After properly explaining my findings to Mother and Father, we have decided on a course of action. Actions like Ryeini living with me, Father doing his Kingly thing, and Mother taking away Al-kun for awhile. Yeah, there were some life-threatening words thrown around but it went well if I do say so myself.

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“Ha~” Mother sighed in what seems to be exasperation.

「If you invite Lady Ryeini to your mansion right now, you are going to face a huge problem.」

Oh right, isn’t Euphie in the mansion right now!?

This is official business straight from the state, so it can’t be helped. But, am I really going to have to live in the same place as Euphie and Lady Ryeini!?

「How awkward is that!?」

I cradled my head while walking back home from the Royal Palace. What should I do… Well, there’s nothing I can do about it I guess.

Then I won’t protect Lady Ryeini anymore! Like hell I can say that. It’s been decided that Lady Ryeini will live in my mansion. I have no other choice. Is the only thing I can say.

Baron Cyan is still waiting for an explanation and Lady Ryeini has to prepare before she can move in, both will cause some delays. So Mother drilled into me that I had to explain everything to Euphie during that downtime.

No, it’s not because I forgot about Euphie okay?? It’s just that Lady Ryeini’s problem parade was too much to think about, and it slipped my mind. What I’m saying is, I didn’t forget Euphie; I just happened to miss Euphie because of my duty as a Princess… and stuff…

「What should I do…」

「There’s nothing you can do about it now.」

Illya cut off my mumbling in one fell swoop. How heartless. Isn’t this whole mess is because of Al-kun? I had nothing to do with this, rather, wasn’t I a good sister this whole time? I’m helping the adults clean up so shouldn’t I get rewarded instead?

「I wanna go kill Al-kun right now…」

「Oh my? Are you finally taking the battle for the throne seriously?」

「I don’t want the throne! Ah geez. How did I get caught up in this!」

「Without the Princess sticking her neck in, nobody could have solved this problem or even noticed that the country is on the verge of ruin.」

「This is the worst!」

It’s very depressing to get caught up in so many problems. Really makes me wonder if this year is one of those calamitous years. Did this year started with a bargain sale for disasters? I didn’t buy anything though!

「What should I do…」

「I think you need not worry about Euphilia-sama so much.」

「But…it’s Lady Ryeini you know?」

「Did Lady Ryeini personally do something against Euphilia-sama?」

「No, she didn’t but…」

「She is not that narrow-minded. Please consider that.」

I don’t think Euphie is a bad person or narrow minded, I’m just worried about her.

I feel like I’m being overworked. Ha~ And there’s still a ton of problems ahead.

* * *

Feeling a little depressed, I return to the mansion where Euphie welcomed me home. I called her over to talk about what happened at the Royal Palace and told her “I’m afraid Lady Ryeini will have to live with us.”

「Ha~. I see.」

Euphie’s response, which I had been waiting for with bated breath, was pretty casual. She mumbled something absent-mindedly and gave no further reaction. I seriously can’t figure out how she feels. The fact that she seemed to just accept it as it is made me feel uneasy.

「Eh…is that it?」

「Yes, because…it had to be done, right?」

Nooo, don’t look at me with that wonderful face. She looks really cute when she tilts her head like that… I’ll keep that to myself.


「It can’t be helped, right? Then, however I feel about it would not change anything.」

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「Y-Yeah, but…」

「Then what’s bothering you so much?」

She told me off while I had a baffled look on my face. Could it be that Euphie has always been like this?

「I do think that what Lady Ryeini did was troublesome, but if she doesn’t have any ill intentions herself, then there’s no need to pursue the issue further. My engagement to Algard-sama is already broken. I do not think there should be any animosity between us.」

「Are you really fine with this?」

「Because it can’t be helped. And I don’t want to place the blame on Lady Ryeini, I’m sure it will only be hard on her if I did. I have no particular feelings towards her.」

O-Okay… This is exactly what I was worried about. Perhaps humans really do cling to their ideals so stubbornly, so much so that it makes them lose sight of their own humanity.

I see… So this is another side of Euphie. I doubt that she had “no particular feelings” towards Lady Ryeini. I think Euphie used her reason to smooth over her emotions before they turn into discontent. She doesn’t bottle up her feelings, she doesn’t store them up in the first place. They just vanish, leaving no trace behind.

Euphie really is perfect. I’ve never really noticed it before—I’ve only ever seen the vulnerable Euphie. Maybe this is who she really is.

「Also, if Lady Ryeini was abandoned because of me, I would have hated you for it.」

「I don’t want to abandon her either… I only thought that bringing her here would hurt you and aggravate things even further.」

「I’ll be alright. Please stay the way you are, Anise-sama. I am glad that you were the one who pulled me out of my sorrow, so I cannot let myself be dragged down again.」

Hearing that makes me feel a little conflicted.

Euphie’s identity was molded by her role as the supposed-to-be queen. I think that this personality of hers is what made her an object of envy for the people around her.

Looking at things objectively without letting one’s emotions get in the way and using ironclad logic to banish sorrow and animosity. They may be parts of the perfect personality, but at the same time, they can be a flaw.

Euphie is just too perfect, and so, she was betrayed. Her perfection is a mirror that reflects others’ incompetence. No wonder there are people who hold malice towards her.

Seeing Euphie like this, I don’t want her to stay the way she is—I don’t want her to remain perfect. That’s no way for a person to live. Doing so would only make her a creature in the shape of a queen. Being a queen should be a way of life.

「…So when Lady Ryeini moves in, all of us should get along with each other. From now on, we’ll be friends who live together.」

「…Friends, is it?」

「I don’t care about our difference in status, though I’d be in trouble if I said that out in the open. I’ll keep up appearances in public settings, but isn’t it fine if it’s only for the time we spend here? A place where we can all loosen up. Everyone gets stressed if they don’t have somewhere they can relax. I want this mansion to be that kind of place for the two of you.」

「…Thank you very much. I am grateful for your kind words.」

I know this will be a difficult time for both Euphie and Lady Ryeini. But if I’m someone who can do something about it, then I’ll give it my all. It’s in my best interests after all.

The past cannot be changed. I don’t want them to say that their past was meaningless. They will only suffer if they can’t look away from their painful past, to the happiness that they will feel in the future. At the very least, I’ll be doing what I can do to help.

No matter how hard reality hits, everything will be okay if everyone can still smile.

I’ll never forget the first dream I had in my heart. That dream is the reason why finally, I feel that this is the right thing to do.

* * *

Preparations had to be made before receiving Lady Ryeini so that nobody else would know that she’s here. She travelled to the mansion in secret, feeling terribly restless all the way.

I imagine that had been the case; because right now, Euphie and Lady Ryeini are sitting face-to-face. It’s not like they did something directly to each other, but still, they’re in this mess because of a fiancé.

From Lady Ryeini’s perspective, Euphie holds the higher noble status. Plus, she probably felt guilty that because of her, the engagement had been broken.

As for Euphie, she isn’t wearing any particular expression as she stared at Lady Ryeini—clearly cowering in fear. Euphie isn’t looking at her coldly, it’s just…nothing. There’s not a hint of emotion showing on her face.

I was at the edge of my seat as I watched the two of them.

「Uhm… So! From today onwards, we will be living together in this mansion, so let’s get along everyone!」

I tried acting exaggeratedly cheerful, but not one of them even reacted. The quiet atmosphere continued and tormented me.

「…Lady Ryeini.」


In the midst of the deafening silence, Euphie called out to Lady Ryeini, who perked up her shoulders as much as she could to look at Euphie’s face.

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However, Euphie’s words paused then and there. She just stared at Lady Ryeini, expressionless. While Lady Ryeini looked at her like a frog being glared at by a snake.

By the time Lady Ryeini was about to burst into tears, Euphie continued.

「My apologies. I just…don’t know what kind of expression I should face you with in this situation.」


「I understand what kind of situation you are in. And I figured that even if I am not bothered by the controversy, you would still feel anxious and be mindful of it. Would it be better to make you take responsibility or would it be better to forgive you? I’ve thought about what to do make things easier for you but… I couldn’t think of anything.」

「I-It’s about that!? Please stop! Euphillia-sama has nothing to apologize for! Everything was because of me, it was my fault!」

After Euphie gave her an apology, Lady Ryeini shook her head from side to side in a frenzy.

She was the one who wronged Euphie, a duchess with a higher status. An apology from someone like that would definitely be unnerving. I watched their exchange like it wasn’t my problem. Let’s continue watching for now.

「Lady Ryeini, have you intended to frame me so now you’re accepting the blame because you’re ashamed of your actions?」

「No! That’s not the case! I never had the intention of harming Euphilia-sama!」

「Then it would be very unreasonable to place the blame on you just for possessing the misfortune that you were born with. I think that my current situation isn’t so bad, but you’re in a difficult one, so you will need a helping hand. I can urge you to take that hand but I can’t be the one who takes it for you.」

Euphie offers her hand and faces Lady Ryeini head-on. Euphie is now wearing a softer expression than before; while Lady Ryeini, who took her hand, was still feeling doubtful and unsure of what to do.

Euphie said nothing more. Lady Ryeini tried to say something but her words became stuck in her throat, she placed her forehead on Euphie’s hand as tears welled up on her eyes.

「I’m… sorry! I ruined… Euphillia-sama’s life!」

「It isn’t that bad. I’m not saying this as a future queen, I’m saying this as the person named Euphillia Magneta, who’s now living her own life in her own way. So you too, can live your life happily from now on.」

Forgiveness and acceptance. How difficult those two things are. It’s amazing that Euphie can do them… which makes me aware just how wide the distance is between us. But if this is Euphie’s real strength, I’ll never turn my back on her; I say this with a matriarch’s pride on the line.

I’m sure that what Lady Ryeini needed more than anything were Euphie’s kind words; I think to myself as she clings to Euphie’s hand, whimpering and weeping softly.

She discovered truths that she was unaware of, then frightened by the impending reality. Even though it can’t be helped, I could guess that she felt guilty and scared about atoning for the future she thought she destroyed. Which, I think, is a natural reaction.

Apologies end up being mere self-gratification if they’re not accepted. Which is why Euphie forgave and Lady Ryeini was forgiven. This is a joyous occasion, and I hope that Lady Ryeini’s tears are tears of joy… Because this is only the beginning.

「I am ashamed to be showing you my pitiful state.」

Lady Ryeini rubbed her reddened eyes with a sniffle. After that though, she looked quite refreshed and full of color.

We sat back in our seats around the table. And before I even noticed, Illya had already set cups of freshly brewed tea in front of us. I took a sip to relieve my parched throat. Ahh yeah, it’s the usual delightful Illya-made tea.

「Must be the rainbow after the rain.」


「It’s nothing. First, let’s take a breather. Then, we talk about the future. We have a lot of work ahead of us! First of all, Lady Ryeini. Since adding on the “Lady” feels a bit distant, how about I just call you “Ryeini,” if that’s alright?」


「Thank you. Now, let’s start off by sorting out the issues surrounding you.」

Both Euphie and Ryeini stiffened up after hearing my introduction of the topic. I think Illya, who’s standing behind me, stiffened up as well.

There are lots of issues surrounding Ryeini, all of which more troublesome than the last.

She has a demon stone inside her body, granting her the ability to charm and interfere with other people’s minds. This charm ability is strong enough to captivate even the Royal Family, and only I am able to resist it. If someone else were to catch wind of this power, we’ll never know how they’ll weaponize it. That said, Ryeini has zero backing and her standing is too weak to be able to protect herself. When it comes to protecting Ryeini, I’m the right person for the job, but then there’s the matter with Al-kun. If Ryeini’s true identity is indeed a half-vampire, it will prove that vampires are real. Regardless of her true identity, Mother has declared that she will personally take care of Ryeini if she doesn’t get her powers under control.

There are still some minor concerns here and there, but these are all the major ones. Ryeini, who heard all about it, drooped her shoulder.

「So how do you feel, Euphie? Have you taken a liking to Ryeini?」

「Yes, I have. The effect is undeniable. However, I have never been one to move according to my personal feelings. So even if I looked at her favorably, it would not have reflected on my actions. At best, telling her how to live can be considered proof that I had been influenced by her ability.」

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「Ahh, I see. Emotion and reason are two separate things. The reason why you wouldn’t feel distressed no matter what, is because of your role as the future queen.」

What mental power, or should I say, ironclad logic. I was taken aback, even though it was a little expected. You were too perfect to be betrayed, Euphie.

「So that’s why Euphilia-sama acted that way… The longer I interact with others, the crazier they become. Even the ones who acted normally at the beginning can suddenly change. Euphilia-sama is a rare case…」

As she murmured to herself, Ryeini flashed her translucent, emotionless smile. A facial expression that makes you feel no different from Euphie’s expressionless face earlier.

「It happens all the time. Even if I get along with them well, everyone suddenly changes when I try to treat them differently. So no matter who I get along with, I have no choice but to keep distance.」

「That is arduous.」

Even though people initially acts favorably towards Ryeini, once she tries to distance herself away from them, they become unruly exactly because they took a liking to her. When that happens, the friendly feelings developed by the charm ability may turn into hostility. Love and hatred are two sides of the same coin; if that’s true, then the people who stepped out of the line would become unpredictable indeed.

「Maybe this was why my family treated me well. Even if I’m a daughter who isn’t their biological child, my adoptive mother can’t help but… I would have been abandoned if I didn’t have this ability.」

Ryeini’s apparently pained smile continued as she uttered some self-deprecating things.

What if the people who like Ryeini only acts that way because her strange ability had been driving them crazy? I’m sure such doubts will stay on her mind, and she might never be able to shake them off.

「To tell you the truth, I’m a little relieved to be away from home… If I start to doubt my family, I’m sure I’ll try to distance myself. After that, those people might start hating me too. Even though I can already see it coming…the thought still scares me.」

「Uh huh. Then, you can rely on me as much as you want. Since you’ll be helping me with my research, which should also help you control your ability.」

In fact, I’m already a precedent. I designed my tattoos to be compatible with my body, but in Ryeini’s case, she’s had it since birth. I’m sure she’ll be able to control her powers easier than I can.

「I as well. Is there anything I can do to help, Anise-sama?」

「Euphie wasn’t able to resist the charm… Even so, can you still try to maintain a flat relationship with Ryeini? I think it would help if you could watch over Ryeini from an objective point of view. Since Illya wouldn’t be capable of doing that, right?」

「…Yes, that is correct. I feel that I would be too inapt for the task.」

Standing right behind me, Illya says so regretfully. For some reason, she seems to get a lot of mood swings. For her part, I think I’ll have her treat Ryeini kindly, so I’m really glad that Euphie’s here to help. Just goes to show the importance of the division of roles.

「With that out of the way, I’d like to go over a few things with you, Ryeini. Is magic your forte?」

「No, I wouldn’t say I’m good at magic… But I’ve been told that I have large amounts of magic energy.」

「But you can’t use it well?」

「Yes. I’m just no good at it. It’s like, my senses for it is still cloudy. I had been listening to the lectures but, what they said just doesn’t match to what I feel…」

Hmmm, I see. That mismatch she feels may be caused by something.

「Maybe it’s because of the demon stone.」

「Why the demon stone?」

「A demon stone is just a different version of a spirit stone. In other words, demon stones also have aptitudes just like spirit stones. It can work better for a certain element, and worse for another. Buuut, that’s just a hypothesis so I might be wrong on that. Don’t take it as a fact, because I want you to be as adaptable as possible.」

It’s still possible that it’s simply a matter of aptitude though, but our objective for now is investigating the nature of Ryeini’s demon stone.

「Then, are you good at manipulating your magic energy?」

「…Do you mean Magic Manipulation? Probably not. Like I said before, I’m not good at using magic…」

「Ah. No no no. Being good at manipulating magic energy does not mean being skillful at using magic. They are two different disciplines.」

「They are?」

Euphie asked me, looking bewildered by what I just said. Oh, I see. I haven’t explained this one yet huh.

「Ryeini may find this surprising, since this will be the first time she’ll hear about this. Casting magic is simply transferring magic energy from yourself to a spirit that you have an affinity with. That spirit will then create the actual magical phenomenon. It’s a completely different process from manipulating magic energy. To give an analogy, being good with words doesn’t mean being good with your hands, you get me?」

「Is it correct to say that, magic manipulation requires an affinity with spirits and it’s about shaping the form the magic will take and how precise one can release it. Then, is the manipulation of magic energy a technique related to magic energy itself?」

「Yes, that’s correct.」

「Then, what is magic energy manipulation?」

「It’s feeling the magic energy and letting it flow. You’ve done it before, Euphie. When you poured in magic energy into the spirit stone of your manablade, Arc en Ciel. By the way, how quickly someone can fill up a spirit stone can be used as a measure to gauge proficiency in magic energy manipulation.」

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This is super obvious but; if you can use magic, you can naturally do magic energy manipulation as well. I used a little lifehack to be able to do it myself though.

「Do you know what happens if you can’t do it well? You get stuck in a wall.」

「A-A wall?…」

「Ah. That incident where you poured in too much magic into a large amount of wind spirit stones and ended up getting stuck in a wall.」

「There was just too many of them, which caused me my failure. Well, same thing happened with the boiling bathtub incident though. My whole body ended up scalded.」

「Didn’t you cause an indoor flood that time as well?」

「The only good thing to come out of it was the soil turning into farmland instantly.」

「Though you ended up getting scolded for cultivating a field on castle grounds.」

How nostalgic. Anyway. Since I couldn’t use magic and couldn’t manipulate magic energy on a daily basis—when I try to pour magic energy into spirit stones, I would often exert myself too much and pour in more than needed. In other words, I was incredibly bad at magic energy manipulation.

I’m not the only one though! I hate to say it but, it’s rare for people like me to do those things in the first place. It’s usually a magician’s job to pour in magic energy into spirit stones, which they can do properly because they can already use magic.

In conclusion. The incidents that I used as a stepping stone to get where I am today, have been exposed. I’ll be telling those stories another time.

「By the way, manipulation of magic power is an indispensable skill for handling magical inventions. And unlike magic, there’s a fixed upper limit.」

「Is there no upper limit to magic?」

「Spirits can naturally manifest from anything. And they can do anything in the world that isn’t impossible, theoretically. Now, if you wanted to cause a catastrophe, how much magic energy and spirit affinity would you need?」

「Why did you even think of using magic to cause a catastrophe?」

The three of them look at me like I just said something outrageous. If I can do it, then I can try to understand how to do it—I don’t have to actually do it. And if I can do that much, then I can just scale it down to fit my purposes. With that, my dreams would be one step closer won’t they?

Anyway, let’s get back to the topic at hand. Right now, the first thing we need to accomplish is to have Ryeini rein in the power of her demon stone.

「It’s not the exactly the same as spirit stones but demon stones work in a similar manner, by pouring in magic energy. Ryeini has never consciously activated her demon stone, so there’s a possibility that there might be some accidental discharge. In other words–」

「Princess, Lady Ryeini is about to cry. Kindly choose your words properly.」

「…Ahem. In other words, her magic energy may be leaki–I mean, flowing unconsciously. So if she tries to consciously control it, she might be able to. The first thing Ryeini needs to learn is how to control the flow of her magic energy. Then, be able to use her demon stone… Also… There is something I have to say first.」

I honestly don’t want to use this method because the probability of success is low, but there’s still a possibility nonetheless so I have to let them know. Something that will be our last resort.

「Up until now, I have only told you the things within your control—stuff you can do something about. But there’s another way… However, the risk is high and it’s a matter of life and death.」

「…What is it?」

「Gouging out the demon stone.」

Ryeini turned pale at once and Euphie looked at me with shock. I think they’re still trying to process what I said. It’s practically the same as killing Ryeini.

「Of course, Ryeini will die if done without preparation. To preserve her life, the demon stone will be removed while performing a treatment in parallel. With this method, we will be removing the root cause of this whole problem.」

「…Is it possible?」

「I think there’s an 80% chance of this ending in failure. Dying from shock caused by extreme pain is possible. Dying from blood loss due to the process of gouging out the demon stone is possible. In the first place, if the demon stone is removed, there’s no guarantee that Ryeini would be able to live. And even if she gets through the operation safely, there may be some unforeseen side effects. This last resort may or may not work.」

Surgical techniques have not yet been developed in this world. This is a sheltered world graced with magic, which can be used to heal injuries and cure diseases. Because of that, this world’s medical practices developed differently from the world in my previous life.

So what I’m thinking of doing is heretical, something that should be avoided. Besides, I don’t have the knowledge or experience to actually perform surgery. It’s something bordering on “not impossible” by revisiting my hazy memories and comparing them to this world’s general knowledge.

「Mother said that if the situation doesn’t improve, she would take matters into her own hands. But I have decided to take care of Ryeini and take responsibility for her life, until the bitter end. If we run out of ways to solve this and there’s nothing else we can do, then I’ll perform this last resort myself.」

「Princess Anne-Sophia…」

「I didn’t say this because I wanted to give up, rather, I said this so that I won’t give up; because I’ll be taking responsibility until the very end. So don’t you give up either, Ryeini. Your power is indeed dangerous. If you can’t control it, you won’t be allowed to live. But there’s still hope.」

Magic has the power to make people smile. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a dream or an ambition far away.

I will never give up. If it’s possible to reach for it, then I’ll keep stretching out my hand towards it.

「Trust me and follow my lead, Ryeini. I wish to show you the meaning of your power.」

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