The Love That Remains

Chapter 107


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Nam Ji Yeon fiercely kicks the door with all of her strength, but the wooden door doesn't budge an inch.

After they reached Slow Poison's Villa, he took them around his villa and showed his paintings to them. She wanted to leave as soon as possible, but she kept quiet because of her friend. When they finished dinner, Slow Poison brought her and Leo to this room to show another painting. He left Park Na Young with the peacocks to play. When they were staring at the painting of the blue sky, Slow Poison locked them into the room.

"I have to call the cops." Nam Ji Yeon is freaking out. "He is a pure psychopath."

She brings out her phone, but Seo Tae Il takes it away.

"Hey!" Nam Ji Yeon yells at him. "He locked us into the room."

"If you call the cops, it will become a big problem." Seo Tae Il puts the phone in his pocket. "Media will become involved."

"So? I don't want to die here." Nam Ji Yeon inserts her hand in his jeans pocket, but he grabs her hand to stop her from taking the phone.

"Relax. You won't die." Seo Tae Il doesn't let go of her hand no matter what. "If the media comes, the world will know about this. This will become turn into a scandal."

Nam Ji Yeon becomes quiet. She doesn't want to catch the media's attention either. If her father finds out, it will be troublesome. She lied to her parents to come here with her friend.

"Na Young is alone with him." Ji Yeon lets go of his pocket and sits down on the floor. "What if he hurts her?"

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Seo Tae Il sighs. It hasn't been long since he found out about Slow Poison's true personality. Slow Poison is both genius and legendary, his mind is slightly cracked. He is a good person, but he is moody and nosy. Once he makes up his mind, it is difficult to change his decision.

"He won't hurt her." He squats next to the girl. "Sunbae is crazy, but he is not a bad type crazy person. He is just..."

He is lost for words.

"A twisted psychopath?" Ji Yeon looks at him with an expressionless face. "A serial killer?"

"You are quick to assume things." He shakes his head. "Earlier, you called me a pervert. Now, you are calling him a psychopath."

"I have good reasons for that." She makes some distance between her and him. "If you try anything funny, I will make sure that you never ever touch a woman again."

"You are full of yourself." Tae Il stands up. "Who wants to touch a girl like you? Earlier, I wasn't staring. You looked like someone I know."

"Hah! You and your Sunbae are similar." She crosses her arms. "Give my phone back."

"I am not like him." Tae Il is both angry and tired. He throws the phone toward her. It hits her forehead.

"Ow!" Ji Yeon rubs her red forehead. "I will kill you."

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She runs toward his direction. Tae Il isn't prepared at all. He is about to step back when she slips on the floor and fall on him.

"That...hurts!" Tae Il is barely breathing because of her weight on his body.

"You deserve this." She looks down at Tae Il. "Why did you throw my phone at my head?"

"You deserved that." Tae Il tries to push her away from his body. His hand is on her chest.

"YOU PERVERT!" Ji Yeon screams and grabs the wrists.

"Hey, that was a mistake....ow!"

Ji Yeon sits on his stomach and twists his hand. "Will you do this again?"

"Let go of me." He punches her back with his other hand. "That was an accident. Get off me."

"Apologize!" She sneers at him.

"You were the one who fell on me. It's your fault." Tae Il would normally apologize, but this woman has been getting on his nerves since he met her.

"Is that so?" Ji Yeon twists his hand more and puts pressure on his stomach with her knee. "Apologize!"

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"I won't." Tae Il keeps shouting until he passed out. Winner of this wrestling match is Nam Ji Yeon.

"Aish!" Ji Yeon finally let go of him. "My brother lasts longer than you."

She stares at his face and finds it familiar.

"Where have I seen you?" She furrows her brows. She wrecks her brain, but she can't remember.

"Tch! Why should I waste my time thinking about you?" She lightly slaps his cheek. "Are you going to sleep on the floor?"

Just then, the door opens. Slow Poison and Na Young walks in.

"Hey, what happened?" He is perplexed when he sees Tae Il passed out on the floor. Nam Ji Yeon is sitting on the top of Tae Il. "What were you...doing?"

Ji Yeon smiles widely and gets away from Tae Il. Without any more wasted moment, she punches Slow Poison.

"Ji Yeon!" Na Young screams. "What are you doing?"

"You are strong." Slow Poison stares at her with amazement and worship. The corner of his mouth is bleeding.

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"We are leaving." She drags Na Young with her. She catches a cab and takes her back to the station. She refuses to answer any of her questions until they are on the train.

"Why are you like this?" Na Young yells at her. "How could you do it to his face?"

Ji Yeon is beyond mad. "How could you lock me alone with a stranger in a room?"

"Because I know that you can break his bones before he can even lay his finger on you." Na Young crosses her arms. "Slow Poison doesn't have a bad heart. He was going to let you out. But, what did Leo do to you?"

"He is a pervert." Ji Yeon grumbles.

"Does he like you?" Na Young raises her brows. She is excited. "Ji Yeon, you should date him."

"If you say one more word, I will break your bones." Ji Yeon smiles at her coldly. "I have finished my daily quota of patience."

"Okay, okay!" Na Young leans back. "I won't tease you anymore. I am sorry that I was carried away when I met Slow Poison. I won't do that from now on. I promise."

"You better." Ji Yeon eyes her with a warning. "If you break your promise, it won't be good for you."

"Haha..." Na Young laughs, but she is shaking. "I will never break it."
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