The Magnolia Beauty

Chapter 32

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Recap: Jianhong had captured Han Suyin and chained her up in a room after Qin Fuhua had suddenly disappeared to chase after a mysterious person trailing after them. Jianhong spoke about the death of his wife, thanks to the Prince of Qin, and attempted to bribe Suyin to become his wife. Qin Fuhua learns that someone "crazy and obsessed with women" had captured someone that was in his room, and can only conclude that Suyin was the one who would fit in the situation. Suyin had awakened the next day, attempting to fight against (or at least trap) the servant only to learn that they all thought she was dead.
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The servant lowered his head, placing his index finger to his lips to shush Suyin.

Suyin was not ashamed of how she clung onto his legs just a couple of seconds ago. She sat down, with her legs crossed as the servant hurried to take a peek outside of the doors and then turned to her.

"Every time Master Jianhong keeps a woman here, the next day, they are always found dead by either hanging themselves or by the Master. He usually does not know his strength and can go crazy sometimes..." the servant had lowered his voice, barely enough for Suyin to comprehend what he was saying. "At night, we (the servants) can hear his crazy laughing by himself at night."

Suyin shuddered at the thought of what would have happened the night before. If this kid didn't barge in the night before, she wouldn't have known what would have happened to her!

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"Why are you speaking to me?" Suyin questioned, interested in the reason why the servant had volunteered to come in. He was also the same person who came in the night before.

"One of the older servants had mentioned about Jianhong taking interest in a woman after meeting her at the medical shop." The servant hesitated for a second, his eyes staring down at the ground, "I... know it sounds ridiculous but I can not save enough money to buy my mother's medicine and she is very ill." His eyes then darted to Suyin's, giving her a direct, passionate answer, "Master had promised to give me extra money to provide my medicine but had always delayed it. My mother has been getting more ill. After hearing that you possess the jade of the dragon given by the Prince of Qin, I have no chance but to ask you for money so I can buy medicine to help my mother!" He begged, lowering his head at a 90-degree angle from her.

Suyin was thrown off at the kid's desire. If it was up to this point that he had no choice but to do some work behind the master's back to save his mother, it only meant that he was desperate for help. Suyin bit her lips, smiling at the kid.

"Look. If you help me out of here, I promise you that I will give you the medicine you need." She paused for a second, "But you have to promise me that if I do that, you need to stop working for this crazy man."

The servant bowed to Suyin, kneeling in front of her. "Thank you, thank you!" He generously thanked her. "I know that the Master holds the key with him all the time with a pouch on his sleeves. The only time he would not hold the key is usually his bath time or when he is sleeping. The master should be having his bath soon in the morning before he goes out, so I will make sure to keep an eye on it."

Suyin nodded, "If you retrieve the key, make sure to bring extra clothes of your outfit for me to change. I'm going to burn these clothes to hide the evidence."

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Great! If this goes well, she could slip away from the man and figure out who this man worked for. Knowing how much he wanted to catch the Prince of Qin, she knew that there would be a trap with Qin Fuhua's name on it.

"What is your name?" Suyin asked the servant. The servant stood up and turned to her,

"My name is Shao Feng."

She watched him hurry out of the room.

Shao Feng. Suyin had guessed at the kid's age was ten years old, with his voice still high pitched since he didn't reach puberty yet had a fate of working with someone so corrupted like Jianhong. Someone at the age of ten would be learning at a school or would be playing with friends, not being caged for labor that the child didn't deserve.


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Servants lined up at the side of the hallway down to the door, waiting for Jianhong to come to the bathing room. Inside, maids had set up red flower petals on the beautiful bathtub which was about the size of a pool as the heat simmered up in the air. Jianhong entered, taking off his robe and graciously walked into the pool. At the center of a pool, a concrete statue of a beautiful lady stood in the middle of it.

"My wife..." Jianhong stared at it and then started to laugh like a crazy man.

Shao Feng slowly crept into the room, after the servants dispersed when Jianhong entered in the bathroom so that he could look for his robe. He watched Jianhong laugh by himself, caressing the statue as he grabbed the key to free Suyin from the chains in the room and slowly crept out of the room.


*Qin Fuhua's POV*

A pigeon bird flew up in the sky, catching Qin Fuhua's attention. He pulled out a little whistle, a sound that only birds could be heard as the pigeon flew straight to Qin Fuhua. He lifted his index finger as it landed on it, with a letter attached to the legs of the pigeon. Qin Fuhua had taken the letter off of the bird as it flew off from his finger.

"There has been a sect in the village that is looking for the Prince of Qin to find reasons to take the kingdom down. Investigating at the moment is not a priority. Save Suyin and find the medicine for the Princess first.

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According to the investigations he commanded Weizhe to investigate, whoever that was related to Suyin's disappearance and the men in black that tried to attack Suyin had to be associated with someone who was trying to bring the kingdom of Qin down. Outweighing the current priority though, Weizhe's sense of logic was exactly like Qin Fuhua: saving Suyin and the Princess.


*Back to Suyin's POV*

After the servant had returned to give Suyin the key so she could be freed from the chains, she had promised the servant to meet with her at night time by the medical shop. After changing into the same servant clothes just like Shao Feng, Suyin was prepared to leave, only to hear loud, massive clashes of sword outside of the room.

"There's an intruder! Bring more help here!"

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