The Magician of Sound

Chapter 74: 74

Meanwhile, on Kai's side,

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As soon as they saw Michelle's call, Kai said, "Mother, you can answer it, I will try to recover my magic as soon as possible."

"Alright." She picked up the call while Kai closed his eyes.

He wanted to recover his magic power because he heard the outside situation was not that good. They were barely able to hold themselves from being overwhelmed by the magical beasts.

"Not good. We need to get going right now." Yoshihiro came and noticed Kai had woken up. "Our situation is not good, we are going to move right now. Wait! You have woken up?"

This voice was not familiar to her ears, but she heard Kai say, "Alright. We are going to teleport there now."

Kai then took his communication device from his mother.

"We are going to buy time in Uelen. A few hours at best, but anything past that, we can only forcefully to Alaska. Even so, we might be surrounded by magical beasts when we get there. If I need… No, I just want to say, I miss you." Kai said as he hung up the call. He activated the tracker. He already noticed the magical beasts nearby but waiting until the last moment to recover his power as much as possible.

He then came out with all of them and used teleportation magic and disappeared from there.

"Kh!" Kai was gritting his teeth after using the teleportation. He only had around 20 percent of his magic power after using this teleportation magic. He had teleported as close as he could to the sea according to the map. Unfortunately, it was coming from the map. Even if they were close, they still needed around a few kilometers to go.

"We need to get going," Kai said as he already picked up so many sounds nearby. They would not want to be surrounded at this time, and the others knew about this. Kai did not have time to look around as the sound he picked the moment he arrived here had notified him about multiple magical beasts.

Kai started running toward the coast while slowing his pace to match his parents. They were the sole reason Kai decided to escape to the US base. He was not going to abandon them.

Kai and Yoshihiro took the front as they paved the way for the group to move. Becca and Kudo Chiyo were trying to hold the magical beasts from the sides. Meanwhile, Ayaka and Tasha were shooting down magical beasts as many as possible.

Their group slowly made their way toward the coast. They could see the magical beasts were popping out one after another. They were everywhere from the buildings, the road, the ground, and many others.

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They all thought as long as they reached the coast where they did not need to guard the sea, they should be able to push all of these magical beasts back.After a few minutes of running, they finally arrived at the coast. They also saw many buildings along the shore, and Kai immediately shouted. "Madam, after we kill the monsters around there, we will use the house to our advantage to slow them down. Meanwhile, you are going to make a huge terrain for us to hold them back for a couple of hours.

"There are around three thousand chasing us at the moment while more and more are coming. As long as we have that terrain, we should be able to hold them for a few hours."

Kudo Chiyo nodded after hearing that. Although she doubted if the terrain would become that effective, it was still better than nothing.

"Tasha, change with me." She then looked at Tasha before turning to her husband. "Dear, Send me there."

He nodded as he grabbed her. They often made a move like this and let their group have an advantage, so he quickly threw her without hesitation.

"Miss Becca, we are going to use that strategy to make our terrain more deadly for the magical beasts," Kai said.

Becca simply nodded her head, understanding his intention.Unexpectedly, Shirotsuka Sanae, who was carried by James Carter, finally woke up. She slowly said. "I will help."

"Teacher? How about you go to sleep again? We will arrive at the US base after another sleep." Kai said.

"I have woken up since a few minutes ago and restored a bit of my energy. We are in a dangerous situation, so I will also help you. Just put me down when we reach there, I can shoot out my wind magic from there." She said.

Kai wanted to reject her, but she would be a big help if she chose to join the battle. Even though he was pushing Shirotsuka Sanae's limit, they did not have an option to reject her. "Alright."

"Sister, take care of the flying beasts." He commanded.

"I know." She nodded. Even without Kai ordered her, she would start killing the magical beasts.

"Ayaka…" He finally called the last person.

"Yes!" Ayaka became tense when he called her name.

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"..." Kai looked at her for a while before saying. "Place your Magic Bomb on the roof of this house as much as possible. You are going to blast them. Set them… for an hour."

"!!" Ayaka was surprised. It was her time to be useful to others. She nodded furiously as she tried to calm her excitement. She kept saying to herself not to mess this up.

When they arrived at the housing area, Ayaka started planting her Magic Bombs. At the same time, Kai and Yoshihiro kept killing the magical beasts that were coming out of the house.

*Rumble Rumble*

They saw an ice hill coming out of the ground with Kudo Chiyo on the top. She then made a magic circle and rained these beasts down with her ice to buy time for the others to climb up the hill.As soon as they arrived at the top, Becca immediately used her magic and flooded the hill before the water immediately spiked and froze.

He then looked at Yoshihiro, "Sir, we are going to hold them here."

"You are not going to recover your magic power?"

"Can you hold them down alone?" He simply asked back. From his expression alone, he already knew the answer. "I am going to help you until we can reach a stalemate with the magical beasts."

"Alright. Don't push yourself."

"Yes."Kai activated his mysterious power once again and started rampaging on the battlefield. This took them by surprise, and even Yoshihiro was taken aback by this power. He felt chill down to his spine.

He took a deep breath to calm his mind and joined Kai. No question needed to ask in this situation as lives were their priority.

After around an hour, Ayaka Magic Bombs finally exploded together, killing a massive amount of Magical Beasts. At this time, Kai decided to retire and started recovering his magic power.

Unbeknownst to them, Kai's expression was darkened after one hour recovering. What they did not know was there was another source of the problem that needed to be solved. Kai was racing against time to fight this problem as he could only barely use another teleportation magic.

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The others were confused by this sound, but two giant crabs suddenly appeared. They were followed by more than a thousand sea creatures, and all of them tried to attack them.

"Not good!" Yoshihiro cursed as he tried to go back to the rest of them.

Kai had steeled his resolve in this and clasped his hands once again as a pink magic circle and enveloped all the people here.


All of them disappeared once again.…

"Gah!" Kai spat blood and fell to his knees.

He just used his rushed teleportation, and his magic power was used up. Even so, he still needed to use another teleportation magic and directly went to the US base.

Even without the magic power inside his body, he was planning to use his life force to replace the magic power. He did not care what would happen to him as long as his family was safe.

His eyes had become blurry, and his body was shaking uncontrollably. He already clasped his hands and made his magic circle.

However, Tasha came and hugged him from behind. She slowly held Kai's hands while tears started streaming on her face. She carefully separated his hands and said. "Kai… it is enough. You have worked so hard… Please, just rest. Our reinforcement has arrived."

She could not hold back her tears at all when she was looking at Kai's tattered body. All of these teleportations took a great toll on his body and if he used this one more time, he might even fall into a coma.

The others also noticed and felt relieved. They were ready to fight again, but with their current condition, they would die at one point. Luckily, they did not need to do that as what they had been waiting for had finally arrived. Hope finally came.

"All Troops! Flatten Them!"

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Magic was raining down from the sky as many helicopters had arrived at this place. Meanwhile, the fighter jets passed the magical beast's line to prevent the other magical beasts from joining hands.

"Boom Boom Boom!"

Kai could not hear any of this as his consciousness was already fuzzy. He only knew that he needed to make another teleportation to escape from this situation.

A certain blonde girl immediately jumped out of the sky and ran toward them. She embraced him from the front as she kept apologizing.

Painful… was the only thing she felt in her heart. Ayaka could not say or come close to this as she looked at these two women.

"Is that Michelle?" Kai asked with a tired tone. He could not even open his eyes at this point as he maintained his consciousness with his will power alone.

"Yes, I am here. So, don't push yourself any longer and let me do the rest."

"I see. I am glad." Those were the last words Kai spoke before he passed out.

Watching this, Michael gritted his teeth. "All troops hear my command. We are going to make a strategic retreat at this point. Squad D will bring all these people to our Graham Mansion. And don't forget to flatten these magical beasts!"

"Watch him for me." Michelle suddenly said to Tasha as she released a black aura from her body and took out two short swords.


Her eyes narrowed and filled with killing intent. She said in anger, "I have another thing to do."

She then disappeared as she started her killing spree.

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