Utopia in front of your eyes

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“I don’t think His Highness would be unaware of the validity of the reason my mother spoke of.”

Benelucia’s expression twisted. 

Again, I was rejected by Senelia again. 

Instantly, sparks flew from his eyes.

Apart from feeling sorry for his reddened eyes, Senelia stood firm.

Since Benelucia had decided his actions, no one could change that fact.

“I’m just letting you go for now, Sally.”

The Grand Duke confessed in a very low voice, a deep obsession and possessiveness bloomed in that voice.

Senelia gladly left the room without a reply.

Benelucia is selfish and arrogant. He was a man who could not tolerate being abandoned even if he thought about abandoning others.

“Hasn’t his heart changed since he loved Lady Elihan enough to do that to my daughter?”

Mother is right. 

Senelia admitted that the Grand Duke loved her, but she did not think he would love her forever.

So Senelia changed her plans.

From now on, I will be your thirst.

Like an oasis in the desert, you will long for me forever.

It was also the best revenge for Senelia, so that he could never bear to abandon her again. 




The Grand Duke regretted letting Senelia go.

“Pendragon’s Young Lord? How is that Young Lord here…?”

He had followed Senelia later on and now, she was facing Yenelov.

“Lady Daphnen must have been very heartbroken, so I came to give her a little comfort.”

Yenelov Pendragon teased her with a smooth tongue.

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[T/N: Like a flirt. -_- ]

The Grand Duke was stunned by his behavior and glared at him.

However, that morning, the same Yenelov who’d been frightened by  Benelucia, pretended not to know the Grand Duke, as if her liver was strengthened. 

[T/N: Liver was strengthened – he’s gotten a dose of bravery, fears no death. ^^]

“The funeral hasn’t started yet.”

Benelucia’s hostile gaze was so pointedly focused that Senelia was embarrassed.

I heard from my mother that Yenelov was coming, but I thought it would be after the funeral started.

Invited guests who arrived before the funeral were usually relatives, or close friends in that way.

Yenelov didn’t rush in like Benelucia had, but as he was invited, it wasn’t considered too rude of him to turn up early. But it was a declaration of war that he wanted to be in a relationship with Senelia.

“I apologize, I was in such a hurry that I rushed here alone. However, I thought that if I didn’t do this, it would be difficult to show my sincerity.”

Yenelov’s voice always carried a  soft and polite tone.

Senelia was already past the age of marriage, therefore, meeting Pendragon at the funeral had to be premised on marriage.

The Pendragon’s Young Lord was hinting that he came to the Daphnen’s mansion on purpose before the funeral and was stating his stance on the marriage, making it clear that he was fully willing to go through with it. 

Senelia felt strange.

She had been the only lover of Benelucia for a long time, no one had spoken to her like that.

However, I never imagined that Yenelov, who was quite popular in society, if only not as much as the Emperor and Benelucia, would say such a thing to me.

“…First, let’s get you settled in.”

Senelia decided to assist him first and plan for later.

She had just rejected Benelucia’s marriage proposal.

Now that he was watching, she couldn’t refuse Yenelov immediately because she had already claimed she wasn’t going to marry Veneruccia.

[T/N: She needs Benelucia to believe that she won’t marry him, because it’s not like she’s starved for suitors.]

If it was to deal with Yenelov who proposed to her, Senelia was the right person to speak to him.

When she turned around, she met her ex-lover’s gaze.

Surprisingly… he has such a wounded expression. 

Senelia’s steps slowed to a pause for a moment.

Suddenly, she realized that she was someone who could hurt him, her nose turned cold at that fact.

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Are you sorry for Benelucia? Would he be sorry?

No. She reminded herself once again that it took her eight years, so long, to get him to that point. A point where he’d feel remorse over using her and leaving her. 


So Senelia ignored the sound of Benelucia’s voice that called for her and walked past him.

She never looked back.


It was payment for how she had lived her days with him. It was a move made by Benelucia long ago, the one who left her behind.




“You can use this room.”

Senelia arrived outside the room prepared for the Pendragon’s Young Lord, but she did not enter. 

He sent a marriage proposal, but it was forbidden to enter the room as they were not officially dating.

“You look to be in a bad mood, Young Lady.”

Yenelov did not enter the room right away as Senelia flinched at his words.

Yenelov was right, she was in a bad mood.

Because I’m worried about leaving Benelucia behind? Worried about what he might be thinking right now?

Not at all!
Senelia was rather free and cheerful. 

She just felt dirty.

I didn’t like the person I’ve become, rejoicing at the wounds of others. 

Eight years ago, she wasn’t like this.

“Lady Daphnen is not bad.”

Yenelov interrupted her thoughts as if he knew exactly what Senelia was contemplating.

“You’ve been through a lot of heartache because of His Majesty, right? His Highness is just paying the price now.”

Even though she thought he was a cheeky person, Senelia couldn’t take her eyes off him.

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Who in the world wants to be a bad person?

“Young Lord Pendragon is so strange. Isn’t it usually said that we should know the grace of the Grand Duke at times like this?”

A mere Viscount daughter and Grand Duke. Between the two, without fail, outsiders sided with Benelucia, of course.

Benelucia’s scandal followed the same pattern. People would advise her not to forget the favor of the Grand Duke and to dismiss his scandal as nothing of importance as he had kept Senelia for all those years.

“It’s rude to the Young Lady, but it was what I said to His Highness the Emperor when I asked to partner with the young lady.”

It was a random confession, however, Senelia couldn’t help but focus on Yenelov.

It was surprising that it was the Pendragon family’s request that had put Senelia in so much trouble in the first place.

That even if it moved the emperor to agree to such a request, the price paid would have been quite high.


It was only right for Senelia to be displeased with Yenelov as his request to the emperor had almost ruined everything she’d worked towards. 

But she noticed that she wasn’t really angry. 

While thinking of  Benelucia, Senelia developed a curiosity about Yenelov’s intentions.

“If I don’t do that, I think the young lady won’t accept my partner’s application.”

Senelia had only partnered with the Grand Duke for eight years.

She often rejected love letters or partner requests secretly sent to the Grand Duke.

“I wanted a chance to get closer to Lady Daphnen. Besides, that— I can make the lady feel comfortable meeting me and forget about His Majesty.”

Senelia pondered.

Come to think of it, Yenelov hadn’t paid Benelucia a single thought from the beginning. 

Unlike those who tried to contact me secretly, Yenelov openly went to the banquet as my partner.

“How will you do that?”

“I will be going abroad soon. His Highness the Emperor entrusted me with a diplomatic mission to the Kingdom of Spania this time.”

It was nothing strange. 

Although the Pendragon family had maintained neutrality for generations, it was a family that has consistently produced renowned diplomats.

“And I will remain at the Imperial embassy there. Probably not coming back for at least five years.”

Senelia was momentarily dazed, she guessed Yenelov’s next words.

“Would you like to go with me to the Kingdom of Spania as my fiancée? If you go there, it will be a good place for the lady to start a new life and meet others without paying attention to the Grand Duke.”

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It’s a dreamy scenario. 

Like the thoughts Senelia had secretly held in the hope that one day someone would help her escape from this terrible place.

Besides, in five years, everything between Cliff, Benelucia and Lucalina would be over.

She could avoid the typhoon-like battle and then come back and enjoy the tranquility after it had passed.

“I will not force you to marry me. You’ll be my fiancée, and if you don’t like me or if you like someone else, I’ll let you go.”

Yenelov’s fairy-tale story spun out like a fantasy.

The Kingdom of Spania was a fairly distant country. It would be difficult for Cliff’s hands to reach her if she left there.


The freedom that Senelia so longed for was within sight as long as she grasped this rope Yenelov dangled before her. 

“…Why, why… Why would you do that for me?”

Senelia’s voice trembled. She was clearly shaken.

She was tired, so very tired. 

To the point where she wanted to disappear from her life, pretending not to know what’s left of it.

“Lady Daphnen, I have admired you for a long time.”

Yenelov Pendragon was infinitely soft and calm. He was indeed the ideal man Senelia had dreamed of marrying.

An opponent not as hot as the sun, but as warm like the sun. A man not close to power. 

So even if you’re not special, that kind of person will make you enjoy a normal, ordinary daily life.

“I couldn’t possibly forget you, so I waited until the lady closed her heart to the Grand Duke.”

A man who had no first love hidden deeply in his heart, and with no number of women who have fallen in love with him. 

There would be no envy and jealousy if she stayed at his side and followed him. 

Senelia wanted to marry someone like Yenelov. 

“I will wait a little longer for your answer… Could you please give me a chance?”

If there was a chance for me to obtain a love that would never cool down or fade away over time…

Senelia felt like crying, Yenelov respectfully reached out to her.

“I want to be included in your daily life, Lady Daphnen.”

When the last word left his lips, Senelia turned around and ran to her room as if running away.

As tears dripped down her cheeks.

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