

Yun Qing’er looks puzzled. She follows Yun Chuan to his courtyard and asks curiously, “Brother Chuan, why do you ask me to be here?”

Yun Chuan says nothing. Suddenly, his whole body is full of original force – he releases the Primordial Seal of Heaven-conversing and several original-force-formed arms grow on his back. He explains with a smile to the girl: “This is one of the gains I’ve made in my visit to the Tomb of Dhyana, and it’s called the Primordial Seal of Heaven-conversing. It will benefit your strength a lot, and I’ll help you master it.”

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After hearing Yun Chuan’s introduction to this martial skill, Yun Qing’er is both surprised and pleased. If she can cultivate it successfully, her strength will be nearly doubled by this martial skill. But at the next moment, the girl seems to think of something, and she becomes puzzled. She asks the boy less confidently: “Brother Chuan, according to what you said, many people just failed to master the real cultivation method of this martial skill before...Can I do that?”

With a confident smile Yun Chuan says: “I have now realized the perfect-stage of this martial skill and been a thorough master of it. There will be no problem with your cultivation with my personal guidance at all, and it only takes a few days to learn. Trust me.”

Then the training gets started, and Yun Chuan talks freely about the skill. He has a perfect understanding of this skill, so it can be said that he has analyzed and understood this skill completely and thoroughly; that’s why he can promise the girl without any restraint.

With the guidance of Yun Chuan, Yun Qing’er naturally avoids many detours. Whenever Yun Qing’er makes a mistake, Yun Chuan will correct it immediately. What’s more, this really intelligent girl is of the third-level blood, which is only inferior to Yun Tian in the whole clan. Therefore, with only more than one day’s effort, she has realized the insight-stage of this martial skill.

Yun Chuan closes his eyes, puts one hand on the girl’s snow-white wrist and adjusts her skeletal posture. The other hand, however, is placed on the girl’s Dantian across the air. By doing this, his original force keeps surging up and seeping into Yun Qinger’s body, thus guiding the movement of original force in her body.

“Yun Chuan!”

Suddenly a voice with a little suppressed anger comes from the outside, and then the gate of the courtyard explodes with its pieces.

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Yun Chuan opens his eyes, only to see that the Grand Master Yun Luoshan, and the elder master Yun Qiyang are standing outside the gate. Yun Luoshan’s goatee even shakes under his great anger. He points to Yun Chuan but cannot speak a word. A moment later, he bursts out shouts furiously: “Vile spawn, you wanna piss me off?”

Staring at them two, Yun Qiyang also can’t hold back his anger and shouts in a rage: “How shameless!”

When Yun Luoshan looks into the courtyard at the first sight, he sees Yun Chuan holding Yun Qing’er’s hand and putting the other hand on the girl’s belly. While Yun Qing’er, his daughter, also closes her eyes with a faintly red face, and her eyelashes keep quivering slightly. The posture of these two is extremely romantic and ambiguous.

Yun Chuan doubts a little bit, but the next moment when he sees the posture of Yun Qing’er and himself, he suddenly understands. No wonder Yun Luoshan thinks it wrong. He takes the original force back from Yun Qing’er’s body and explains awkwardly: “Grand Master, it’s not what you see. It’s just a misunderstanding...”

Yun Qing’er’s pretty face turns red again. She runs to the side of Yun Luoshan and says haltingly, “Father, it’s not what you see. Brother Chuan is teaching me a martial skill.”

“Well, teaching a martial skill? What kind of martial skill causes my daughter to live in someone’s house for several days? Qing’er, you’ve grown up. Although as a father I will not interfere with you too much in your personal emotion, you can’t do such kind of things. Teach a martial skill, perfect! Then explain to me why Yun Chuan needs to seize your wrist!”

“Dad, you misunderstood us. Brother Chuan is checking my bones and correcting my skeletal posture...” Yun Qing’er whispers with an even redder face.

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