The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 4

The Mad Cultivator – Chapter 4: Barging into the Inner Yard

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“Why is it so small?” Ye Kong was standing in the latrine and staring at his manhood.

Naturally, a 12 year old would not have developed much in that area. He had no choice but to set aside his plans on chasing beauties. Of course, it was only for the moment. He was a thug after all. Thugs have always loved beauties, while beauties have always loved thugs. Only eunuchs don’t like beauties after all.

Suddenly, another servant entered the latrine, so Ye Kong had to stop. He pulled up his pants and glared at the servant. It was unexpectedly effective and the frightened servant almost peed in his pants. In truth, it was only effective because the servants in the outer yard were ordinary commoners. It would not work in the inner yard as the servants there used to be soldiers.

“Actually, there are a few advantages about coming to this world. At the very least, it’s not a monogamous society. Once I become rich, I will create a harem. If I get bored, I will bring a few servants with me to tease young ladies in public. Hehe, living the life of a wastrel in this world is not too bad.”

The more Ye Kong thought about it, the more excited he got. However, when he thought about his current predicament, he frowned again.

In order to live the life of a wastrel, I will have to suffer for now! Study! I need to study!

“Mother, I want to study martial arts! I want to learn writing!” Ye Kong shouted as he entered their yard.

Unfortunately to Ye Kong’s disappointment, his mother did not have any money. In this world, education was not something that everyone could afford. In the case of martial arts, it was far more expensive to learn than literary arts. Even hiring the most useless teacher would require 10 ounces of silver and that was not something Chen Jiuniang could afford. They could barely afford to purchase food every month.

When her son recovered, Chen Jiuniang started to worry about this but she could not think of any solutions. Now that her son had brought it up, she felt that she had let him down.

“Son, don’t worry. I will work hard to earn more money. I’ve already asked auntie Li to help me accept a few embroidery work from outside, then we’ll have money to hire a martial arts teacher.” Chen Jiuniang tried to console Ye Kong.

Ye Kong’s heart ached as he looked at the pile of clothes in front of his mother. She has to stay up late until 3 am in the morning just to finish her work. If she starts to do additional work, when will she sleep?

“Mother, don’t push yourself too hard. This matter isn’t that urgent.” Ye Kong’s eyes watered without control. When he heldChen Jiuniang’s hands, he was choking back his tears.

Idiot, you were lucky to have such a mother!

You don’t have to worry, I will definitely become stronger! I will give your mother a better life! Because she is my mother as well! To Ye Kong, Chen Jiuniang was his mother.

When Ye Kong finally managed to get his emotions under control, he asked, “Doesn’t dad care about his own son’s education? Why is mother paying for it? What about my other siblings? Are they paying it on their own as well?”

Chen Jiuniang replied, “The second mistress brought two masters from her home and I heard that their tuition fees is a hundred ounces of silver per month. The third mistress was a martial artist before marriage and she invited experts from her own school to teach her children. As for the ninth mistress who is most favored by the general, he invited the strongest expert from the military to teach her son, Ye You1…”

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When Ye Kong heard this, he flew into a rage, “Fuck, everyone of them has a martial arts expert. There’s even a number 1 in the military. Yet we can’t even afford to hire the cheapest, this isn’t fair!”

With tears in her eyes, Chen Jiuniang said, “It’s my fault that you are suffering like this…”

Ye Kong understood that getting angry would only torture his mother. He forced himself to calm down. He said, “Mother, don’t worry about this. You don’t have to accept additional work either. I have an idea. I am going to look for an even better martial artist teacher than theirs without spending any money.”

Chen Jiuniang laughed and said, “Son, you really know how to tease your mother. Where would you find a martial artist that is powerful and yet doesn’t cost any money?”

With a straight face, Ye Kong said, “Mother, I am serious. There’s bound to be a solution to any problem as long as you think carefully.”

“You didn’t use your brain for 10 years. Now that you’re using it, I can’t even catch up to you.” Chen Jiuniang laughed and patted her son’s head. All of a sudden, she had a bad feeling about what he said.

“Son! Are you thinking of peeking while they’re teaching? Don’t do it!” Chen Jiuniang panicked and grabbed Ye Kong’s hand. On the continent of CangNan, martial arts techniques and training methods were closely guarded secrets.

If you wanted to learn a martial art, you had to become the student of a martial artist in order to learn from him. If someone tried to learn without becoming a formal student, they would suffer dire consequences. In the worst case, the four limbs of the offender would be crippled, and in the best case, their eyes would be dug out and their tongues cut off..

“Who said I am going to do that?” Ye Kong laughed and said, “Mother, you’re mistaken. I am thinking of learning from father… Didn’t you say that he’s highly skilled in martial arts? That he was invincible in his younger days throughout the country? What do you think of my idea?”

“If the general is willing to teach you, that would be the best. However…” Chen Jiuniang hesitated. With a mother like me, will Ye Haoran be willing to teach Ye Kong?

“How will we know if we don’t try it?” Ye Kong laughed and stood up. “Mother, let’s have breakfast. After we’re done, I will go look for father.”

The dining hall was in the corner of the outer yards, and Chen Jiuniang led Ye Kong there. She hoped that once everyone knew that he had recovered, they would stop calling him idiot.

However, the possibility of that happening was unlikely. With Chen Jiuniang’s standing in the house, no one would pay attention to her. If she tried to greet someone, they would pretend they did not see her. As for somebody else greeting her… that sort of situation would definitely not happen.

“Hey, Xiao Gouzi2…” Chen Jiuniang tried to attract the attention of a manservant that passed by.

This servant was getting married and Chen Jiuniang was responsible for the embroidery work. Chen Jiuniang wanted to start from him, but he just walked past her without responding.

Ye Kong got angry and grabbed the manservant, forcing him to stop. “Who said you could leave! My mother is talking!”

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“Oh.” Xiao Gouzi chewed on a bun as he looked at Chen Jiuniang with his eyes half opened.

“Ah, it’s nothing. I just wanted to tell you… my son has recovered.” Chen Jiuniang was slightly embarrassed. She only wanted to mention that as a passing remark but Ye Kong actually grabbed him.

“Oh.” Xiao Gouzi nodded his head and walked away in a dreamlike state as he scratched his head. “Her son recovered… What does that have to do with me?”

Chen Jiuniang felt awkward as none of the servants gave her face. Ye Kong obviously did not stop the servants any more. If you used violent methods to stop someone and seriously tell them, “I am officially telling you this, I have recovered… You can go now.” Wouldn’t that be no different from telling other people that you are crazy?

“Mother, for this kind of situation, you need to use your actions to tell others.” Ye Kong laughed as he hugged one of Chen Jiuniang’s arms. He said, “We only need to find someone unlucky enough to provoke us and beat him in front of the others like Li Laosi. I assure you that no one would treat me like an idiot before the day is over.”

Chen Jiuniang could not retort, but she did not dare to let Ye Kong create trouble again. She quickly said, “Son, you already beat up Li Laosi last night. Don’t create any more trouble for me.”

“Don’t worry. If someone doesn’t provoke me, I won’t provoke them!” Ye Kong smiled pleasedly.

Hehe, weren’t you guys bullying me because I am an idiot? You can try it again today, I am waiting for you!

However, Ye Kong was disappointed. The dining hall in the outer yards was for servants. These people were not as carefree as their masters and mistresses. They were most busy in the mornings and would quickly rush off to work after grabbing a bun. Who would be free enough to mess with an idiot?

At the same time, Chen Jiuniang was worried that her son would create trouble. After grabbing their portion of breakfast, she quickly brought Ye Kong back. She was glad that elder sister Ma, who often caused trouble for her, was not around. Ye Kong was not particularly concerned that his chance to make an example of someone did not appear. He had more important things in mind, and that was to look for his father.

“Son, when you see your father, don’t upset him.” After they finished their breakfast, Chen Jiuniang reminded him again as she adjusted his clothes.

She was happy that her son recovered, but it seemed that his temperament had worsened and now have a penchant for creating trouble.

Ye Kong laughed and said, “Mother, don’t worry about me. I am neither idiotic nor stupid enough to challenge father. I am only going to discuss my education with him. I know I can’t win against him, so I won’t do anything reckless.”

Chen Jiuniang was still worried and exhorted again, “Son, don’t talk back to your father. Even Ye You, who he favours the most, doesn’t dare to do it. I know your temper isn’t good. If he doesn’t want to help you, then forget it. If he says anything that upsets you, just let it go…”

“I know, I know. I am going.” Ye Kong adjusted his clothes and was about to step out, when he suddenly felt that his way of walking was inelegant. Hmm, I better correct my posture. Hehe, new dad, here I come!

Clearly, Ye Kong had misjudged the situation and thought that it would be easy to meet Ye Haoran. On Earth, if a son wished to meet their father, it would be a simple matter. He might not even need to walk there. His father would come if he just called out for him.

However, it’s a different situation in the Ye manor, he would need someone to notify his father first. For Ye Kong’s siblings, it was not a big deal but it’s a different matter for him. He was stopped by two manservants standing guard in front of the inner yard entrance.

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“Elder brothers3, please let me pass.” Ye Kong said towards the two servants.

“Who is your elder brother? Outsiders can’t enter.” The manservant did not give Ye Kong any face.

When Ye Kong heard what the servant said, he wanted to vomit blood.4 As the son of Ye Haoran, how am I an outsider? Are you blind or what?

“Elder brothers, I am Ye Kong. I am general Ye’s eighth son. Let me in to meet my father.” Ye Kong forced himself to calm down.

The manservant had previously received orders from the second mistress, he sneered and said, “I know you’re Ye Kong. Ye Kong, Ye Kong, NaoDai KongKong5. Haha.”

The two manservants laughed. At this moment, one of the them played the good cop and the other played the bad cop.

The slightly older manservant said, “I will show you respect by calling you eighth young master. Please don’t put us in a difficult situation. Eighth young master, I heard that you’ve recovered. However, you need to think about the reason why the other mistresses and your siblings can live in the inner yard while you’re staying outer yard.”

The older manservant paused after finishing. He wanted Ye Kong to understand that even though he’s the eighth young master, it did not mean that his father would be willing to meet him. The older manservant continued, “It’s your business if you get into trouble. Don’t make your problem into ours. My advice to you is to go back.”

Ye Kong did not realize that Ye Haoran hated him that much. Can’t I even meet him? This is too much!

However, he found it difficult to be angry towards the servant who was smiling at him. He could only plead, “Elder brother, that was in the past. Now, I have recovered. Please go in and inform my father. Once I get my money, I won’t forget the two of you.”

The younger manservant snorted, “Once you get your money? You’re more likely to be punished. I think your brain still isn’t functioning properly yet. Sorry, but we have no intention to be punished with you.”

Not only are you stopping me, you refuse to help me notify my father. Does it have to be so difficult for me to meet my own father? Ye Kong was furious, he pointed at the servant and angrily said, “What nonsense are you spewing? Do you think I won’t punish you right now!”

The younger manservant actually turned around and shouted, “Help! Help! Someone is trying to barge into the inner yard!”

“Damn you! If that’s case, then I will barge in for real!” Ye Kong shouted as he threw a punch towards the annoying servant’s face.

“Who is trying to enter the inner yard without permission! Don’t you know that all intruders are treated as assassins in the Ye manor!” A tall and muscular young man walked out along with ten soldiers armed with daos.

Ye Kong quickly checked the idiot’s memories and found the identity of the young man. He was the son of the second mistress and also the second young master, Ye Wen. The soldiers that were following him were the private guards of the Ye household.

It was an easy matter for Ye Kong to beat up a few servants. However, he knew that he was not a match for the private guards who excelled in martial arts.

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“Second brother.” Ye Wen was the second son of Ye Haoran, and thus the second young master. Ye Kong quickly saluted6 him and said, “I only wanted to meet father. However, this servant actually tried to stop me. How could anyone stop a son from meeting his father?”

Ye Wen and his cohort already knew that Ye Kong would come to meet his father and had been waiting for some time. He smiled and replied with the words that he prepared, “Eighth brother, you’ve really recovered. I am happy for you. You don’t know how much I cared for you when your mind wasn’t clear.”

You’re right, if insults and punches could be considered as caring. Ye Kong was filled with anger but he did not let it show on his face, instead he smiled as well and said, “Thank you, second brother. Don’t worry, I will definitely repay you.”

Repay me? You’re probably thinking of revenge! However, with your skills, I doubt you’ll ever get the chance. Ye Wen did not say it, he gave a fake smile and said, “Of course, I will be waiting for you.”

Ye Kong did not want to continue to waste his breathe with him, he said, “Since you’re here, does that mean I can go in and meet father?”

Ye Wen smiled and said, “It’s not that you can’t, but recently father has been refusing all visitors. Even I can’t meet him.”

Ye Kong did not know whether Ye Wen was telling the truth, but he knew that the chances of meeting his father that day was slim.

“If that’s the case, then I will be leaving.” Ye Kong did a bow and turned around to leave.

“Eighth brother, don’t be so quick to leave.” Ye Wen followed after Ye Kong with a smile on his face. He continued, “If you want to meet father, I am afraid it will be impossible for the next few days. Even if you climb over the wall, there are guards outside father’s room. It’ll be a shame if you anger father and get punished for it.”

Ye Kong coldly replied, “It’s none of your concern.”

Ye Wen was not angered by his voice, he smiled and said, “I have some news that should be relieving to you. There’s a way for you to meet father within the next 10 days.”

1 – 叶忧 = Ye You

2 – 小狗子 = Xiao Gouzi = Little dog/puppy. It’s not uncommon for uneducated commoners in the past to have such names.

3 – 大哥 = Elder brother; As mentioned before, terms like brother, sister, auntie, uncle can be used to refer to a stranger. It can be used to refer to someone in a polite way.

4 – 听得要吐血 = wanted to vomit blood after hearing it; It’s a cliche in Chinese TV shows and movies to depict someone vomiting blood when angered. In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhou Yu vomited blood when outwitted by Zhuge Liang. In this case, it’s more of a metaphor that Ye Kong was angered.

5 – 叶空叶空脑袋空空 = Ye Kong, Ye Kong, NaoDai KongKong; 脑袋 = Head, 空空 = Empty.

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