The Magnolia Beauty

Chapter 44

"We're here, my Lord," Weizhe announced outside. Qin Fuhua stood up to get out of the carriage, leaving Suyin alone in there.

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"W-Wait for me!" She quickly followed him, heading outside.


Chuhua's little voice softly called out to Qin Fuhua. Qin Fuhua gently smiled, squatting down to Princess Chuhua's height with a pat on her head.

Chuhua turned her to Suyin when she walked into the front gates and ran towards her, waving at her.

"Hi, Miss Suyin!" She waved, waving her hands to Suyin as she waved back.

"How are you feeling?" Suyin questioned, looking at her as she lit out a big smile on her face.

"Better than ever!" She turned around to look at her brother (Qin Fuhua) and then turned back to Suyin. "Ever since you came, I've been feeling better than ever before!" Chuhua uttered aloud on purpose so that her brother could hear her voice.

Qin Fuhua ignored her remark and strolled down to his courtyard.

Before Chuhua and Suyin could talk together, Qin Fuhua turned around to the two.

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"For working so hard, I reward you with whatever you want." He said softly.

"Wait!" Suyin ran to Qin Fuhua and stopped him before he left.


"Since you said I can have a reward..." She was hesitant at first, looking down at her fingers before she looked at him, "Do you think I can go back to a friend's... place."

Qin Fuhua's eyebrow furrowed. She knew that she was not supposed to just leave him and his sister like that because she had to take care of Chuhua.

"Y-You can say that I can have whatever so..." She saw Areum who didn't know that they were returning today and dropped all of the things to run to Suyin.

"My lady!" She cried out, holding Suyin's hands. "It's so nice to see you again!"

Suyin had no choice but had mouthed "I'm sorry" to Areum and turned to Qin Fuhua.

"I'll... I'll come back soon! I promise. Areum will stay here to help take care of the house while I'm gone. I promise!"

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Qin Fuhua turned around with his hands behind his back. "No." He said in an angry tone and left.

Rejected, Suyin could only pout and sulk, the same as Areum who was used as a poor scapegoat. "My lady," Areum said in a low tone.

"I'll talk to you later," Suyin said as she went back to get Chuhua to head to her (the Princess) courtyard.


'"Ahh, I shouldn't have just asked." Suyin walked back and forth in her chamber. Areum was pouring tea in the cup, calmly watching Suyin.

"Why didn't you just tell the Prince that you wanted to see your parents?" Areum suggested, thinking of ways for her to help.

"No." Suyin stopped her steps, thinking about her parents before she bitterly smiled at Areum. "I don't have parents like that."

Suyin did miss her parents, a lot. Even her parents in this era looked exactly like the ones that she had in the present, but they were irrational than hers in the present.

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Right before Qin Fuhua could knock on the door that leads into Suyin's chamber, Suyin had blurted out some curse words about the Prince.

"This Prince thinks that he's so grateful and this and that, acting cooly in front of his little sister, only to say no to me." Suyin was angry about Qin Fuhua's suggestion about "rewarding" her. With a frown on Qin Fuhua's face, he quietly opened the door, enough so that Suyin wouldn't hear.

Suyin was facing in front of Areum, who immediately saw the Prince as she tried to point at Qin Fuhua. She put her hands on her hips and then put her right leg on a chair. "Damn it. Next time I save him, I'm going to make his medicine so bitter, he's going to wish that he was nicer to me."

Areum kept pointing at the Prince, "My lady." Areum softly spoke, pointing towards Qin Fuhua's way. Frozen in place, Suyin noticed where Areum was pointing: behind her.

Suyin slowly turned around to see an angry Qin Fuhua, crossing his arms as she gave him a big smile. "Ha... haha.. I was just... kidding." Suyin put her left hand behind her back, laughing as if it was a joke.

"I hope it was." Qin Fuhua said in an angry tone. Although he seemed angry, Suyin was surprised to see him in her room. Why was he here? Suyin looked behind him to see if anyone followed him. If it wasn't the Princess following behind him to visit her, then why was he here?

Qin Fuhua threw her a bag of coins and a set of clothes towards her. Suyin was able to barely grasp the items in a hurry. "Come back when you're done doing whatever business at your friend's home." Qin Fuhua said, angrily slamming the doors closed before Suyin looked at Areum.

"Does that mean.. I can leave?!" Suyin happily said, hopping up as Areum nodded to her question.

"My lady! Don't worry about me here. Please do whatever you need at Lord Wansun's home."

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Suyin nodded, smiling at Areum.


"Good bye, my dear lady" Areum smiled, handing her a bag filled with clothes and the money that Qin Fuhua had given to her. The two were outside of the manor. Weizhe had offered to take Suyin to her friend's home but she politely declined.

Suyin looked around, trying to see if anyone else would come to see her off. Areum had observed Suyin, who looked impatient or at least anxious as she lit a small grin on her face.

"Are you looking for his highness?" Areum whispered, giggling as Suyin frowned at Areum.

"N-No!" Suyin retracted, grabbing her things. She quickly stomped off towards her way to Wansun's home.


Qin Fuhua was watching from afar at the gates of his manor, with Weizhe by his side.

Weizhe had watched Qin Fuhua stare in front of the gates, wondering what the Prince was staring at until he saw Suyin stomping off. He lowered his head, "My lord, shall I suggest to follow the lady?" He asked, trying to comfort Qin Fuhua as he shook his head.

"Forget it. We have other important things to do." Qin Fuhua uttered, walking down the corridors.

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