Chapter 13: Using Poison to Fight

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Gu Junyao and her sister originally came to watch the show, but they never expected to be shut outside.

The two sisters stood at the door, seething with anger.

“Alright, sister, don’t be angry. Gu Yunru should be fine. If she really died, there would be mourning inside.”

Gu Junyue also hoped to hear news of the funeral, but Gu Yunru must not die at this time.

“Hmph, I don’t think Gu Yunru has any reason to escape from the prince Wang Mansion this time. Let’s spread the news that she is sharing a room with His Highness Zhao Wang, and this marriage will be set in stone.”

“Sister is really clever, and I just thought of that too.”

The two sisters agreed on this dirty trick, showing that they could even think of such things together. They truly were biological sisters.

The next day, Gu Yunru woke up from a daze and looked around with extremely sore eyes.

Qingyu walked in with tea, and her eyes were evaluating. She heard that this was the Miss of the Gu family who was about to enter the mansion, and Qingyu was still somewhat envious.

“Where am I?”

Gu Yunru saw the beautiful and elegant maid, and despite her chilly demeanor, she couldn’t help but ask.

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“This is the prince Zhao Mansion. His Highness has arranged this warm pavilion for you, with a quiet environment and no one will disturb you.”

“I see. So, what is my current situation?”

“You are safe now, but you caused a lot of trouble for our master. He collapsed on his sickbed and hasn’t opened his eyes for the past two days. He almost went to the underworld!”

Gu Yunru could sense a touch of resentment emanating from her. No wonder she had a cold face when she just entered. It turned out that Rong Zhen had taken a risk for her.

“I’ll go check on him,” she said, preparing to get up. But just as she lifted her shoulder, Qingyu pressed it down.

“Forget it, the Prince doesn’t want you to get into any more trouble. If you’re able to move around, go back home. People are already talking outside about what happened even before you entered the door. It’s not good for the Prince’s reputation.”

Qingyu’s tone was harsh, and Gu Yunru could sense that she wasn’t happy. She noticed that Qingyu’s eyes lit up when she mentioned Rong Zhen, and her expression seemed like that of a rival.

“You keep mentioning the Prince. He must be really important to you.”

“Of course, he saved my life. You can cure our Prince’s illness, but now you’re just causing trouble for him.”

Gu Yunru breathed heavily and gritted her teeth. Despite her illness, she had made it to Rong Zhen’s room.

This room was a place where not even the emperor could step foot in. Qingyu watched her enter with jealousy growing in her eyes. She remembered when she first came to the mansion, she wanted to take care of him closely, but she was coldly rebuffed. She felt hurt for several months until she found out about Rong Zhen’s quirks. She settled down as a second-class maid. But now, this young lady from the Gu family had walked into his room without a care in the world.

Who else in this world could be treated this way?

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Gu Yunru tightened her cloak and approached Rong Zhen’s bed.

“Ah zhao?” she softly called out. Rong Zhen was sweating profusely. Gu Yunru took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped his forehead.

“Ah zhao, everything will be alright.”

Looking at Rong Zhen still unconscious, Gu Yunru felt as if she had been stabbed in the heart, thinking of that night, the person had clearly come prepared.

She heard him murmuring and at that moment he was most vulnerable.

Gu Yunru slowly approached his mouth, but this scene was seen by Qingyu outside the door, who gritted her teeth and clenched her fists until they turned white.

She had wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation, but she didn’t expect Rong Zhen to suddenly open his eyes. Gu Yunru was so scared that she lost her balance and fell into his muscular chest.

“Are you… are you okay?”

Gu Yunru panicked and stood up, almost jumping out of her skin. Was he intentionally saying those dream words to make her come closer?

“Who let you in?”

Gu Yunru didn’t expect Rong Zhen’s first words to be an accusation.

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“I came here to check on you out of goodwill. There’s not a single servant in the room. How can this be?”

Ignoring his darkened gaze, Gu Yunru walked to the door and clapped her hands, but no servant came.

This was strange. There should have been servants.

“No need to call them. I like it quiet. You should go back too.”

Rong Zhen’s magnetic voice sounded, and Gu Yunru forced a smile and turned her head. “I also want to go back, but I guess our situation is too complicated now. I have to treat your illness first.”

“Are you in such a hurry to separate from me?”

Rong zhen turned his head, and his ink-like black shiny eyes showed some sorrow. Gu Yunru thought he was distracted and looked again. Rong zhen’s eyes were as calm as still water.

“Physician’s heart is like that of a parent, I cannot just ignore you,” said Gu Yunru. She was proud of herself and approached the bed, not saying a word, and checked his pulse.

Rong zhen’s eyes were full of surprise and disbelief. If an ordinary servant got this close to him, they would have been kicked a hundred meters away. But for Gu Yunru, he could not bring himself to be harsh.

“The heart and pulse are severely damaged, and there is a blockage of stagnant blood. I need to give you a few injections,” said Gu Yunru.

“No, Li Taiyi can handle it,” replied Rong zhen.

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“Li Taiyi? No, I am your personal physician. I can treat both heart and body ailments. The medications prescribed by two physicians may conflict with each other, and you have to choose one,” said Gu Yunru.

Hearing that Li Taiyi had stolen her business, Gu Yunru gritted her teeth silently.

“It’s just a broken body,” Rong zhen said in a negative mood.

Seeing Rong zhen’s negative attitude, Gu Yunru encouraged him with a sunny face, “No, at least you don’t have to sit in a wheelchair now. This is a small step towards recovery, and the mindset is also crucial.”

“I am not as heartless as you,” Rong zhen said suddenly, complaining.

Hearing this, Gu Yunru pulled a face and said, “This is a manifestation of a healthy and positive mindset. You are just too negative. The room is pitch black. How can you see anything?”

Gu Yunru had noticed that the decorations in his room were dark and gloomy. Staying in such a dim room for a long time would make anyone have evil thoughts.

Rong zhen felt a glaring light coming in and quickly closed his eyes. Without his consent, Gu Yunru pulled down all the black curtains and asked the two maids outside to remove everything.

If it were an ordinary day, Rong zhen would have ensured that Gu Yunru would not leave the place alive. “Ding ding ding! Success! The sunlight is coming in, making it comfortable and warm,” said Gu Yunru.

During this time, Gu Yunru saw a lot of swords and knives in a bookcase nearby. These green-light swords were quite old, covered with layers of dust. Rong zhen had not been to war for several years and was too lazy to manage them, but he did not allow anyone to touch them. It was really strange.

“This red tassel spear looks pretty!”

Gu Yunru’s gaze was drawn away by a red-tasseled spear standing upright at one side.

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