TLDPCRM 21: A Clever Plan

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shishiballs7-9 minutes 23.04.2023

Chapter 21: A Clever Plan

 “Miss, please wait, you dropped your handkerchief.”

Qingxin turned curiously and stood in front of Cheng Shaoyuan, saying, “This young master, didn’t our young lady already give you the handkerchief?”

“Qingxin, show some respect,” Gu Yunru interjected.

“Yes, Miss,” Qingxin replied.

Gu Yunru turned around slowly and looked at Cheng Shaoyuan, who had rushed over. She raised an eyebrow and asked, “Does the young master have something to say to me?”

“I’m just curious, does the young lady really believe in the so-called blood recognition?”

“Of course not.”

Cheng Shaoyuan’s gaze was full of doubt, and he quickly followed up with another question, “If you don’t believe in blood recognition, why did you use it to test Hu San just now?”

“Why does the young master insist on questioning what happened earlier?” Gu Yunru’s tone was full of curiosity, and she had only exerted a bit of effort.

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“I’m just curious. The young lady made Hu San reveal the truth with just a few words, which was more effective than giving him thirty blows in public.”

Cheng Shaoyuan admired Gu Yunru and that was why he pursued her and asked her questions.

Gu Yunru nodded her head and spoke casually, “Actually, Hu San didn’t have much confidence from the beginning. Did you not notice his wandering gaze? Obviously, he was lying. People who are guilty in their hearts will spill the truth when they hear about blood relation. Whether the blood can mix or not is no longer important. Hu San came from the Zhuangzi and hasn’t seen much of the world, nor does he have much knowledge, so he was easily fooled with just a few words.”

“The young lady can even see through people’s hearts, I truly admire you.” Cheng Shaoyuan saluted her, making Gu Yunru feel a little flattered. She quickly waved her hand and said, “It’s just a small matter, nothing worth mentioning. We may have the chance to meet again in the future.”

“Take your veil with you when you leave. If Madam Gu finds out that you’ve been here, she’ll definitely hold a grudge.”

Just as Gu Yunru was about to take the veil, she heard him utter this sentence and looked at him with suspicion.

“You…do you know who I am?”

“Of course, Miss Gu from the Gu family. Although I haven’t met you before, I’ve heard Jun Yao mention you. Recently, the young lady of the Gu family returned to the mansion.”

“That’s strange. I didn’t mention my identity. How did you guess?”

Gu Yunru muttered curiously, but Cheng Shaoyuan heard it.

“It’s not a guess, but an observation. Only betrothed women would wear a veil when they go out. And your maid has been urging you to return to the mansion, indicating that your family’s traditions are strict. When you mentioned Miss Gu, your maid’s expression became a little strange, indicating that she may know her. I don’t know if what was said at home was correct. I hope the young lady doesn’t mind.”

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Gu Yunru couldn’t help but think to herself that this guy was obviously lucky.

“Ahem, what does it matter if you guessed my identity? It’s my good fortune to meet you today, young master.”

Cheng Shaoyuan really wanted to see what the person under the veil looked like. Her voice was so light and pleasant, like the sound of flowing water, gentle and comfortable, making people linger.

Qingxin leaned down towards Cheng Shaoyuan, then followed Gu Yunru back.

Cheng Shaoyuan touched the handkerchief in his hand, which had the character “Ru” embroidered on it. He hid the handkerchief in his sleeve and walked home quickly. As soon as he arrived at the main hall, he heard his parents arguing.

“Dad, Mom, what are you doing again?”

Cheng Shaoyuan walked up to his parents. Madam Cheng walked up to him with a worried look on her face and took his hand, saying, “Shao Yuan, now that you have become the top scholar, your status is naturally different. You cannot associate with girls from ordinary families.”

“Mom, what are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

Cheng Shaoyuan sat there, looking annoyed. Master and Madam Cheng looked at each other helplessly. They were now worried about Cheng Shaoyuan’s marriage, but seeing his indifferent attitude, they were not worried at all.

“Son, you are not young anymore. You should think carefully about marriage.”

Master Cheng, who was always stern, spoke. As parents, they all wanted their children to find a good home.

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“Dad, I have no achievements now, and I don’t have any thoughts about love affairs. Please don’t worry about me, Mom and Dad.”

Madam Cheng and Master Cheng had only one son, and although Master Cheng was strict, he always indulged his son. However, this matter could not be easily resolved.

Madam Cheng sat down in front of Cheng Shaoyuan and said earnestly, “Son, do you already have someone in your heart? Tell your mother about her family background and appearance.”

“Mom, there is no one in my heart. Please don’t speculate randomly.”

“How could it be? You’re not really interested in Miss Gu from the Gu family, are you?”

“Mother… Today, I have made it clear to Miss Gu’s that she will no longer bother me in the future,” said the son.

Madam Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. In her mind, the reputation of the Gu family could not be compared to that of the Cheng family. If her son were to marry their daughter, how could he still have a place in the court?

“Well then, that’s good. I heard that the princess is returning to the capital soon…”

“Why did you have to mention that to our son?!” Master Cheng glared at his wife, indicating that she shouldn’t be too explicit. He had secretly contacted the princess himself because he knew his son’s temperament, and didn’t dare to inform him.

“Oh my, you know how I am. I talk too fast. Son, just forget what you heard.”

“Alright, Mother. I’m feeling tired. I’m going to rest in my room.”

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Cheng Shaoyuan hurried back to his room, where it was much quieter. He took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and sniffed it lightly.

What did the person under the veil look like? He had imagined countless possibilities and gradually fell asleep.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the scene, Gu Yunru was preparing to return home when a carriage blocked her way.

“Hey, who are you people?” Qingxin stood in front of Gu Yunruo, looking at the coachman and several strong men.

“The prince requests your presence. Please get on the carriage, Miss.”

Gu Yunru was dumbfounded. Even in her disguise, she was recognized. Did these people have supernatural vision?

After hesitating for a moment, she decided to get on the carriage. It was better than returning home and facing the wrath of the matriarch.

“Your highness, Miss Gu has arrived,” Qingfeng bowed before Rongzhen, who didn’t even lift his eyelids but emitted an intimidating aura.

Gu Yunru followed the butler to the main hall and caught a whiff of the herbal scent around her. It seemed that Rongzhen had listened to her and prepared a medicinal bath.

“Greetings, your highness. How have you been lately?” Gu Yunru looked at Rongzhen sitting in front of her, feeling a bit intimidated. This man was so formidable that even unarmed on a battlefield, enemies wouldn’t dare to come close.

Gu Yunru stood in place, but Rongzhen did not respond to her.

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