Between you and others

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That was due to the fact that Senelia’s refusal had once again caused Benelucia’s heart to beat uncomfortably.

He was still just a person after all. Though he was usually kind and friendly, he was a descendant of royalty. Those of which who are use to having others adjust themselves to cater to his moods at any given time.

“I’ll take care of getting His Majesty’s permission for the use of the Warp Gate, so you can just use it.”

Benelucia told Senelia.

The Warp Gate was managed by the imperial wizards, so travel through it was not only expensive, but they also had to get the emperor’s permission beforehand.

Therefore, it was a privilege that only high-ranking nobles had to honor to use.

Originally, it also meant that Senelia would not be able to travel by warp ate.

“Ben, I would like to go to the estate as Senelia Daphnen.”

Senelia called Benelucia by his nickname only when she was in this kind of predicament.

Looking back, even when they were lovers, she was reserved.

It seemed that she had called him with the title ‘The Grand Duke’ more often than his name or nickname.

And at that moment, Benelucia was left speechless.

The Daphnen estate was not a long distance away from the Capital, at most, it would be a full day travel using a horse-drawn carriage.

The duke didn’t want Senelia to suffer on the road.

But he couldn’t figure out why she insisted on rejecting travelling by warp gate.

“…What does that mean?”

So, he eventually decided to ask.

Senelia had an expression as if she did not expect why Benelucia to ask such a question.

And soon, an indescribable emotion crossed her face.

When her gaze fell on him, somehow, the duke felt somewhat rebuked.

“…I just meant that my parents would not like the be the center of such hustle and bustle.”

Senelia bowed her head, avoiding his eyes.

It was a clear sign that she did not want to elaborate further.

“Sally, don’t turn around-”

Benelucia obviously wanted to ask more about that topic.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

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“Your Majesty, it’s time to leave.”

If it hadn’t been for the voice of the lieutenant cutting off his words, he would have questioned again.

“Go, My Lord. Your Majesty can not be blamed because of me. I had just meant to quickly inform you in the first place.”

Of course, Senelia did not miss the opportune time.

Her words caused the duke’s gaze to darken, but there really wasn’t any time left for delay.

“…We will talk about this again later, Sally.”

Benelucia spoke to her as if he would remember this conversation.

However, after returning from the battlefield, he could not continue his talk with Senelia.

This was because, despite Benelucia’s return after a month’s time, Senelia still remained in the Daphnen’s estate.




Benelucia immediately ordered Suha to find out more about Senelia’s affairs.

Soon, he became aware of the fact that Senelia had been wrestling with the Viscounts over marriage issues for an entire month.

At that moment, Benelucia had remembered Senelia’s refusal to use the warp gate until the very end.

He then called for the butler to confirm when Senelia had last contacted them.

“Since the Grand Duke had left for battle, there has been no contact from the Young Lady.”

It would have been better if the confirmation had been in vain.

Because Benelucia had predicted the situation correctly.

It was an indescribable feeling.

If the duke had opened the warp gate for Senelia who was at the age of marriage, the Viscounts would have expected more from their relationship.
Senelia had not wanted such an outcome.


Even though her parents had tormented her with her marriage, she had expected noting from the Grand Duke.

So, she didn’t want to instill her parents with even a sliver of hope.

That was true… It wouldn’t take much for a misunderstanding.

“I will not ask for anything from Your Majesty.”

Those were the words spoken by Senelia to Benelucia around four years ago, at that time, they fitted perfectly to his needs.

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He was in a position in which he would wait for Lucalina, but the nobles had need cumbersomely seeking to fill in the seat next to him.

As a smoke screen used to escape from their eyes, Senelia was most perfect.

Because Senelia had never asked Benelucia for anything.

That was the type of relationship the two of them had. It was not that Benelucia did not reject it, but that Senelia had defined it.

If it had been before, he would have welcomed Senelia’s actions like he had done previously.

As he had parted ways with his lovers whenever they had begun to encourage him to marry.

It was confusing.

And Benelucia had started to feel a sense of crisis.

I don’t know what it is, but it seems like I should have never known the cause of the emotions I am feeling right now.

He had to wait for Lucalina.

Lucalina was the one who had defended him and had not returned from battle during all this time.

So, with that in mind, Benelucia turned away from Senelia.

“Shall we find out more?”

After he had previously enquired about her, the butler asked his brooding master.

“No, it is alright. She will come back when the time is right.”

The Grand Duke shook his head with a cold expression.

It was as if Senelia going to the Daphnen’s estate had absolutely nothing to do with him.

“Don’t send any more people there, we do not need to waste manpower unnecessarily.”

After the butler excused himself, Benelucia found himself calling Suha in and entrusted him with the task again.

It was funny, really.

If he really didn’t care, then he wouldn’t give out further orders.

However, the fact that he dared to call in his subordinate after he completed his mission and asked him again proved that his feelings and mind were at polar opposites of one another.

Benelucia ignored it.

He wanted to prove somehow that he was unaffected.

I don’t know who I’m trying to prove to or why I feel the need to.

He didn’t think his thoughts were wrong.

He couldn’t be that stupid.

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Senelia returned to the Archduke after another full month or so had passed.

In that time, Senelia had asked for nothing from the Grand Duke.

…Yes, this is how it should be.

As each day went by, Benelucia repeated to himself.

A lover only in name, needed nothing from him.

As he needed, Senelia was doing just fine on her own.

But, as if he would react if he stopped, Benelucia repeated those words over and over again.

He had not said anything of the sort to Senelia.

There was no communication between the two for about two months, and it was a desolate relationship for the pair of lovers.

“I am glad that you have survived this battle well, Your Majesty.”

Still, that was all Senelia had to say when she returned.

Thinking back, Benelucia could clearly remember how he had reacted.

He hadn’t replied to Senelia, who smiled at him as she usually would. Rather, he had turned his back to her and left to his room.

Relief? Ha, what luck?

Without knowing the cause, his emotions boiled and seemed to want to erupt.

I am the only Grand Duke of Helios.

And he knew it wouldn’t take much effort to figure out why Senelia did not return to him after such a long time.

Still, it had been two months.

From Senelia’s point of view, it could be seen that her ‘lover’ had shown no interest in her situation.

If there had been no contact even after two months, it should mean that he either didn’t care about news of Senelia, or he didn’t even notice she left.

So, the Senelia who showed no anger, resentment, or even doubts… Benelucia couldn’t stand that Senelia.

But clearly, she had faithfully fulfilled her promises.

So, he escaped.

That day, the Grand Duke ran away from Senelia.




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Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Your Majesty, you have a visitor.”

A servant’s voice broke through Benelucia’s reminiscent.

The duke frowned, then he opened the door and left the room.

I don’t want another man to enter Senelia’s room, even if Senelia isn’t here.

“No one has informed me of an incoming visit today.”

Benelucia, who tightly held the handle of Senelia’s shut door, asked without hiding his displeasure.

Amongst the nobles, it was only polite to inform another of their intention to visit a few days in advance and request permission.

In his memory, there were no guests scheduled to visit the Grand Duchy today.

As usual, when an unauthorized guest arrived, the employees of the Grand Duke were trained to tell Benelucia about it.

“That is…”

The servant’s words trailed off.

He looked as though he regrated his previous judgement, but he couldn’t undo the words he ended up blurting out.

“The Young Lady of Count Citrine has come to visit.”

The servant spoke quickly, his eyes firmly shut.

Instantly, a distinct chill emitted from Benelucia.


The Archduke raised his voice and called for the butler.

The duke had a good physique, though he rarely raised his voice, and caused the whole house to resonate.

The servant shivered from the chill; he was unable to open his mouth again.

If housekeeping was housemaid’s job, so the responsibility of the housekeeper’s management fell on to the butler.

The butler, hearing his master’s angry roar, quickly approached Benelucia.

“Get him out right now!”

The duke pointed straight to the attendant as he ordered the butler.

Then, as if to take care of the problem, he left hurriedly for the drawing room. All while, hardly paying attention to the reactions of those left behind.

When he swooped into the living room, there she was, a young girl drinking tea.

Liana Citrine.

She was Benelucia’s partner in a scandal that occurred during his relationship with Senelia.

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