[T/N: So just for further reference, His Highness is used mostly for princes and princesses. While His Majesty is used for kings and queens. So… Please note that from now on the titles for Emperor Cliff de Helios and Benelucia Afron will be swapped around. ]

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Your Turn


To be honest, Yenelov assumed he could take a hold of Senelia’s feelings and shake her up. 

[T/N: Play with her emotions to manipulate her.]

However, he was caught out by Senelia.

Yenelov, like most, looked down on her for not being able to capture the Grand Duke’s heart while staying by his side for so long.

So it was completely due to his arrogance and misjudgment that he failed to control her.

Senelia had been flustered by being unexpectedly tested by the emperor, however, she judged her situation coldly and won, while Yenelov had not. 

That was the difference between the two.

Senelia had the composure to maintain and to judge her route to success in the face of unexpected circumstances.

It was something she had learned during the eight years that Yenelov laughed at.

Young Lord Pendragon lowered his head.

Perhaps Senelia even guessed that he had those thoughts.

Others might have laughed at her, but it must have been quite easy for her to see into other people’s hearts after all that time courting Benelucia and dealing with the antics of Clifford.

“…I’m sorry, Lady Daphnen.”

So Yenelov couldn’t lift his head and meet her gaze.

I feel like my lowly inner self has been exposed.

But Senelia, as she was, was surprised by this situation.

She never thought that a man like Yenelov would sincerely apologize to her. 

For 8 years, he thought that Senelia seemed to love only one person to the point of being foolish.

So many people knew, and yet they thought that staying in that love made Senelia was stupid.

Of course, she endured those gazes.

After all, they would never know why Senelia had to go that far for the rest of their lives.

She had no choice but to endure. 

But for the first time, Yenelov learnt the reason for her dedication and apologized for his thoughtless mistake.

It made Senelia want to cry again.

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Others had a history of cheating their way through life and love, so Senelia didn’t know if Yenelov was a bad guy.

But for Senelia, it was the first time in 8 years that someone apologized for their unfounded hate and mockery of her.

That one apology didn’t make Yenelov look very bad.

It hurt.

A very ordinary person, who makes mistakes in their judgment of another, but also apologizes.

He was the first.

The figure of Yenelov was still the ideal type of man that Senelia wanted.

His character and remorse showed her something different from the rest. 

Senelia turned her head away from the Young Lord.

He can’t be mine. 

Senelia’s only person was the one the emperor had priorly chosen for her all those years ago.

“…Then, please, Young Lord.”

Unlike earlier, Senelia spoke with a weak voice.

Take this as my final courtesy towards my ideal man.





The moment Benelucia seized her into his arms, Senelia realized that Yenelov had spoken to him of what their relationship truly was like.

Of course, I didn’t expect that Benelucia would grab me without caring about other’s eyes. 

Senelia was very upset, but she had to hide her emotions as they were in the middle of her father’s funeral.

“Have a chat with me.”

The Grand Duke’s face brightened with urgency and excitement. Hope bloomed in his eyes, ust as Senelia wanted.

Senelia was silent for a moment. 

But the opportunity can not be missed.

After some thought, she pushed Benelucia’s hand away from her.

“I’m sorry, but I have nothing to say to the Grand Duke.”

She acted as though she wanted to follow the Grand Duke but held herself back.

I have to present myself as having no choice but to keep rejecting you, Benelucia. So, in order for you to catch me, you will have to take your actions a step further. 

Their surroundings quietened.

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Everyone who attended the funeral gaped at the Grand Duke and Senelia with surprise.

First, it was because the Grand Duke, who had never made a move to hold on to anyone, seemed full of lingering feelings for Senelia, and second, because she rejected such a man.

As Senelia’s hand pushed him away, Benelucia hesitated for a moment, then deliberately let go of her and quickly walked towards the Viscountess.

“Viscountess, I’d like to have a moment of Sally’s time.”

The Grand Duke asked a Viscountess for permission in front of the nobles.

The surprised nobles gawked at him, while subtly glancing at the emperor’s reaction.

Of course, the Viscountess could not refuse.

However, it wasn’t because she did not have the courage to refuse Benelucia upfront, it was because the emperor was afraid that the Grand Duke would be punished for hurting the prestige of the Imperial Family.

But it wasn’t Benelucia that Cliff was glanced at.

The emperor clearly gazed at the Viscountess.

Meaning that the Emperor is on the side of his brother.

The complexion of the Viscountess, who received the mighty gaze of the Emperor and the Grand Duke at the same time, deteriorated.

At the same time, Senelia’s expression hardened.

I don’t know why Benelucia always makes the worst choice.

My mother is the number one reason I won’t let you do as you please!

The anger in Senelia’s stomach simmered.

As if making a fuss in the middle of a funeral when calling me out quietly wasn’t enough, he’s even involving my mother in the matter.

Her mood changed in an instant.

You think I love you, so you think you’ll just have to convince my mother and it will all work out?

For Grand Duke Afron to make Senelia so furious every time they meet, meant he was truly talented indeed. 

“Your Highness, Lady Elihan has returned.”

Senelia stated, as she moved over while hiding her mother from the eyes of the Royal brothers.

Another ripple was caused by the new piece of information that probably the majority did not know.

Senelia squeezed the tips of her fingers, which were trembling with fear.

Perhaps, she revealed Lucalina’s affairs without the Emperor’s permission, so the Emperor might punish her for this.

It wasn’t just an act of impulsive anger, it was something that Senelia decided to say with determination.


Benelucia was momentarily taken aback and raised his voice, but Senelia refused to stop.

“It means that Your Highness no longer has to be with me.”

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At those cheeky words, all eyes turned to Senelia.

Fortunately, many aristocrats probably knew the truth but kept their mouths shut.

The assumption was that the Grand Duke was not even engaged to Lucalina, whom he loved as a child. It was actually true in the minds of the majority that they would end up together.

However, everyone was just whispering behind the scenes, and no one thought to openly say anything.

Senelia just said their inner thoughts out loud.

“…You really.”

Benelucia brushed his hair back roughly and clenched his lips as if holding something back.

Everyone thought that day was a series full of surprises.

Especially to the Grand Duke who knew that Lucalina was a part of the rebellion.

“I was wrong before, so talk to me, Sally.”

However, the surprises of the day did not seem to end there.

Benelucia obediently raised his hands in surrender. 

Senelia let out a sigh of relief. This would give her some indulgence from the emperor.

It was wrong to inform everyone of Lucalina’s return without permission, but it also made Benelucia prioritize Senelia over Lucalina in front of everyone.

“Let’s change seats.”

Senelia nodded as if she couldn’t win. 

There was nothing better than provoking Benelucia into action.

“Sorry for the disturbance, Viscountess.”

He finally apologized to the Viscountess with relief. His apology was significant, it caused Senelia to stare at him involuntarily.

Benelucia’s apology will at least keep others from whispering about the mother and daughter after the funeral. 

You can’t make fun of the Grand Duke’s mistakes, can you?

As Benelucia belatedly corrected his mistake, he held out his hand to Senelia.

“Let’s go, Sally.”

The reason why the Grand Duke apologized to someone lower than himself in front of everyone was because of Senelia. That made her feel strange.

Is this how you show your love to someone?

Senelia took Benelucia’s hand and moved on. 

Her mood was lifted, but she didn’t feel happy.

If asked why, Senelia would not have been able to explain why. 



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“Sorry, I made a fuss on purpose.”

As soon as the two of them were left, words of apology flowed out from Benelucia’s lips. 

“…What do you mean by that?”

“I had to make such a fuss so that the Viscountess would not blame you.”

Senelia’s mouth snapped shut.

Even though his words were absurd, she knew they weren’t wrong.

Having experienced the entire day, the Viscountess would not blame her daughter even if Senelia went to the capital once again. 

The Grand Duke and the Emperor were pressuring her in their own way, so how could she endure without finally succumbing to them and going?

“But at my father’s funeral…”

“I know, that was a bad choice.”

Benelucia readily agreed with Senelia’s words that blamed himself.

And the moment she was left speechless, he approached Senelia with and hooked her in.

“So I’ve warned you in advance, Sally, now I’m going to do it my way.”

Before Senelia knew it, Benelucia’s arm skillfully wrapped around Senelia’s waist. Strands of his blonde hair ran down her cheeks and tickled her face.

“Come back to the capital with me.”

He whispered to her. 

It was the last day of the funeral. 

Senelia also had to decide where she would be after the day ended.

“I will never go to Lucalina, nor will I be leaving you like last time.”

The male lead seemed to want to convince Senelia heartfeltly.

Perhaps the ‘last time’ he spoke of was the day Lucalina returned.

“For the time to come, I will persuade the Viscountess. If it doesn’t work, then at least I will take all of the hatred of the Viscountess and let none of her anger reach you.”

Benelucia’s tone was infinitely seductive, slowly trying to weave its way into her heart.

“You don’t have to marry me right away if you don’t want to.”

He lowered his head slightly, at a distance where the tips of their noses touched, and his silver eyes twinkled.

“I will take you.”

Benelucia slowly intertwined his fingers with Senelia’s, one by one. It was as if the slow tickle of persuasion spread out through his fingertips.

“Then just tell me you won’t say no.”

The last word was a plea.

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