The Magus Era

Chapter 25


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When the sun rose, Ji Hao was standing in the yard, gazing at the rosy sun.

Last night, with Ji Kui and other elders‘ help, Ji Hao made a ’fighting beast agreement‘ with Mr Crow. Mr Crow was nearly a thousand-year-old; he[1] was even more powerful than some ordinary Senior Magi.

Once the agreement was made, Mr Crow’s vast internal power gushed into Ji Hao’s body in a rapid stream. Mr Crow’s power triggered Ji Hao’s bloodline power instantly, upgraded him to the eleventh level.

Ji Hao was slowly stretching his arms and legs in the yard.

Inside his body, tens of red vein-like lines appeared; these lines have interwoven into a magical net; Ji Hao’s blood was continuously flowing through the net. Without jumped into his spiritual space, he could perceive those faint light spots which were twinkling on this red net. These spots were ‘magus caves’ contained in Ji Hao’s blood, passed on along the Gold Fire Crow’s bloodline. None of them has been triggered yet.

With the flushing of Ji Hao’s blood, this red net was growing firm; soon, it has started to absorb power from Ji Hao’s blood slowly.

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Ji Hao then tried to trigger his internal power. He sensed a vast and mysterious power was hidden inside his body. He felt like he only need to improve his strength for a little bit more, or maybe just wait until a right moment; then he could release this power and become much stronger. This was a gift from the Gold Fire Crow’s bloodline.

Ji Xia and Qing Fu was still sleeping. 

Even though Ji Hao has dealt with the fire forces, their bodies and souls were badly injured by the fire.

Ji Hao was trying to cure their bodies and souls with the power of the ‘Nice Secret Words’, which would take a few days. They needed the rest, so Ji Hao didn’t wake them up.

The fat bear was lying near the door on its own stomach. Mr Crow now shrunk his body into feet tall, stood on the bear’s head and picked a piece of meat. After he made the ‘fighting beast agreement’ with Ji Hao, he was allowed to freely shrink or enlarge his body size.

After a while, the yard gate was unexpectedly pushed open by a young man, who was wearing a simple leather armour, holding a spear and carrying a wooden shield. The young man walked into the yard, took a glance into the window and nodded to Ji Hao. 

“Hao, how’s my uncle and auntie?” Said the young man.

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Ji Hao turned around, looked at the young man for a while and answered: “Abba…and Amma, they’ve had Ji Tu’s medicine earlier. Now they’re getting better…They just need to rest. They’ll…they’ll be ok.”

The young man was Ji Hao’s distant cousin, Ji Hu. Ji Hu was three years older than Ji Hao. Judged from the blood relationship, Ji Hu and his families were just distant relatives with Ji Hao and other people in their clan. However, compared to Ji Hao, who’s close relatives were mostly died in battles, Ji Wu came from a large and thriving family, which was quite influential in the Gold Black Mountain.

As for Ji Hu himself, he was also talented and strengthful. He has already reached the seventh-level as a Novice Magus. During the last few times of group hunting, his good performances caught many attentions. 

Normally, Ji Hao wouldn’t spend his time with Ji Hu or other kids in the village. He had always been either concentrating on study Magusreists sorceries from those elders or hanging around with Heng Luo and his other non-human kind friends. Ji Hu abruptly showed up; Ji Hao was wondering what does he want from him.

“Hao, we’re all pissed off when we saw Ji Shu wounded uncle Xia.” Ji Hu said frowningly. “Our Fire Crow Clan warriors should never hurt our own people! We don’t wanna follow his lead… We…”

Ji Hao stared at Ji Hu, who were talking loudly and angrily; many thoughts has flashed through his mind.

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Ji Hu then took two steps forward, put his mouth close Ji Hao’s ear and said mysteriously: “Few days ago, I went up into the mountain and searched for little eagles. You know what I found? I found tow ‘killing vines’, at least, hundreds of years old! You know the ‘killing vine’ can even bring the dead back to live… That pair of vines were guarding by a ‘human face centipede’. I tried to take them to uncle Xia and untie Qing Fu, but it was too risk for me to challenge that centipede by myself… Why don’t we go together? Let’s go get those ‘killing vines’ and cure my uncle and auntie!”

“’Killing vines’?” Ji Hao pretended to be surprised that Ji Hu has found two ‘killing vines’. He grabbed Ji Hu’s shoulder and said: “Really? Let’s go get them! But… ‘human face centipede’? I’m afraid that even two of us together couldn’t kill that…”

Ji Hu patted his own chest and said in a low voice: “Of course not, so I brought Feng and Shui. The four of us, together! The centipede is doomed!”

“Hao, we must cure uncle Xia. As long as uncle Xia is here… he’ll lead us fought against Ji Shu… Then Ji Shu can never get what he want! Not in here, the Gold Black Mountain!” Ji Hu then continued with a luring tone.

Ji Hao threw a sideway glance at Ji Hu. Such a perfect and naive plan, only kids would buy that.

Ji Shu has the ‘fire crow axe cane’ held in his hands, which means he had the highest power of the clan. Even Ji Kui and other elders couldn’t do anything to change that. How could it be as easy as Ji Hu said?

Ji Hao stayed silent for a while, then held Ji Hu’s hand with both of his hands and said anxiously: “Ju Hu, my brother, then let’s go get those vines now! I really want to save my parents!”

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He paused, then lowered his voice and continued: “Let’s sneak out, don’t let others find out what we’re doing… I’m afraid that there’re Ji Shu’s people in the village…”

“Ha, you’re very thoughtful. If someone tell Ji Shu, he must send people to hold us back! You know…we’re only kids, we can’t bear to fight against those elite warriors.”

Ji Hao nodded to Ji Hu then whistled. Mr Crow flapped his wings and landed on Ji Hao’s shoulder.

Ji Hu took a glanced at Mr Crow. There were countless small crows like this out there, as weak as ordinary birds. Nothing to worry about. He thought.

“Let’s go. Hopefully, we can make it quick and come back early. Hmm…Hao, come, this way… We better don’t let others see us. Let’s take that trail in the woods…” Ji Hu led the way and got into the woods.

Around half an hour later, they met with the other two young men and sneaked out of the valley, headed up to the mountain.

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