The Magus Era

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 - Preach

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Pu Ban people were mostly simple and honest, people who committed a serious sin and be put into the jail were extremely rare. After those people surrounded Ying Yunpeng’s hut and discussed him for a while, they lost interests to both Ji Hao and Ying Yunpeng, shook their heads and went back to their days.

Ying Yunpeng gave Ji Hao a few sneers, sat and crossed his legs, took a long deep breath and began cultivating.

Ji Hao hadn't noticed anything special during the daytime, but during the night, when the sky was thickly dotted with bright stars, Ji Hao clearly saw a relatively bigger star, grew much more brother than the others. The star was brightly shining, that even looked like a pentacle from Ji Hao’ angle. Beams of extremely condensed, golden needles alike starlight descended from the air, continuously gushed into Ying Yunpeng’s Magus Acupoints.

Every beam of starlight was extremely pure, contained a great amount of power. The power contained in every beam of starlight equalled to the total amount of power contained in a Senior Magus’s Magus Acupoint. Within the span of only one breath, over ten beams of starlight would be absorbed by Ying Yunpeng’s body.

Ji Hao shockingly staring at Ying Yunpeng for a while, he suddenly realised the great, scary difference between Magus kings and Senior Magi.

Raised his head and looked at the starry sky, Ji Hao silently shook his head. A Magus King’s cultivation started from finding his or her own spirit star, since then, he or her would be able to share powers with the spirit star, and every move of this Magus King would be improved by the special power, belonged to that spirit star.

Pondered this for a while, Ji Hao began his own cultivation as well.

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The jail cell was only made from four bamboos and one straw roof, without anything to block people’s eyesight, therefore, even sleep in this kind of cell would be quite embarrassing to Ji Hao; except cultivation, he could think of any other thing to do.

Slowly activated all power contained in his meridians, then transformed the power streams into a sharp and solid drill, continuously drilling a new Magus Acupoint. The power contained in meridians were relatively withy, perfect for waking new Magu Acupoints.

As for those power contained in woken Magus Acupoints, which were way too condensed and great, could only be used in ordinary cultivation, instead of waking new Magu Acupoints; because those new Magus Acupoints were as fragile as eggs, if use power contained in woken Magus Acupoints to wake them up, it would be easy to lost control of those fierce and violent power, and smash the tender new Magus Acupoint into pieces; thus, the Magus would lose a precious Magus Acupoint.

Ordinary Senior Magi never cultivate their souls and spiritual power, therefore, they couldn’t precisely control those great and violent power contained in their woken Magus Acupoints. Ever since the magic cultivation system was invented, all Senior Magi would only use power contained in their meridians to wake their new Magus Acupoints, and all foundational power of their newly woken Magus Acupoints were come from their meridians, had nothing to do with their already woken Magus Acupoints.

However, Ji Hao had been cultivating on the [Mantra Dan of Nine Secret Words] since he was a little kid, which allowed him to freely control his soul, and spiritual power that was hundreds of times greater than ordinary Senior Magi. His spiritual power was sensitive, therefore, every time when he woke up a new Magus Acupoints, he could always transfer a slight stream of power into the new Magus Acupoint from those already woken Magus Acupoints, therefore, every newly woken Magus Acupoints of Ji Hao would be slightly more powerful than the last one.

You probably won’t tell any difference when he had only ten or twenty Magus Acupoints, but until this number grow to a hundred, two hundred, a thousand, two thousands, even ten thousands, the power contained in Ji Hao’s newly woken Magus Acupoints would be much much greater than those foundational power contained in his meridians.

Step by step, and to rise abruptly based on accumulated power. Ji Hao had already surprisingly found that he now had a better foundation and body condition than the others.

Half and hour later, a popping sound came from his body, a red spotlight lit up on Ji Hao’s left shoulder - a mother new Magus Acupoints was waked up. All power contained in his meridians and one percent of power contained in three woken Magus Acupoints, which located near the newly woken one, simultaneously gushed into the newly woken Magus Acupoint; after that, this Magus Acupoint began expanding fleetingly, and large streams of sweat gushed out of Ji Hao’s skin.

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“Little bastard,” Ying Yunpeng opened his eyes, threw an angry glance at Ji Hao.

“Old pig,” Ji Hao opened his eyes as well, show the whites of his eyes towards Ying Yunpeng.

The two of them glanced at each other angrily, then closed their eyes simultaneously, continue cultivating.

This was a quite night, no one stayed around the two of then except the two muscular men lived in cells relatively close to Ji Hao and Ying Yunpeng, who were bored, had been staring at Ji Hao and Ying Yunpeng, eyes filled with admiration.

The most powerful one among them were only a Junior Magus, and was an elementary-level one, who had only over ten meridians filled with power. Not to mention Ying Yunpeng, Ji Hao was already a Senior Magus in such a young age, this made the two of them both jealously and admire, couldn’t tell the complicated feeling in their hearts.

One of them, who’s face was almost covered denied mustachio, abruptly let out a sigh and said, “if I can become a Senior Magus one say, I will go to the North and join the army. Even if I have to risk my life and fight against enemies, I would have a chance to earn an official position and an enfeoffment, in that way, my life would be valuable. It’s much better than stay at home and be yelling at by those damn women!”

Another muscular man threw a sideway look at this, laughed and said, “you? A Senior Magi? Yeah right, keep dreaming. Lazy douches like you who are even unable to distinguish one kind of grain from another, and knew nothing but get drunk and go back home, beat your Amma and wife, you could only be a meat shield for others even if you really managed to join an army. Haha.”

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The mustachio man was enraged by his words, pointed his finger at that man and yelled, “bastard! Once I get out of this jail, I will certainly kill you!”

Everyone had been put into this jail was not nice at all, the other man slapped his own neck, sneered and yelled back, “come, kill me. If you can’t kill me, I will chop you instead, then kill those old douches in your home conveniently, I have been fancy your wife since long ago!”

The conflict between two of them had started a chaos, another few men joined this oral fight, the entire jail gradually became noisy.

“People, you are so pathetic; the bitter ocean is boundless; turned around your head, you will see the ocean bank.” 

A gentle voice came from afar, this voice was filled with a magical power, that would make people feel extra peaceful. Those men, who had been yelling at each other, stopped instantly and turned their heads back, to see who were talking.

The mustachio man, who talked at first yelled out, “Kong Ye kid, what are you doing here, again? What nonsense bitter ocean? Who is bitter? You can’t imagine how happy were are! Why are you always saying that nonsense?”

Ji Hao opened his eyes curiously as well, saw a young man, who was about fifteen or sixteen years old, only slightly older than Ji Hao, and looked quite handsome. This young man wearing a roughly sawed flax cloth bared his feet, stood not far away from Ji Hao.

The young man been called Kong Ye had his long hair hung loosely on his back and had been releasing a magical sense of power, that gave a sense of emptiness. He pitifully looked at the mustachio man, said in a deep voice, “you are trapped in this jail, don’t you feel sad? You are not getting along well with your families, isn’t that bitter? Your wife is not nice, haven’t you been annoyed by that? You worked so hard plough and sow on the land, but your harvest could barely fill your stomach, isn’t that bitter? You can never have what you want, tell me, isn’t that bitter?”

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Let out a heavy sigh, Kong Ye continued gently, “every creature in this world is living a bitter life, and the bitter life we have, is due to our sins of our precious lives. On and on, the bitterness will linger around us, and will never end. If you want freedom, the only way is to join us. Join us, you will learn the powerful secretive magic, which will set your free from your bitterness.

Ji Hao staring at this Kong Ye, wondering how could his word sound so familiar.

He let out an evil grin, then said in a deep voice as well, “the freedom is right behind you, only need to slice yourself on the neck, then you will naturally be free.”

Kong Ye looked at Ji Hao, responded blandly, “how could that be freedom? Even if you set yourself free from this life, your soul will reincarnate to the next like. Commit suicide is a serious sin, if you do that, you could only add heavier sin on yourself, and your next life could only be more sorrowful.”

Ji Hao spread his hands and said, “well, do you mean there is no way to break out from our bitterness?”

Kong Ye slightly and slowly shook his head and said, “of course, there is a way that will set you free, you will learn that after you join us. Come, join us, you will have endless, true happiness.”

Looked at Kong Ye’s brightly shining eyes, Ji Hao ruminated for a short while, then blandly yet seriously let out an incomparably dirty word to Kong Ye, that contained a bare insult to Kong Ye’s biological mother. After which, Ji Hao closed his eyes once again, carried his cultivation on.

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