Chapter 11: Committing Crimes and Misdeeds

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Gu Yunru watched with great interest behind Rong Zhen, not daring to look away. Cuihua brought over a tea pot and said in a cute manner, ”Big brother, have some tea.”

”Okay, thank you,” Rong Zhen replied.

Just as Gu Yunru thought Rong Zhen was truly enjoying himself in the game of hanging horses, there was suddenly a commotion at the table. Rong Zhen slammed his hand on the table, startling everyone and causing them to back away. Gu Yunru, who had not yet swallowed her tea, quickly stood up and sensed a strong sense of killing intent from Rong Zhen’s sharp and fierce gaze, along with a king-like attitude that looked down upon the world.

”Are you okay, Ah zhao?” Gu Yunru whispered carefully behind him, but just then one of the middle-aged men who had been hanging horses with him rolled up his sleeves and cursed,

”Can’t you handle losing? If you can’t handle it, don’t come here.”

”Yeah, you’re ruining our fun!”

Although they were a few meters away, their threatening words could still be heard clearly. Gu Yunru knew that once Rong Zhen became angry, there was nothing that could stop him.

”Misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding…Ah zhao!!”

Gu Yunru’s voice was soft and pleasant, hoping to soothe the restless anger in his heart. The closer she got to him, the more she could feel it.

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Rong Zhen slowly released his tightly clenched fist and changed to a new table, starting a new game. Gu Yunru followed closely behind him. She thought of Qingfeng’s words,

”If you lose track of him for even a moment, he will go crazy.”

”Um, everyone please place your bets again.”

Gu Yunru’s face squeezed out an awkward smile, scanning the slightly nervous gazes of everyone at the table.

”I don’t want to play anymore, it’s boring.”

Rongzhen had never stayed up so late playing games before and gradually lost interest in playing horse-hanging. As he walked out without saying a word, several middle-aged men surrounded him.

“You can’t leave, you still owe us money!” one of them said.

“Yeah, are you trying to cheat us?” another chimed in.

Gu Yunru’s face turned white. How could the illustrious Prince Zhao owe money and not pay up?

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“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. The money is with me,” Gu Yunru quickly stepped in to defuse the situation. If they kept this up, they might end up leaving in a coffin.

As Gu Yunru tugged at the money pouch, Rongzhen, who didn’t look very happy, probably hadn’t tasted defeat yet. It was partly her fault for not taking care of these people earlier. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left in disappointment.

While Gu Yunru was struggling with the money pouch, two men with shifty eyes and a strong desire for money noticed the simple and sturdy jade pendant on Rongzhen’s waist. They had been in debt to others for a long time in the horse-hanging house, so when they saw Rongzhen, they had already started scheming.

After bidding farewell to the shopkeeper, Gu Yunru and Rongzhen walked on the deserted street under the moonlight. Gu Yunru couldn’t help but exhale a puff of hot air and turned her head to look at Rongzhen. He still looked gloomy and walked with his arms folded.

“Hey, you never told me you couldn’t afford to lose,” she said, rubbing her arm against his.

“When have I ever lost? I just can’t stand those despicable tricks,” Rongzhen replied with a haughty tone.


Gu Yunru still didn’t understand what he meant when she heard a series of hurried footsteps. She turned her head and saw two masked men in black blocking their way.

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“Do you know who we are?” one of them said.

Gu Yunru looked at the two black-clad men who suddenly appeared and guessed they had been following them for a while.

“As long as you hand over your money, we’ll spare your lives!” the other said.

One of the taller men spoke up, and Gu Yunruo couldn’t help but feel regretful that they were being robbed.

“Yes, we’ve been following you for a while since the Ma Diao Inn. Hurry up and hand over your money! Otherwise, my knife won’t be too picky.”

Both men revealed sharp knives hidden in their sleeves, thinking that they could intimidate them with these weapons.

Rong Zhen’s eyebrows furrowed, and his powerful aura was palpable. The two brothers became enraged and insisted on provoking him.

“If you don’t hand it over, don’t blame us for being impolite!”

The two brothers shouted, but they didn’t expect these two people to stand their ground. Especially the slender figure, who even looked at them with a mocking gaze. Enough was enough!

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The two men charged forward, and Rong Zhen threw a punch that quickly landed on their faces with the force of the wind. The two were hit so hard that they saw stars, and they didn’t even know when the punch had come.

“Mercy, sir, have mercy!”

The taller man was more sensible and quickly knelt on the ground, knowing that they had messed with the wrong people this time.

“Get lost!”

Rong Zhen couldn’t be bothered to waste any more time with the two men and his eyes were cold.

“Be careful!”

Gu Yunruo saw a black figure standing on the eaves holding a bamboo tube and blowing something she didn’t recognize. She didn’t have time to think and rushed to stand in front of him.

When the black figure saw Gu Yunruo rushing towards him, he quickly disappeared into the night. Gu Yunruo’s face turned slightly pale, and her eyes blacked out as she fell softly into his arms.

“Hey, you…”

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