He suddenly remembered Tatiana’s reaction when she first entered the Imperial Library.

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‘Whoa, it’s so big!’


Tatiana exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as she looked around,


‘Tati wants to look at all those books!’


And so it came to pass that the books Tatiana chose were, in every way, too difficult for a four-year-old.


<Characteristics of Demon Society>


<The Origins of Demons and Humans>


<The Interaction Between Humans and Demons>


Lakius shook his head.


‘Is Miss Tatiana interested in the demon world?’


After all, Tatiana herself came from the Demon Realm, and her current guardians were three warriors who slayed the five demon lords.


It was possible, he thought.




Sensing Lakius’s gaze, Tatiana made an unnecessary pout.


‘I can read books like this! Aren’t I smart?’


She raised the corners of her mouth in a smug manner.


At her innocence, Lakius couldn’t help but smile.


But about half an hour later.




Tatiana’s smugness was gone, and she was fast asleep, using a book as a pillow.


Lakius looked down at her as she drifted off.


‘This is so strange.’


For a moment, Lakius’s face darkened slightly.


‘By now you should know…… Tatiana.’


Lakius’s position in the Cartesian Empire.


Lakius is merely there to ensure that the territory and people of the former Carolingian states are reunited without opposition.


No one in the imperial family wanted Lakius……..


And yet.


‘But Tati likes the first prince.’


The voice was firm, looking straight into Lakius’s red eyes.


‘Will you come and visit Tati?’


The tiny hand that reached out and grasped Lakius’s fingers tightly.


‘Tati wants to sit down with the first prince!’


The way she patted the seat next to hers and smiled broadly.


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‘Tati would rather have you smile at her than apologize to her.’


And the bright blue eyes that gazed fondly up at Lakius.


‘Miss Tatiana has never, not once,…… avoided me.’


If she didn’t like him, he thought, he couldn’t help it.


But instead, Tatiana closed the distance in an instant.


The child herself was like a miracle.


As lovely as a freshly bloomed spring flower, as warm as a tear……….




Just then, Tatiana furrowed her brow and made a small noise.


Apparently, the sunlight piercing her eyelids was disturbing her.




After a moment’s hesitation, Lakius carefully placed a hand over Tatiana’s forehead to shade her from the sun.


The child’s furrowed brow straightened.




Tatiana let out a small laugh, as if she were having a pleasant dream.


Lakius smiled faintly in return.


But then.


“Who gave you guys permission to use the imperial library?” A grumpy voice asked.


Lakius’s face stiffened.


Turning quickly, he saw Rudolph standing there, pouting.


“Ah, that’s the problem with lowly things.”


Rudolph said sarcastically.


“How dare a dog and a cow attempt to use the Imperial Library? You don’t even know your place.”




“The more you worthless things use the Imperial Library, the less dignified it becomes, don’t you think?”


At this point, he had every right to be angry.


Rudolph studied Lakius’s expression closely.


If he said anything harsh to him in his agitation, he would tell the queen at once.


But Lakius didn’t.


“Why don’t you lower your voice?”




Rudolph’s face sank.


But Lakius continued, his face uncharacteristically calm.


“Hating me is one thing, but–”


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For a moment, his red eyes turned icy cold.


“–Don’t you dare touch Miss Tatiana.”




At that moment, Rudolph felt an intense pressure, like someone was choking him.


“Why not maintain some boundaries, Rudolph?”


Lakius asked, tilting his head.


“To antagonize Miss Tatiana is to antagonize all three warriors.”




“Do you think the queen would be pleased to see your attitude?”


Turning to Rudolph, who was speechless, Lakius spoke with an expressionless face.


“Isn’t that right? I thought she wanted you to become emperor.”


“What, what!”


” You, who can’t even embrace those around you, let alone embrace all the people of the empire…….”


Lakius twisted the corners of his lips. It was a sharp sneer.


“I’m saying you’ll never be emperor.”


“You, what!”


Rudolph’s eyes widened.


“How dare you disrespect me!”


“Shut the f*ck up, Rudolph.”


As soon as Rudolph’s voice showed signs of rising, Lakius interrupted him coldly.


“What are you going to do if MissTatiana wakes up?”




The sharpness of the voice made Rudolph flinch.


But only for a moment.


‘No way, I’ve been frightened by Lakius?’


Rudolph gritted his teeth.


‘No, that can’t be!’


He’s just an enemy of his, with no support within the Empire. A prince with half the blood of a now-extinct kingdom!


How is that supposed to make him nervous?


“Are you threatening me?!”


Rudolph shouted at the sleeping Tatiana.


“Just because of that lowly girl!”


Lakius’s red eyes narrowed.


And then.


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Rudolph wasn’t exactly sure what happened.


All he knew was that he felt his jaw tighten.




Before he knew it, Lakius’s hand was covering Rudolph’s mouth.


Lakius growled in a low voice.


“I told you to be quiet.”


“Ugh, ugh!”


Rudolph tried to wiggle out of Lakius’s grasp, but the tight grip showed no sign of loosening.


And then.




Tatiana murmured softly, and then her eyelids lifted.


Sleepy, light blue eyes peered around.


Lakius stopped standing stiffly.


“Miss Ta-Tatiana.”


At the same time, Tatiana’s eyes locked with Lakius’s as he covered Rudolph’s mouth.


“First, First Prince!”


Tatiana’s eyes widened in surprise.


* * *


‘No, wait, what happened?’


I felt my sleepiness slip away.


It was Lakius, gripping onto Rudolph’s throat, his other hand covering his mouth.


Was I seeing it correctly?


“First, First Prince!”


I quickly called out to Lakius.


Immediately, a look of bewilderment flashed across his handsome face.


“What, why are you fighting?!”


I jumped to my feet.


With that, the jacket fell from my body.


‘Wait, doesn’t this belong to Lakius?’


Did Lakius cover me up? What a wonderful boy!


…….. I’ll be touched later.


‘Hey, first, stop the fight!’


I rushed to Lakius’ side, panting.


“Bo-both of you need to calm down a bit……!”

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At the same time, Lakius released his grip.


And with that, Rudolph stumbled back to where he stood.


“Cough, cough, cough!”


He coughed harshly, with both hands around his throat.


Rudolph glared at him; his eyes filled with tears.


“How dare you treat me like this! It’s like the parentless ones stick up for each other!”




My mouth dropped open.


He’s bringing up parents in the middle of something?


Simultaneously, there was a spark in Lakius’s eyes.


“Watch your language, Rudolph.”


“Don’t be ridiculous, you’re the one who needs to watch your language!”


Rudolph shouted back. He staggered to his feet and glared at me, his eyes flashing.


“What? You don’t want to play with me? I don’t want to play with a lowlife like you!”


……No, why are you suddenly angry with me?


I looked at him in confusion.


But Rudolph wasn’t done yet.


“How dare you make fun of me like that after I apologized to you in person?”


“Shut up, Rudolph!”


“You’re running amok because you’ve got the protection of the three heroes, but they’re not even your real fathers!”


“You really!”


Lakius tried to stop Rudolph somehow, but it was no use.


Rudolph screamed at the top of his lungs.


“You’re an orphaned wench who has no parents and doesn’t remember the day she was born!”




For a moment, I froze. Then Rudolf drove the nail in the coffin.


“It’s not like the three heroes let you join their family, so don’t be so arrogant as to expect to be treated like a pretty girl!”






There was a chilling silence.


I was a little dazed.


It felt like someone had hit me hard on the head.


My birth parents.


‘Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about my biological parents until now.’

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