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He is standing right in front of me.

It's been so long that I almost don't recognise him. Almost. Perhaps, because a part of me doesn't want to recognise this boy. I step back and take a deep breath. It's 7:06 AM on my wristwatch. There is a mixed scent of coffee and burned toast in the air.

He looks the same. Slender and Tall. Pale skin. Dark hair. He is a foot taller than me. His dark hair is messy. His honey brown eyes have a hint of sadness and longing, but there is that almost smile on his pink lips. Back then, I fell for that almost smile. I didn't know how much I was craving to see it again.

I want to make him smile. I want him to smile for me.

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"Miss, do you know the way to H high school?" He asks and smiles. I realise how much I have wanted to hear his soft voice again.

I don't reply. It's just a dream. I don't care about following the script. I want to stay in this moment and see him. I don't want anything else at this moment.

"Miss?" His smile falters a bit. "Are you okay?" He waves his long fingers in front of my face.

I take a deep breath again and close my eyes. That's it. If I die, I don't have regret. If this is heaven, then I want this moment to stop.

The moment doesn't stop. The boy keeps asking if something is wrong.

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"Umm..." I feel a bit awkward and foolishly question him. "Don't you recognise me?"

Honestly, it's been too long. The script is the same. It's the same day when I see him for the first time. But, why should I follow the script? This is clearly a dream. If it's a play created by the mind, shouldn't he recognise me? Unless my mind wants me to follow the script like a sadist. I am not a masochist. So, I will break this chain of events.

The boy looks into my eyes. "Have we met before?"

"I..." There is something wrong here. Should I just tell him the way to high school? Usually, I wake up as soon as I realise that it's a dream. Why I am not waking up?

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"It's just a dream," I tell myself and decide not to worry. He hears me and looks confused at first. I let out a chuckle when I see him making his 'thinking' face again. He beams at me when he hears me laughing.

"It's not, miss." He pinches my cheeks. I cry out in pain. It really hurts. It's not a dream? I stare hard at him.

"It's not a dream." He pinches my other cheek. "You are not dreaming, miss. Can you tell me the way to H high school?"

What? Wait, why is he still pinching my cheeks? It hurts like hell. My cheeks are not for pinching. First love or not, he doesn't have the right to pinch my cheeks like this. All right?

"Are you awake, miss?" He grins. His eyes are full of mirth. I bite my lower lip. This guy is still pinching my cheeks. Why did I forget about his cracked personality? Even in my dreams, he is slightly broken in the head.

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"Hey, you!" I hear a familiar voice. I look behind the boy who is still pinching my cheeks like they are rubber balls. "What are you doing to Aisa, pervert?"

I frown when I see her. It's my friend, Wang Mei. She looks somewhere around fifteen. She is a few inches shorter than me, but she can beat up people who are double her height. This girl is the second daughter of the mafia head, Wang Feng. Her hair is dyed red. Her eyes are grey like the rain clouds. After she becomes the mafia head, she chooses to break off our friendship.

In the next moment, everything happens like a movie. It doesn't follow the script of my life at all.

"Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!" Wang Mei yells at the top of her lungs and runs like a cheetah. I try to step back, but the boy is still holding my cheeks while looking at Wang Mei with a shocked expression.

She jumps like an Olympic athlete and launches her iron kick that is aiming at the boy's head. I feel like everything is slowing down by ten times. Just before her foot can touch the boy's head, the boy shifts his body and it comes at my face instead.

On this fateful day, my nose is broken by my friend, Wang Mei. She also broke my misunderstanding of the situation. It's not a dream at all. Somehow, I have turned back the time and returned to the day I met him.

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