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Curious about the aura, Charz went out of the ship and explored the planet. Charz flew over one of the oceans heading to the nearest continent, as he approached the continent Charz got a weird vibe from it. Charz felt the continent was push him away trying to keep him from reaching land, as he got closer Charz felt a wave pass through his body for a second before leaving it instantly. After the mysterious wave swept through him, Charz felt that the feeling of being repelled from the continent disappeared along with any weird aura.

Upon reaching the continent Charz flew around the edge a bit and discovered strange runes etched onto the ground of the continent. The runes were of foreign language unknown to Charz as he tried recalling but failed to remember seeing or gaining knowledge of any such runes.

When Charz focused on the runes seriously for a minute he discovered that the aura it gave off was similar in feeling to one he felt when approaching the island and like the wave that passed through his body.

"So this is responsible for the rejection and acceptance of creatures or guess on this island" Charz said as he looked at the mysterious runes before flying to the center of the continent. Charz only realized how big the planet was after trying, he flew for one entire day without any hints or clues showing that he was near the center of the continent.

Charz had to return to his ship and use the speed of his ship to go to the center of the continent, he was relatively lucky earlier to land extremely near to the continent. If he had landed further away it would have taken him an extremely long time to reach the continent.

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As Charz was flying through the air he noticed that there was some interference happening on the continent, which either lengthened the distance of the continent or slowed the speed of all organic organisms or both.

It took Char a few minutes by ship to reach the centre of the continent, from his observation the continent was a mixture of many biomes, it easily transition from mountain and hills to plains and jungles.

As he got closer to the centre Charz saw some broken remnants of structures on his path, may be because of time everything looked like rocks now or was too eroded to guess its original appearance. In the centre of the continent was a large circular mountain range, the mountain range ran 10 kilometres in each direction with a slightly elevated flat plain in the middle of it with what appeared to be ruins.

From the air the scene looked like a barrier or ring of mountains surrounding the city in its centre. Charz approached the ruins of the city and started to examine them for clues that could tell what happened. From the looks of it and the evidence Charz collected it seemed that the city was partially destroyed due to a war or fight and afterwards left to decay and degrade.

Charz couldn't tell how long ago it was but knew it was a very long time from what he could see. As Charz approached the centre of the city the signs of battle were more intense, leading him to believe the fight was started in the centre of the city. As Charz came upon the city centre ruins, the devastation of the battle was intense with a gigantic crater in the area and practically nothing within it or immediately around it.

"What really happened here" Charz thought as he examined the ruins, as he was doing so he discovered a weak Ki signature being emitted from a pile of debris. Inquisitive about the signature Charz cautiously removed the debris one by one, as he was doing that a piece of fist sized jade-like rock from its looks rolled down from somewhere and landed at his feet.

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At first Charz thought it was something suspicious or a creature so he jumped back and almost blasted it with his Ki. It was not until a few seconds after that he noticed it was a piece of rock which looked extremely similar to jade.

Charz noticed that the weak Ki signature was being emitted by the jade-like rock, being cautious and curious Charz slowly bent and reached for the rock. Not seeing anything attack him when he was a few inches away Charz tried to pick up the rock.

But as soon as Charz touched the rock a weak wave passed through his body from the rock. Quick to react Charz dropped the rock and retreated a good distance for safety, but the rock after being dropped floated in the air and projected the silhouette of a person.

The person looked about 3 metres tall and extremely buff, he had his back turned to Charz for a second before turning around and facing him. Charz was on his guard as he saw the man turned around but he noticed the man was not looking at him but in his direction and the projection was fuzzy, so he relaxed himself.

The man looked in Charz's direction and started speaking, "If you are watching this then the Titan civilization has come to an end. On this memory jade are all the knowledge, culture and techniques of the Titans and the reasons for our fall, I ask you not to let our knowledge and techniques be lost in the sands of time." The projection slowly disappeared, while a beam of light flew from the rock and entered Charz head.

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The memory jade crumbled to pieces after everything was over, the only evidence of it being the dust that was just blown away in the wind. Charz was now dazed by the amount of information that was transmitted into his brain, it was the information of an entire civilization.

Realizing the length and complexity of the information Charz went into his ship and into his meditation form to process it the information he received, he knew it would take a long time to process so he preferred the safety of his ship before he understands everything.


1 month later

Charz who sat in a meditation for a long time started to move. In the month that Charz used to process the information received he did not move, other than placing one sensu bean in his mouth to prevent himself from dying of starvation.

Charz in the one month of time processed and categorized the information received by him. They were classified into mental folders such as: techniques, technology, culture, resources, military, civil, calamity, planetary relations and war.

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After processing the information for a month Charz finally learned what happened on this planet and the reason for the fall of the civilization. This planet had two sister planets namely, planets Humirius and Monirius. Out of the three planets only Humirius and Dragirius had intelligent civilizations.

The three planets were rich resource planets with Monirius having the most and Dragirius having the least amount of resources out of the three. Planet Humirius on one hand had no aggressive fauna on the entire planet while on the other Dragirius and Monirius was filled with aggressive beasts and monsters of various strengths.

The titans on Dragirius was always fighting with the beasts leading to their civilization taking on a more savage and barbaric approach, while the Dwarves of Humirius had no enemy on the planet resulting in the quick growth of their civilization with rich natural resources to aid. While the beasts on Monirius was populating the planet, establishing a true kill or be killed world unknown to everyone.

Over a long period of time the titans became more physically able to fight the beasts with their bodies while the Dwarves were like the humans of earth without any physical advantage other than their highly developed brain which led to increase intelligence across the race. They were of a short stature, with muscular arms and legs though it was not ideal for them to fight barehanded. The titans were on arverage 4.5 metres tall with the shortest being 3 metres and the tallest being 5 metres, they had rippling muscles and long limbs which significantly helped them in fighting off the beasts.

The civilization on Humirius was starting to approach the Space Age, while the titans on Dragirius were now entering the Iron Age. When the Dwarves of Humirius launched their first space shuttle and made contact with the titans there was friction at first before they joined hand against the beasts that plagued the planet.

With the help of the Dwarves and their technology the titan civilization was catching up and beginning to seriously weed out the beasts on the planet. In a few years the titans would have seen the eradication of the beasts and the Dwarves were starting to set their sights on the rich planet of Monirius and its resources.

The civilizations were doing great until Calamity struck. In the form of weird and extremely large asteroids that suddenly appeared in space undetected on course to the planets. Without any preparations or defense from the two civilizations the asteroids struck the three planets.

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