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3 Years later

End of the Training Camp

3 Years had gone by in a flash hardly anybody noticed as everyone was focused on training and raising their battle power. Due to Charz's influence, the training camp that happened these 3 years could be described as one of the most successful training camp when it came to the rate of improvement and overall improvement of the entire group of Saiyan children.

The average saiyan in the training camp this year at least doubled their Battle power after the 3 years of harsh training while the more talented ones almost tripled it. That was at least 800 and 1500 respectively. When looking at the previous generations this generation of Saiyans was predicted to be one of the best with a guarantee that all Saiyans present had a higher chance to promote to high-class Saiyans upon becoming an adult.

That was around a thousand Saiyans with over 5000 in Battle power, this would be a shocking new force for the warmongering Saiyans that could be sent out for high-level missions and this was all caused because of one boy dominating the tournaments in the training camp.

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The instructor of the camp thought about the young boy and could not help but sigh 'If we had more young men like him the Saiyan race would be a whole lot stronger and maybe the Saiyan race would not be subjected to being mere lapdogs of Frieza and the Frost Demon race'.

The entire process of what happened in the training camp was reported to King Vegeta who upon hearing news was very excited, this was a new batch of elites for his army and a new direction for his race. He immediately called all instructors and told them to implement a new training program following how the young Saiyans trained in this batch in the future training camps and to increase the rewards of the tournament to greatly motivate the Saiyans and to do the same with the high-level Saiyan children.

Meanwhile Charz himself was returning to his home for the first time in 3 years and he was a little excited to see his mother and father as he missed them when he was undergoing the training. He did occasionally appear around the house to see what they were doing when he escaped to train on different planets but he hardly saw them and that was not the same as seeing up close and speaking to them. 'I really wonder if they are home I don't want to go on my first mission alone without informing them about everything that happened at the training camp and asking how they were doing in the time I was away.'

In his time in the training camp Charz became somewhat of an idol in the young Saiyan eyes, as he exhibited the feature that saiyans adored the most and that was strength unparalleled strength. In the camp he always ensured that his battle power was never far above his peers always keeping it within the range of 100 battle power.

But that just caused the young Saiyans to admire him more and more since he showcased that even those who had a battle power close to him could not defeat him in a fight and could only accept defeat and surrender. This led to the young Saiyans adhering to anything he said during the training camp and following it to the T.

The young Saiyans respected Charz more than they respected their own King, to them they never saw King Vegeta and only heard about from the adults but Charz was much closer to them he was their peer. They even believed that when Charz got older he would be able to defeat King Vegeta in a fight and be able to take the crown from him standing as the new king of the Saiyans.

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But they just kept it to themselves because they knew how the adult would act if they found them saying such thing and they knew it would bring trouble on Charz if King Vegeta heard it. So they just silently cheered in their hearts for this future King.

Charz's power increased significantly after the 3 years of training, he went around to different planet testing his various abilities and trying out his power. His battle power soared to a 150,000 after the 3 years of labour intensive training. His Blood Rage ability allowed him his strength to increase by a factor of X3 when activated but it could only last for an hour or two.

This was not an increase in just strength but reaction time, movement speed, thinking speed and attack speed. This was due to the increase in the blood flow of blood around his body which increased the amount of oxygen each cell absorbed in every cycle in circulation which led to their increased performance and the amount of pressure and work they could handle without breaking down.

With his instant transmission the amount of planets he could sense was astronomical. As one of his main objectives since the start of this training Charz has been jumping around from planet to planet trying to find the best route from planet Vegeta to Earth with the shortest amount of time.

He had long since known the coordinates of Earth and which direction to take to transport to Earth he just had to confirm his route and make adequate preparations. When he thought about Earth he could not help but smile, Bulma should be borne by now, only she would just be an infant.

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'I had always liked Bulma as she was one of the longest running character in the Dragon Ball series other than Goku. When I first watched the anime I had thought that she and Goku would have got married but Chi-Chi unexpectedly came and brought a ridiculous reason for her and Goku to get married.

It was crazy, like really, if Goku had to take responsibility for all the girls he touched or had seen naked in his childhood he would have a harem comparable to kings. So the reason of responsibility was a stupid one to me and even more mind boggling was Vegeta being with Bulma.

It was totally wrong like seriously the Saiyan who abhorred the thought of inter-species breeding went and had a child with a human, really and Bulma who wanted a romantic partner ends up with the uncaring and cold Vegeta. I like trunks as a character in the series but his parents was a totally wrong combination.

It was like in Harry Potter where everybody thought Harry and Hermione would have gotten together but was then shocked badly when Ron miraculously ends up with Hermione for no reason at all and Harry ended up with Ron's little sister who just jumps into the picture from nowhere with that little bit of screen time introduction on her it was stupid.

So I decided to change things around this time I would take Bulma and give her what she wants as for Vegeta he could have tights since she barely had screen time it would not affect things as much.

As those thought ran through his head Charz had already arrived at his home the lights were on in his house meaning his parents or at least one of them are home right now.

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Trying to make a grand entrance he burst through the front door and straight into the living room and shouted "I'm Back", only to not get the reply he expected and to see 8 other Saiyans in the living room with a serious face with a solemn atmosphere.

"Ahhaha, sorry please forgive my rude interruption, continue with whatever you were discussing don't mind me" Charz said as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand before bowing in apology to everyone in the room before making a dash upstairs to his room.

But before he could move far he heard his father voice, "This concerns you too come here, sit and listen we would like to a your opinion on some matters you are not a child anymore you will be going on your first mission soon so come here and have a seat"

Listening to the tone Charz knew his father was serious as this was the first time he sounded like that all other times we would be in a normal slightly jovial or slightly serious mood but not as serious as this. This concerned Charz, as he wondered what would make these Saiyans so serious giving of such a solemn atmosphere.

'Is it Frieza did they discover something about Frieza or his plot to destroy the Saiyans or is it something else that's got them looking so grave' Charz thought as he came back to the living room and sat on a couch at the edge not daring to speak out of turn and ask what is the issue since he didn't want to be scolded for being impolite.

"Are you sure" said one of the Saiyans to Artichoke and Lena as he motioned at Charz.

"This concerns everyone so it shouldn't be a problem and I'm sure he mature enough to handle it, if not we will see" said Artichoke while Lena remained silent with a serious expression on her face.

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