Chapter 15: The Secret That Cannot Be Touched

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Gu Yunru buried the fragments of the bottle in the backyard. Since Rong Zhen didn’t want to see this thing, she would help him clean it up.

As the wedding date of the couple approached, Rong Zhen seemed to have no changes at all. Gu Yunru couldn’t help feeling a little afraid when she recalled his anger from last time.

After two days of idleness at home, the nanny from Zhuangzi finally arrived at the Gu mansion.



Gu Yunru ran to the door to greet the nanny’s arrival. The nanny was rather thin and looked about fifty years old with a few silver hairs by her ears, which made her appear somewhat worn-out.

Fortunately, Gu yiniang did not play tricks on her and finally brought the nanny over. Gu Yunru looked at the nanny and was extremely happy, but she didn’t want her to notice any flaws.

“Miss, I heard that you’re going to be the Princess Zhao soon. What a great blessing!”

Gu Yunru helped the nanny into the house and heard her mention Rong Zhen, which made her feel a bit overwhelmed.

“Nanny, please don’t say that. This is not an easy marriage. They want me to be a scapegoat.”

“What, a scapegoat?”

The nanny was a simple-minded person from the countryside and had no idea of the schemes in this mansion.

“I’ll tell you more later, nanny. You must be tired. I’ll have Qingxiang prepare a room for you and some clothes and accessories. You should go take a look.”

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“Miss, I come from a poor family and don’t need such good things.”

“This is the Gu mansion. You don’t have to be shy. We can’t let others look down on us.”

“Uh… okay.”

Gu Yunru sat in the yard, watching the birds and daydreaming. Qingxiang ran over panting.

“Miss, the Prince Zhao has arrived…”

“He’s here?”

“Yes, he’s in the front hall having tea with the old master.”

Grandfather Gu had been smiling all along because of the incident with the bottle, fearing that the Prince Zhao would mention it.

“I see, I’ll go right away.”

Gu Yunru counted the days left until the wedding, and Rong Zhen had almost recovered from the poison. She didn’t know if the psychological issues had been resolved. As she passed through the garden, she heard a sinister laugh.

“It seems that the Prince Zhao is eager to marry you, sister. There are several boxes of gold and silver treasures and silk fabrics at the door. Once you get married, you may never run out of good luck!”

Gu Yunru rolled her eyes at Gu Junyue’s smug face but was stopped by Gu Junyao.

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“Sister, why are you in such a hurry? Could it be that…”

Gu Junru looked at the two sisters with a stern expression and was about to walk past them when she saw a broad figure blocking his way.

“My lord…”

The faces of Gu Junyao and Gu Junyue turned pale with fright as they quickly lowered their heads.

“You two have quite the audacity. As this prince’s women, do you have the right to gossip about them?”

Gu Junyao and Gu Junyue looked at each other in terror, their delicate bodies trembling, almost unable to stand.

“My lord, no, we have always respected our sister…”

“Yes, yes, we haven’t…”

“I don’t care whether you have or not. I just don’t want to see you again.”

Although Rong Zhen’s tone was emotionless, it was still full of intimidation.

Gu Junyao and Gu Junyue had already been scared out of their wits and fled in panic. Gu Junru’s proud gaze turned towards Rong Zhen. She lowered her eyes and walked over to him, saying, “I was just about to look for you. My dear sister told me that you have brought the betrothal gifts. What do you mean by this?”

“Of course it means that I am proposing to you and bringing you back to my mansion as my wife.”

Gu Junru was so angry that she was left speechless for a moment, and angrily said, “But you promised me that once your illness was cured, our engagement would be cancelled.”

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“No one can cure my illness, and you will continue to serve me by my side. I will ensure your safety.”

“You! How can a prince like you go back on your word?”

Gu Junru’s blood pressure rose and she tried to reason with him, not wanting to give her youthful years to this moody prince.

“I did not go back on my word, but rather your medical skills are lacking and you were unable to cure my illness.”

Gu Junru narrowed her eyes. Was he questioning her professional level?

“That’s impossible. That’s a blatant lie!”

After Gu Yunru finished speaking, she took off the pearl hairpin on her head, which contained a mechanism holding a silver needle that was specifically used to draw out poisoned blood from a person and diagnose any illnesses they may have.

Last time, Rong Zhen had taken in her poisoned blood to save her, which had greatly moved Gu Yunru. However, upon examining him with the hairpin, she discovered that something was wrong. The toxins in his body had not been completely cleared and some residual poison remained.

“What’s going on? Didn’t you say that Doctor Li was highly skilled? It’s been so many days, and he hasn’t cleared the poison for you yet. Have you been taking the medicine I prescribed on time?”

Rong Zhen wasn’t going to tell her that it was intentional. He had his own ideas and wanted to keep her by his side.


Gu Yunru was so angry that her head was a mess. Could it be that this guy was eyeing her?

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“You’re not keeping your word.”

Gu Yunru was upset and turned away.

“I’m doing this to protect you.”

Gu Yunru was slightly surprised and turned back to him, wishing she could stare a hole through him.

“Protect me? You bring this up, and I remember clearly that the person that night was clearly after you. If you really wanted to protect me, you should have given up this engagement. Maybe I could live a few more years.”

Gu Yunru looked at Rong Zhen, his expression was quite indifferent, with a hint of hostility between his eyebrows, as if he was pondering something. He remembered the black assassins from that night, who seemed to know their every move like the back of their hand, and it was very likely that the person was among them or someone who had been lying in wait for a long time.

“Hey, what are you thinking about? Why don’t you think about what I said to you again?”

Gu Yunru thought Rong Zhen was seriously considering the matter, but he did not expect his attitude to still be firm.

“As my woman, I can protect you.”

Before Gu Yunru could refute, Rong Zhen continued, “Prepare well these two days, don’t have any crooked ideas.”

Rong Zhen’s calm words were full of a threatening tone. He then turned and left Gu Yunru’s sight, leaving her staring at his back with gritted teeth.

With only two days left, she must find a way to take the wet nurse and leave this place, but with the vastness of the world, where could she go?

The next day, the wet nurse was waiting for orders in madam Gu’s room, where a fragrance called Mo Zhi lingered, making one feel refreshed and invigorated.

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