The Magnolia Beauty

Chapter 15

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*This was during the time when Suyin was captured by Wansun studying about medicine. During this event, Areum was seeking for a job to provide for the both of them*

"I'm looking for a job to do. Do you guys, by chance, have someone who needs work?" Areum asked the owner of the inn. He crossed his arms, shaking his head.

"Ah, I'm sorry but... we have enough workers here already."

"Please. I'm in need of income! I'm willing to wash dishes even for little pay!" Areum urged the owner of the shop. Everywhere she went, it appeared that they weren't hiring any workers, so it made Areum desperate to find something to do to help Suyin. She wanted to be at least useful to her.

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"I'm sorry, Miss. You will have to find somewhere else that is accepting workers at the moment." The shop-keeper excused himself and then went back to do take care of his customer's needs.

"I-hic-got a job-hic-for you." A drunk man stood up, staggering towards Areum as he slammed the jar of wine to the front counter. The shop keeper didn't care since the man had money. As long as he doesn't mess up the place, it wasn't a big deal to the owner.

"Mind your own business!" Areum hissed at the man, sickened by the stench of alcohol in his breath and body. The man scowled at Areum, barely able to point the jar of wine to her.

"You think that you're some kind of woman who even has a reputation?! Just come be my concubine and you will live forever in pleasure." He insulted, laughing like a madman.

Areum grew impatient with the man. What would Suyin do in situations like this? She wasn't as bold as Suyin but held a strong passion for her freedom just like her. She seized the jar of wine and kept it over the top of her head, holding it with both of her hands. She wanted to launch it at him and when she did, she failed and missed her shot, miserably.

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The man was now furious but couldn't keep his sense of balance. "You--You try to go at me, you damn nobody!"


A rock flew across the man's face, causing him to cry in agony.

"Ow!! What the hell?!" He swung around to the culprit, a man standing at the stairs. "What the hell do you want?!" He complained. His right cheeks were now red from the impact of the rock. Areum turned around.

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"Y-Your highness!" Areum kneeled down, bending her head so low that she couldn't see his face anymore. Zhang Weizhe, the right hand of Qin Fuhua (and the "supposed" Prince that Areum and Suyin had mistaken), had a demeaning glare on his face, one that expressed bigotry and hostility. The drunkard man then pointed to Zhang Weizhe with disrespect.

"Your highness my ass!" The man tried to spit at Zhang Weizhe but evaded by taking a step to the side.

Weizhe touched Areum's shoulders to help her up. "I heard a commotion down the inn and decided that I should check it out. I didn't recognize that it was you."

"I apologize for the disturbance, but this man here had provoked me enough to cause a scene." The more that Areum stayed with Suyin, the more she felt like trouble came upon her also. She promptly bowed, embarrassed at what had occurred, but Weizhe only laughed.

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"Take this man out of the inn before I spill some blood in this inn." Zhang Weizhe commanded the owner of the inn. He dropped a bag full of money to the front counter. The shop-keeper immediately ushered his workers to throw the man out of the place, never to be back there again.

Areum kept thanking Zhang Weizhe for saving him and insisted that if he ever needs any help such as chores, cleaning up, or something that she can help, to ask her if he needs it. She knew that she was just a nobody with no name or reputation, but felt thankful that at least someone besides Suyin had acknowledged her as a human being.

Areum left back to the inn a couple of blocks down from where she was at, merrily hopping down the road because the drunkard fool had been kicked out and beaten up by the other men.

Arriving at the inn, her mood instantly disappeared by the owner's protests about their stay and how they didn't have any more money, causing her to cry deep down because she wasted the whole day happy that the jerk received their lesson.

"I'm so sorry Suyiiinnn~"

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