The Magus Era

Chapter 234

Chapter 234 - Being taken into custody

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Once Di Shun said that sentence, a natural and peaceful yet great stream of power spread out in the hall.

Zhu Rong, who had turned into raging, blazing flame about to launch an attack, sniffed in disdain and transformed back to a beautiful young man in a red cloak, keeping his eyes narrowed and sat back on his seat. However, judging from the cold and sharp light that leaked out of the corners of Zhu Rong’s eyes from time to time, this hatred between Ying Yunpeng and him was rooted firmly.

Wulong Yao and few of the other master Magi tutors all took their seats as well, but with darkened faces. They straightened their necks and gritted their teeth, looking quite angry and embarrassed.

Thy had indeed received Ji Hao’s message, but they were too busy attending this extra important meeting and were unable to spare any attention to deal with Ji Hao’s problem. That was why, according to the standard procedure of the Magi Palace, they could only let the elder of outer palace, Meng Jiang, who was also sitting in this hall, handle Ji Hao’s problem.

However, somehow the problem got serious, to the point that Ji Hao had no choice but seek out the help of Si Xi, and Si Xi had taken him directly to Emperor Shun. No matter what had happened after Ji Hao reported to them, and whoever had involved in this, all in all, as tutors of Ji Hao, all of these master Magi tutors felt greatly offended.

Whoever had been manipulating this frame issue had not only offended their dignities but also offended their powers, as elders of the Magi Palace.

Therefore, when they looked at Meng Jiang, all of these master Magi tutors had shown their anger clearly on faces; although Meng Jiang was a famous powerful and fearless person, came from the Qing Qi Clan, he felt tortured by those weird gazes of those few master Magi tutors, that continuously twisted his body in his seat, as if he had thorns grew out from his back.

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Si Xi sneered, slapped hard on Ji Hao’s shoulder and yelled, “Ji Hao! Tell the what have happened!”

Ying Yunpeng instantly took a step forward, said to Ji Hao with a fake smile and a cold voice, " Ji Hao, you little bastard, you can still tell the truth, our king might lighten you punishment, but, if you ever dare to call white black and try to set you bunch of little bastards from your sin, don't' blame me for punish you right here!!"

Ji Hao smiled, gave a measure look to Ying Yunpeng, shook his head then seriously bowed to Emperor Shun, and said, “His Majesty, I, Ji Hao, a kid from the Gold Crow Clan, with respect, will honestly state everything that has happened to me and my friends these days.”

Ji Hao was quite a talented story teller, from Yu Mu and Feng Xing firstly accepted this task, and they left the Magi Palace for the Rong Mountain Clan, to they escaped from that underground cave through an underground river, and got back on the ground; after which, he sent his messages to Wulong Yao and the other tutors, request the Magi Palace to redress the scales; Ji Hao told the whole story in full details.

At last, Ji Hao took out the three confessions, written by Meng Ao and the two young men, stepped forward and carefully placed those confessions on the small table, in front of Emperor Shun.

“Please, His Majesty, we just want the justice,” said Ji Hao calmly, “at first, only the Rong Mountain Clan was involved in this whole event, according to our Southern Wasteland rules, that we will pay back everyone who helped us and make all enemies pay for their mistakes, my friends and me could simply wipe the entire Rong Mountain Clan out.”

“Great! Clearly distinguished the kindness and hatred! Good our Southern Wasteland boy!” said Zhu Rong while slowly clapping his hands.

Threw a sideway measuring glance at Ji Hao, Zhu Rong shook his head and let out a long sigh, said, “him, you’re a nice kid indeed, but, want to be my son-in-law? You’re still far from that.”

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Ji Hao instantly felt into speechlessness, this old Zhu Rong…what on earth was he thinking about…

Ying Yunpeng stood aside, heard Ji Hao’s word he yelled out harshly, “such an evil shameless little monster! Apart from making stories and frame others, how dare you just mention wipe the Rong Mountain Clan like that?! Do you even have any idea about where you are?! And who are you talking to?!”

Let out a hollowed cough, Ji Hao looked at Ying Yunpeng, sneered and said, "Of course I know where I am! Even in front of our king I dare to say whatever I am thinking about! The Rong Mountain Clan betrayed us for the crystal mine and tried to frame us, even kill us and steal the truth. Even if I truly wipe that clan out, it's totally reasonable!"

Drummed hard on his own chest, Ji Hao yelled back at him, “I, Ji Hao and a dignified man, I am responsible for every single word I said! I dare to think about it, of course, I dare to talk about it!”

“Good! Good kid!” an old and hoarse voice came from a corner of the hall, “good talk! Eh, kids in Pu Ban City now are all weird now, like…those little pussies, eh, call themselves princes, magnates, and things like that, they’re not even a little bit manly. This kid, Ji Hao, ah, I, an old man, like him!”

All the ministers sat in the hall turned their head back, looked at that corner; after which, most of them immediately turned their heads back and remained silent.

The one who had been napping in the corner of the hall, and abruptly yelled out just now, was no one else but the old, old man, Master Candle Dragon, who had lived for at least ten-thousand years. Even if he was talking complete nonsense, no one dares to argue with him in front of his face.

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Only Ying Yunpeng widely popped up his eyes when he saw Candle Dragon Gui, he instantly went so raging that even his eyeballs turned green. This old bastard had trapped him and indirectly let all those horrible things happened to him!

Emperor Shun shook his head and said blandly, “Ji Hao, you were talking about…Lie Mountain Xu.”

Ji Hao seriously looked at Emperor Sun and said, “not only him, but also Gong Gong Wuyou. If wasn’t because of two of them, we would never, ever disturb you, His Majesty, for such a small problem. However, now it seems that this elder is quite unpleasant because of me.”

While speaking, Ji Hao pointed his finger at Ying Yunpeng.

Ying Yunpeng showed the whites of his eyes, suddenly kneeled down in front of Emperor Shun and began crying and showing, “His Majesty, please, please redress the scales for me! My, my poor little boy, Yun, and Su, my good nephew, and that talented kid Great Gale Ling, they, they’re all dead, miserably! Poor boys!”

All ministers sitting in that hall were badly confused, wasn’t Ji Hao claiming that he was framed? But why Ying Yunpeng began crying here?

All those ministers hadn’t left this hall for days, been discussing about the Ci Ban mountain area, didn’t know what had happen outside yet, but at least, they have heard about the deaths of Ying Yunpeng’s son, nephew and Great Gale Ling.

Emperor Shun frowned, deeply and harshly growled, “what exactly had happened?”

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Ying Yunpeng’s eyes showed intentions of kill, pointed at Ji Hao and yelled in a high-pitched voice, “Him! This cruel and evil little bastard and his team, for some small conflicts, they killed the few poor boys of mine!”

Ji Hao spread his own hands and let out a sigh, face filled with innocent, and said, “what? You failed to frame me so you have decided to say whatever you want?”

Ying Yunpeng abruptly leapt high from the ground, waved his arm and threw a punch towards Ji Hao, while screaming, “little bastard! Even if Emperor Shun would punish me, today I will revenge for my poor boys!!”

Ying Yunpeng was a greatly powerful Magus King, his punch swooshing towards Ji Hao; if this punch truly lands on Ji Hao’s body, Ji Hao would definitely be smash into a wisp of smoke. Fortunately, Si Xi had been standing right beside Ji Hao all the time, he threw out a punch as well and straightly struck on Ying Yunpeng’s fist. Their fists only slightly touched without making any noise, after which, both of them took a step back. Ying Yunpeng vomited a large mouthful of blood out, while Si Xi stayed perfectly fine.

Ying Yunpeng kneeled on the ground and began crying again, while screamed, “Please, someone, show the justice to us! To those poor dead boys of our Ten-Sun Country!”

Emperor Shun remained absolutely calm, only staring at Ji Hao from head to toe.

Remained silent for a short while, Emperor Shun said with the same bland tone, “Where is Hao Tao? Come, take Ji Hao and Ying Yunpeng both into custody, after we find out the truth, we will deal with both of them.”

A strong man, who had purple, square and august face, walked out from the crowd of ministers, grabbed Ji Hao’s shoulder with one hand, other hand grabbed Ying Yunpeng’s shoulder, walked out of the hall.

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