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As soon as Charz left his spaceship to confront the space pirates, he was surrounded after going few hundred metres away from the ship. All of the pirates were looking at Charz like if he was a lamb for the slaughter that just willing offered himself up. They were also shocked to see that the person piloting the ship was just a mere child.

"Hey, kid where's your parents, did you get lost or something, do you want this group of uncles help you look for them or return home." The captain said as he looked at the child in front of him. He was sending his messages to Charz using special electromagnetic waves that transfer the message to the ears.

The technique was similar to using Ki to transmit messages to anywhere or person without having to make a sound or gesture. But the technique used by the pirate captain was way cruder and it only pitched the message into the person's ears but along with a lot of interference.

It was shocking that a small child could actually pilot a spaceship and even fly out of the spaceship and float in space without any suit or technology, with what only appeared to be a shell or bubble of energy surrounding the child. This made the captain very wary about the said child as this was not normal in any sense of the word.

He further scrutinized the child and noticed a tail not so obvious behind the child. The energy bubble hindered his vision a little but he was sure he saw a tail. Upon seeing the tail the captain pondered on which race had a monkey like tail, before he remembered the Saiyans.

But he knew that the Saiyans didn't operate in this part of the universe so what was he doing in this area wondered the captain. Before he could question why a Saiyan would be in that kind of spaceship and not a space pod and more importantly traveling near the Galactic Patrols' area the kid spoke.

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As Charz heard the message and saw the evil smirks displayed on the pirates face he decided to clean up this mess fast as he could only stay in space with this technique for a few minutes. So he said using the Ki technique "I know what you are and I will not waste my time with your nonsense prepare die", afterwards Charz launched himself to the closest pirate and punched a hole through his stomach.

The words the child said startled the captain and his crew and just when he was about to say something the scene of Charz punching a hole through the chest of one of his crew members utterly shocked him. He was stunned by the brutality for a few seconds before he got back to himself and ordered "Kill him use all the weapons available don't hold anything back. You will regret what you have done, no one messes with me Captain Beard of the Fire Bear pirate gang."

With that the pirates started to launch their attacks on Charz but in the time they were stunned Charz had killed another two out of the twenty pirates in the gang. With the firing of their energy weapons a host of attacks came to Charz from the front, looking at the attacks Charz realized that he had little to no combat experience. Charz then decided to train up a bit by dodging the attacks and personally killing the pirates in close combat to get a feel of a real battle, even though this would be a one-sided slaughter.

Charz kept his strength to a minimum so he could experience all the changes and situation that happens on a battlefield. With that he started dodging and attacking, at first he could not avoid all of the energy attacks because it was his first real battle and not a play or game. But with his strong body and energy shell the attacks were like drops of water in an ocean meaningless.

This only lead to the nightmare of the pirate band and as Charz kept attacking he got lost in the fervor and enticement of killing and all that was on his mind was the beautiful flowers of blood that blossomed when he killed a pirate.

"Impossible the attacks do nothing to him and he's killing us like flies we got to get out of here he's a demon, a demon." One of the pirates said as he apparently couldn't handle the reality of the situation and started to flee.

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"Stand your ground it's just a little kid I'm sure whatever technique or equipment he has can't last long we just have to keep firing" the captain said as he himself knew it as a big lie to buy himself sometime to make an escape. But unlike what he thought the members of the gang did not listen to anything he had to say and started escaping in every direction.

But this did not do anything to change the situation but in fact hastened their demise since there was no more attacks coming to Charz. The captain looked at the wanton slaughter of his subordinates with despair filling his heart.

Without him noticing he was the only left alive among his crew. With the reality of the situation facing him captain beard knew he would not leave this situation alive, so he decided to end everything together with the assailant.

Reaching out to a compartment on his suit the captain pulled out one of his prized possession, high concentrated energy explosives. He had got this as loot when he was doing a big operation against members of the Galactic Patrol with other pirate gangs. He kept them for desperate times as far as he could see this was one of those times.

Before he could charge to the enemy Charz appeared right before him, though startled captain beard triggered the bombs in his possession. As the blast was beginning to enlarge and swallow him captain beard was relaxed, he had a smile on his face as he knew the kid couldn't escape the blast from such a close distance. He slowly closed his eyes as he waited for death's embrace.

The captain waited for the pain of the explosion and relief of death to wash over him, but after waiting for a few seconds without feeling any pain or falling into eternal sleep the captain slowly opened his eyes.

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What came into the captain's vision was the child standing right there right in front him, the explosion that was supposed to engulf the child and him was right there in front of his face also, but there was something wrong with it.

As the captain was trying to figure out what was wrong with the ball of energy in his vision he noticed it was getting smaller. That's it, the ball of energy released from the bomb was not savage and volatile, it was docile and gentle slowly becoming smaller and smaller. The captain watched as the ball of energy became as small as a seed in the hand of the child, before the child calmly closed his hand. When he opened it again the ball of energy was no more, it was crushed to nothingness by the child.

Horror filled the face of the captain as he watched that scene play out before his eyes. That was a high explosive bomb, it could put a spaceship directly out of commission if placed in the right places. As those thoughts were racing across his mind, his heart was continuously filled with dread.

As this was happening Charz who had lost himself in the battle frenzy when he killed the pirates was finally awoken from the frenzy by the high explosive bomb. The initial blast shocked him out of his trance and before the blast could enlarge and engulf him and the pirate, he enveloped his hand with his energy before grabbing at the expanding sphere of energy.

With his power Charz slowly engulfed the ball with his own energy and slowly compressed it in his hands, after compressing the energy into to a bean he crushed with his overwhelming strength. After crushing the energy Charz looked at the pirate captain who seemingly lost all his wits from everything that happened so far.

Charz simply made an extremely thin Ki blade and pierced the heart of the captain before flying to the pirates' spaceship. Upon entering the ship through the airlock Charz noticed that the ship was not as advanced as his from material used on the ship and after exploring the bridge he noticed their equipment was quite lacking too.

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Charz thought that since this was a pirate ship, there were bound to be booties somewhere so searched the entire ship inside out at the prospect of treasure. After breaking through some heavy duty doors and locks, lo and behold Charz found the treasury. Inside of it was filled with what appeared to be currency of some sort and equipment scavenged from other ships and star travelers.

Charz swept everything into his storage before leaving the ship, not wanting to leave any evidence in case of future troubles Charz obliterated the ship along with the members of the pirate gang. Worthy to note was that on his way searching for the treasury Charz found the armoury of the ship. Inside of the room were the extra blasters and space suits of the pirate gang.

Charz totally by passed the blasters as he clearly understood what they were and their performance. It was completely unnecessary for him and the Saiyans to use this since they mostly focused on training their bodies and raising their energy levels.

What interested Charz was the space suit that the pirates wore. They were not like those suits Charz saw in his old world big, baggy with a lot of weight which are very burdensome. These suits were slim, sleek and thin in design. It looked similar to one of iron man's armour just not as high tech as it since no one needed support to fly or attack.

Charz tried on one of the suits to see the various specifications it had on it because he found it very practical to use in space in fights. The results astounded Charz as he went through the information on the suits.

It was a simple suit which provided the user to breathe in the oxygen deficient environments, absence oxygen and environment with a lot of impurities in the air. There was even a small module on each of the suits that linked them together to form a small communication channel in case of separation or the inability to speak in certain areas.

Even though it wasn't some breakthrough technology for others it was priceless for Charz as fighting in space was the Saiyans kryptonite. Like earthlings and some other races in the universe Saiyans needed oxygen to survive preventing them from having battles in space and severely limiting them to the planets' surfaces which could be destroyed during battle.

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