Chapter 9: Night Visit to the prince palace

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Upon observing the hem of his clothes, it appeared to be stained with a dark brown bloodstain. It was likely vomited by a patient, indicating that their time was running out.

Lastly, her gaze fell on his shoes. The surface was stained with mud, but there were flower petals on the soles, and they could still be identified as apricot blossoms.

These past few days had clear weather, but there was a dilapidated road on the east side that had been left unrepaired for years. It had been collecting water, making the road very muddy. When she went to burn incense today, they had passed through the second lane of the east street, where a row of apricot blossoms were planted. Gu Yunru was captivated and had stared at them for a long time. The lane was small and not accessible by carriage or sedan, only by walking.

Gu Yunru was quick-witted, and immediately looked up at Gu Yan and said, “Father, did you go to the second lane of the east street to see a patient last night? The patient is very ill, and their time is running out.”

Upon hearing this, Gu Yan’s serious and resolute expression immediately changed, and he looked at her in astonishment.

Seeing his reaction, Gu Yunru knew that she had guessed correctly, and continued to boast, “Father, what I said is true. I really have opened the heavenly eye, and a god has taught me excellent medical skills. His Royal Highness Zhao came to visit so late. He must be here to seek my treatment for his insomnia.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Gu Yan stared at her with a look of disbelief.

He had gone to see the patient on the east street alone last night, and no one in the family knew about it. Because the patient was difficult to treat, he didn’t want anyone else to know that he was treating them.

However, His Royal Highness Zhao had said at the door that he came today to ask Miss Gu of the Gu family to seek treatment for his insomnia. Gu Yan had thought it was referring to Jun Yao, but now it seemed that it was actually referring to his daughter!

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“If you said that a god had taught you medical skills, how did His Highness know that you could practice medicine and come to seek treatment?” Gu Yan was still skeptical.

Rong Zhen looked calmly at Gu Yunru, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

However, Gu Yunru was not flustered at all, turned her head seriously, and looked at Rong Zhen innocently, “Oh, right, Your Highness, how did you know that I have medical skills and came to seek treatment?”

Rongzhen: “.”

In an instant, the focus of everyone’s attention shifted from Gu Yunru to the Prince Zhao. He was in a difficult position and could only follow Gu Yunru’s lead and speak with a straight face, “Actually, it’s like this. Last night, I had a dream where a deity told me that the new young miss from the Gu family could cure my leg and even give birth to children. So, I thought of coming to seek clarification.”

Everyone: “….”

“Hehe, Your Highness flatters me. I am eighty percent confident that I can cure your leg, but as for having children, that remains to be seen,” Gu Yunru smoothly changed the topic. “Your Highness, please wait a moment. I’ll go change into a more appropriate outfit. My dinner tonight was too salty, and I haven’t had a chance to eat yet. I hope Your Highness can provide me with a meal.”

Madam Gu: “….” This darn girl never forgets to report her!

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As Gu Yunru lightly returned to the courtyard, Gu Yan’s face had become so ugly that water was about to drip from it.

“Lin Shi, you have failed in your duty and mistreated the legitimate daughter. You will copy the medical book of the Gu family ten times! Gu Junyao, you have privately met with men and caused trouble. You will copy the medical book one hundred times! Fortunately, His Majesty has bestowed the marriage on your elder sister instead of you. Otherwise, the reputation of our Gu family would have been ruined by you!” Although Gu Yan had punished the mother and daughter, he still needed to resolve the issue of the marriage in front of the Prince Zhao.

Gu Yunru quickly changed into a new outfit and arrived. Seeing that the outfit really didn’t fit well, Gu Yan’s frowned even more and said, “Your Highness, although the matter of spirits and gods is uncertain, after all, Yunru has never formally studied medicine. It would be better if the old man or Junyao accompanied you for the diagnosis?”

Prince Zhao shook his head and said in a tired tone, “No need, Miss Gu is quite interesting. Even if she cannot cure this prince’s insomnia, this prince will take her back to the palace to pass the time.”

Gu Yunru: “….” Was she so shameless?

But the other party was a relative of the imperial family, and no matter how dissatisfied she was, she could only keep it inside. Gu Yunru had to put on a decent smile and say, “Your Highness, let’s go. Let’s diagnose you as soon as possible so that you can sleep early, and I can rest early.”

Who knew that the Prince Zhao would say without changing his expression, “you won’t be returning tonight. The Zhao Mansion is much larger than the Gu Mansion. Whatever clothes or food you want, feel free to order. This prince will not mistreat his fiancée.”

Gu Yan: “….”
Your Highness, can you be more tactful with your words? After all, I will be your future father-in-law.

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Gu Yunru thinks that Rong Zhen’s response was excellent. Such a quick-witted and spontaneous reaction is great, and he deserves to be her partner.

She stared at Gu Junyao and Madam Gu with a complex expression, and urged Rong Zhen out of the Gu Mansion, heading straight to the Prince Zhao’sPalace.

Upon arriving at the Mansion, Gu Yunru was almost dazzled by the luxury and extravagance of the palace. It turns out that the royal family is really wealthy, it’s simply beyond words!

Rong Zhen noticed that she was constantly staring at the decorations inside the house, without even a bit of extra attention towards him, the patient. He couldn’t help but cough twice and said, “What’s wrong? Do you regret today’s promise of curing my leg and accepting the engagement?”

Gu Yunru snapped back to reality, wiped away her envious and resentful drool, and laughed, “Hehe, no, Your Highness is dignified, and I don’t dare to aspire to something beyond my reach. Let’s start the treatment now.”

Rong Zhen’s face was expressionless, and he nodded coldly.

“Your Highness often suffers from insomnia. Is it because you lie in bed with no sleep, with your mind and eyes very clear, or is it because you feel sleepy but anxious?” Gu Yunru asked.

“I feel sleepy, my eyes get tired, but I can’t fall asleep. I have nightmares and have shallow sleep,” Rong Zhen replied succinctly.

“During the day, do you have a nap or rest?” Gu Yunru asked again.

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“Yes, I do. After a nap, I feel refreshed,” Rong Zhen answered.

“Is there a designated time for Your Highness’s nap?” Gu Yunru asked once more.

“No, whenever I feel sleepy, I take a short nap,” Rong Zhen replied truthfully.

“Okay, I understand,” Gu Yunru nodded. She already understood Rong Zhen’s illness. He could easily fall asleep during an undesignated nap, but he couldn’t sleep well at night. In other words, it was a psychological factor that made him anxious and afraid of nightmares, preventing him from falling asleep, leading to poor mental health, and thus increasing his mental pressure, causing him to fall into a vicious cycle of sleeplessness.

“Do I need acupuncture or medicine?” asked Rong Zhen when he realized that Gu Yunru had nothing more to say on the matter. His curiosity was piqued and he took the initiative to ask.

“No need, Your Highness. How about we play a game?” unexpectedly suggested Gu Yunru.

“A game? What game?” Rong Zhen’s voice was clear but with a hint of anticipation. Usually, doctors either prescribed medicine or forced him to rest with his eyes closed, which only worsened his condition. He never expected Gu Yunru to suggest playing a game instead of giving him medicine.

“Um, how about playing mahjong, or what you call ‘horse-dangling’?” said Gu Yunru seriously. “Let’s invite a couple more people to make it more fun by gambling some money.”

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