It was a mistake

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If you didn’t want the original to change, if you didn’t want things to…

Then you shouldn’t have allowed Cliff de Helios in the first place!

Senelia felt as though she was being strangled.

If the emperor’s setting had remained unchanged, like in the original, then Senelia would have never gotten entangled with Benelucia.

Senelia, who was lost in her thoughts, froze as if coming to a sudden realization.

I hope I am not like the original host… Because I don’t want to lose as a minor character in love with Benelucia. Therefore…?

In the original novel, Senelia Daphnen was one of the countless women who had fallen deeply in love with the duke, Benelucia Afron.

But when she first met him, she though that she would never get involved with a man such as himself.

A handsome and kind man, a man who the entire world knew about. But in reality, he truly loved no one.

Even so, most ordinary people could not help but fall for him.

Senelia was afraid that if she became emotionally involved with such a man, he would treat her no different from the other women who had been sentenced to breakups with the Grand Duke.

So, she avoided it.

If that’s the wrong decision.

Then what the hell would I do with my life?

She faltered. Of course, she would end up angry and cry.

In the original, she, like many others, had dated Benelucia. And slowly, grew unable to forget the kindness shown towards them by that handsome man, and the things he gave them.

So, it was unfortunate.

In other words, Senelia had made a choice as to not end up unhappy in the end.

But the price of it, wasn’t it a little too harsh?

“…lly, Sally!”

She startled at the abrupt sound of the duke calling her name.

Benelucia had her wrapped up in his arms, his head lowered as he gazed at her.

“Go, My Lord.”

It was the experimental instinctive reaction that Senelia had developed during the past eight years.

It was the thought of needing to live, a desperate instinct for life.


“The Young Lady you’ve waited for has come back.”

At that moment, Benelucia looked at Senelia blankly.

I never assumed you would say something like this here.

“…Don’t you want me to stay with you?”

The question was asked unconsciously.

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Senelia’s personality for the past few years, Benelucia knew it well.

But if she had even an ounce of affection for him left, at least… At least, even if she doesn’t want to be with him anymore, she shouldn’t ask him to go to another.

Benelucia couldn’t understand Senelia’s thoughts at all.

“How could I possibly stand in your way?”
She sounded calm.

So, it seemed she would rather he forget who he was dating.

Do you now draw the line or have you never loved me?

“You are always like this.”

Benelucia smiled in disappointment.

Despite her devotion to him, Senelia had never revealed her love at the opportune moment.

The was the Senelia that Benelucia had grown to know.

He could never be sure of where her heart laid.

Benelucia asked again, hoping to know her thoughts.

“Do you really want me to go?”

He knew it deep down.

Lucalina went out of her way to help him.

She was that same person who sacrificed for him, and she has returned.

Much later than what the time the emperor had given him.

So, he had to go.

In person.

Still, he wanted to ask Senelia.

If you tell me not to go, I won’t go.

“How can I claim to know what Your Majesty wants?”

And Senelia replied consistently.

After staring at Senelia for some time, Benelucia stood up without another ord.

“Well then.”

Benelucia left Senelia’s townhouse with his attendant.

Senelia felt relief.

Well done. As usual… Without deviation.

She did not regret her actions.

You can’t be like the women who usually circle around Benelucia and get discarded.

Somehow, Senelia still felt uncomfortable and nauseous.

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Closing her eyes, she dismissed it as a symptom of her fainting spell earlier.

“I’ll be by your side until you wake up. Sleep well.”

The words previously whispered by the duke floated to mind.

Senelia was filled with regret. She shouldn’t have allowed him into her room.

If so… Because then, she would not still feel him there, would not still smell the vivid scent of Benelucia Afron.




Senelia knew the name Lucalina very ‘well’.

Now, even the duke knew this fact.

Even after returning to the duke residence, Senelia was still in his heart.

“Shall we send someone to the Marquess of Elihan?”

Arante, Benelucia’s lieutenant asked.

It was Arante who had commanded someone to go to Senelia’s townhouse to announce Lucalina’s return.

At his question, Benelucia stared at the lieutenant.


“Arante, how long have we known one another?”

“I had first met the Grand Duke as a shotgun when the duke was still a Prince… It has been a long time.”

Arante, who had paused at the duke’s question, thought carefully and replied after much thought.

“Yes, that is why you seem to think that the relationship between two of us should lose this much formality.”

The Grand Duke’s voice was low.

Arante froze and glanced at Benelucia.

“…Did I do something wrong?”

The lieutenant quickly realized that Benelucia was upset.

Immediately upon his question, Benelucia gave his response.

“My people are now doing as they please… I think you and I have been together for too long.”

The Grand Duke wasn’t upset, he was furious. Arante knew he had made a mistake.

“I just… His Majesty, the Grand Duke, has waited for a long time for the Young Lady of Elihan.”

Arante was quick in coming up with an excuse.

Then his eyes met the duke’s.

“I’m sorry. I’ll make sure this never happens again.”

The lieutenant immediately bowed and admitted his mistake.

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Although Benelucia cared for his people, he was still basically a part of the imperial family.

With no need to understand others, always arrogant and authoritarian.

So, even though the duke remained respectful of his people, he expected his commands to be strictly executed.

Besides, he did not seem likely the type to accept any excuses from Arante’s experience.

“Prepare to leave to the Elihan estate. I will go by myself.”

Benelucia rose to his feet.

It wasn’t that he left the matter go, but Benelucia knew that nothing would improve should he corner Arante like a mouse.

So, he decided to do what he had to do.

His footsteps toward the Marquis of Elihan were heavy.




“Welcome, Grand Duke.”

Marquess Elihan welcomed Benelucia with a face brimming of happiness.

While Lucalina was away from the capital, Benelucia, who had felt pity, often visited the marquess to take care of her. So, he got along quite well with the marquess of Elihan.

Besides, she was obviously delighted that her long-awaited daughter had finally returned to her.

“…You have suffered a lot because of me, Marquess.”

When he had arrived there, it had struck him that, yes, Lucalina had returned.

Benelucia felt helpless.

If it wasn’t for him, she would never have left the capital.

“How can it be the Grand Duke’s fault? It wasn’t the Grand Duke’s will, but it was the result of what my daughter did in order to defend her beliefs.”

The Marquess shook her head.

Although she had lost her vassal husband in an accident and had to send her daughter away, she had never once resented Benelucia.

Truly, it was worth knowing from whom Lucalina inherited her temperament from.

Benelucia was even more indebted to Lucalina and Marquess Elihan.

“She is changing her clothes upstairs. Lucalina has just come back from horseback and was covered in dust. So, she went up to get ready.”


As soon as Marquess Elihan finished speaking, a voice was heard.

It was Lucalina, whom Benelucia had been waiting all this time to meet again.

“You’re here, Ben!”

Lucalina ran down the stairs.

Unlike her casual outfit consisting of worn-out pants and a shirt, her preference for long hair had remained the same.

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Her long hair glistened in the light of the chandelier.

“Long time no see… Lucalina.”

The duke stared blankly at her.

I can’t believe she is standing right here in front of me. We have been separated for a long time.

“What? Why don’t you welcome me like the way I thought?”

Lucalina grunted slightly as she hugged Benelucia.

Contrary to her tone, her face was filled with a joyous smile.


Benelucia reflexively accepted her hug.

He looked at her face to face with embarrassment.

“Why are you like this, Ben?”

When Benelucia did not reply, Lucalina asked him curiously.

“…No, nothing… it’s nothing.”

When Lucalina questioned him, Benelucia finally returned to his senses and spoke.

But he still appeared like his thoughts were elsewhere.

“Ben, are you hurt?”

There was a hint of worry in Lucalina’s voice.

The Grand Duke thought it would be better if he was injured somewhere.

Lucalina was his first love. He had never doubted that he would love her for the rest of his life.

Above all else, he had to love her.

He had to remember Lucalina’s sacrifice for himself.


Benelucia stood still, speechless.

Lucalina pondered whether she should really call over a member of the council or even a priest.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Luna…”

And it was then, Benelucia muttered.

He gently pushed Lucalina away and covered his face with his hands.

I feel like I’ve betrayed myself.

He felt sorry for Lucalina.

Still, he felt even more sorry for others than he did for Lucalina.

At the very least, Benelucia had a moment of clarity.

I no longer love Lucalina.

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