The Magician of Sound

Chapter 72: 72


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He teleported them a hundred kilometers away from that place in the northeast direction. Yoshihiro immediately checked his map and saw that they were still on track. He just needed to shift his direction a little bit.

Kai was still hanging there with his willpower. He asked Yoshihiro with a hoarse voice, "How is it?"

"We are still in the course." Yoshihiro nodded his head as he steered the helicopter a little bit to the coast. After all, they did not want to land and be surrounded by magical beasts. Since magical beasts from the sea would not come out to the land, they did not need to care about that side and focused on the land.

Unfortunately, the magical sea beasts were more aggressive when they entered their territories. The government once sent huge fleets toward the sea for investigation, but they were butchered by the sea creatures instantly.

Because of that, they ignored the sea and did everything from the sky. Compared to the sea, it was far easier to travel by air.

Kai then nodded his head as his face was already pale. Blood then started coming from his nose, and he finally passed out. Ayaka immediately caught him.

They had a peaceful few hours before they suddenly saw a flock of birds flying toward them.

"Sh*t." Yoshihiro immediately threw a curse as he immediately changed direction to avoid this group of birds. He shouted, "Hang on!"

The helicopter bent almost flipped ninety degrees to avoid this, and everyone almost fell. Becca and Chiyo immediately reacted and prevented that from happening. Ayaka grabbed Kai, so he did not fall while Kai's mother held Shirotsuka Sanae.

"We need to patch the door," Chiyo shouted to James.

He was panicking about this, but he needed to endure and came up with his fabrics. He strengthened them with his magic, making an artificial door. Even if the other fell, they would be caught and bounced by this elastic door.

On the other hand, Tasha already aimed as she prepared to shoot her arrow if needed.

*Clang Clang!*

All of their faces became pale when they heard that. Luckily, what they thought never happened. The magical beasts did not attack them and just bumped their helicopter. They did not deal with any damage to the helicopter, letting it continue flying.

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After dodging the magical beasts, they finally felt relieved as Yoshihiro immediately stabilized their position again.

However, at this time, he felt a bit cold wind from the outside. Yoshihiro's face became even paler as he roared. "Damn!"

He saw a huge cyclone slowly formed in front of them. He did not hear the sound of magical beasts' roars on the land because of the situation as well as the loud noise from the helicopter. If he heard about it, he would immediately know what would happen.

Earth had gone a weird transition after magic spread in this world. The extreme weather became more extreme as a typhoon could suddenly appear. And without any proper equipment, he did not know if there would be a typhoon or not.

The sky was not clear, but the black cloud was also not that big. Sadly, all of them did not pick up the last clue from it being happened.

The birds were flying on lower altitudes because the barometric pressure had changed. If only they noticed it a bit sooner.

Yoshihiro immediately changed his direction by steering the wheel, but even so, the helicopter was still moving toward the typhoon. The typhoon was trying to absorb them.

The others were already shaking as they held their chairs as hard as possible, trying to make sure they would not get thrown off.

"This is bad. We need to get out of this place." Yoshihiro roared. He then looked at James Carter. "We need to wrap everyone in your magic as tight as possible. Ayaka and I will carry you from the sky."

"Are we going to abandon the helicopter?"

"Yes. We are going right now." Yoshihiro roared, and suddenly the helicopter shook. Becca and James Carter suddenly lost their grips and flew off the helicopter.

"!!!" Everyone was startled. However, Kudo Chiyo still saw them hanging on the foot on the landing skids because of Becca's fast response. Becca still held James as hard as possible while trying to get back inside.

Yoshihiro immediately made a magic circle before a wind sphere suddenly appeared and protected them from the wind. Even so, Yoshihiro could feel that the typhoon was trying to suck his wind sphere too, so they only had a tiny amount of time.

As his partner, Kudo Chiyo immediately knew what she needed to do. She used her magic to make an ice crook. She then stretched it out toward James Carter.

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"Grab it!" She shouted.

Seeing this, James Carter grabbed it with all of his strength.

Kudo Chiyo immediately pulled him back to the helicopter before helping Becca.

"We don't have time, we need to grab everyone and get out." Yoshihiro roared while trying his best to hold the magic.

James Carter knew that a single hesitation might cost them in this situation. He immediately grabbed his fabric and wrapped Kai, Shirotsuka Sanae, and Ayaka Carter.

The other also helped him by wrapping themselves with the fabric and joined with Kai and the others like the sardines on a can.

Yoshihiro then said, "I am going to let the wind suck us, and at the highest altitudes, we are going to escape from this place. However, because of this typhoon, the pressure up there would be very high, so prepare yourself."

The people gulped down as Ayaka clenched her fists. She could not make a mistake in this and helped everyone.

Yoshihiro tied it to his body while grabbing it tightly, and Ayaka did the same. They needed to make sure to get together with everyone in this typhoon as it would be over if they were separated.

Seeing everyone was ready, he then commanded. "Ayaka, you jump first, and I will follow you."

Ayaka nodded and jumped out of the helicopter while bringing the fabric that wrapped everyone. Yoshihiro also jumped, following the other end of the fabric.

Because of their position that was close to the typhoon, they were immediately sucked by the typhoon as soon as Yoshihiro's wind barrier disappeared.

They flew up high and did nothing as Yoshihiro's command. However, they started feeling discomfort as they were going upward, and before they knew it, their brain was hurt, and their ears were ringing.

Even so, they chose to endure it until they were finally above the typhoon. Yoshihiro immediately used his magic from earlier.

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All of their pain suddenly disappeared for a while. He then looked at Ayaka. "Listen to me. We are going to fly upward and make a parabolic movement to avoid the sucking force of this typhoon.

"This is going to be hurt, but you need to endure it no matter what. And most importantly is your Firewing magic. The typhoon might suck your fire, so you will be more of a burden than me."

"Father, I am ready." Ayaka looked at him with a severe expression. The others also looked at them while preparing for the pain. Even though they were wrapped by fabric, it was only on their body, their head and feet were still free.

Yoshihiro nodded his head. "We are going in 0."





The moment he said "0," Ayaka and Yoshihiro made a magic circle on their feet. Yoshihiro covered his boots with a wind sphere while Ayaka made a wing on her back. However, Ayaka also made an additional magic circle below her feet.

Both of them then jumped at the same time as they broke through from Yoshihiro's wind barrier. Ayaka immediately felt the suction force that was trying to swallow her fire, so she immediately used her Firewing magic one after another together with her boost. This allowed her to have the same speed as her father.

After escaping the typhoon, Yoshihiro told them to search for a good place to hide. As long as the magical beasts nearby were not that much, they could make it a temporary base until Kai woke up.

They were flying for a few hours before finally ending up resting on a house near Uelen. There were around three hundred magical beasts nearby, but they should be able to eliminate them.

After putting down Kai and Shirotsuka Sanae, all of them started fighting the magical beasts.


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When Kai woke up, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling. He looked left and right and saw Shirotsuka Sanae and his mother. He realized that they had landed and came inside a limestone cave.


"Mother. Have we arrived?" Kai asked while rubbing his fuzzy eyes. He also checked his magic power and disappointed to see he only recovered seventy percent of his magic power.

"This…" She did not know what to say.

"Where are we?" He immediately noticed something was wrong and asked her.

"We… Just say that we are a bit unfortunate and lose our transportation." She sighed.

"???" Kai looked at her, frowned. "Where are the others?"

"They… they are fighting the magical beasts outside. It has been a few minutes from when we crashed, and they are still fighting too many magical beasts." She clenched her fists.

"Where are we?" Kai asked again.

"We are around a hundred kilometer away from Uelen."

"We need to gather the others and teleport again." He endured the pain in his body and rose from his bed. He did not ask anything more from his mother as he felt it would just waste time to have her explain it from the start. He needed to get into safety first before he could talk about it.

It was at this time, Kai's device suddenly rang. His mother immediately grabbed his device and saw the hope she had been waiting for.

In his device, they could see.

[Incoming Call: Michelle]


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