We Didn’t Have a Choice

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Senelia’s complexion turned white.

At this most crucial moment of the original story, Senelia would be able to confirm with her own eyes as Benelucia chooses Lucalina. 

Lucalina would deliberately propose to Benelucia at the banquet in order to declare war on Cliff de Helios.

And Benelucia, using Lucalina’s courage as a stepping stone, accepts the confession without hesitation.

Senelia struggled to breathe.

Her chest rose and fell chaotically as she began to lose control of her emotions.

Apart from Benelucia’s choice when he proposed to Senelia, she wondered if he would disgrace Lucalina in front of everyone and deny her proposal?

Senelia wasn’t sure that he would not be swayed.

Senelia Daphnen had been with him for so many years, and knew best what Lucalina meant to His Highness Benelucia.

Benelucia could never bear to hurt Lucalina.

“…I have to stop it.”

Senelia murmured, dazedly, closing her eyes tightly.

I must stop Lucalina from confessing to Benelucia, but how? 

To do so, meant that Senelia had to accept Lucalina’s invitation.

But Senelia possessed an ingrained fear of Lucalina.

Of course she would, her opponent was Lucalina Elihan. The heroine who shaped the fate of this story.

Lucalina was an entity who was leagues away from Senelia.

Senelia didn’t want to face Lucalina head on.

Life is too much for me, I wish my eyes would close forever so I can escape this world’s troubles.

But Senelia had nowhere to run as even death eluded her.




Nobles were usually accompanied by partners when attending any given banquet.

So, of course, Senelia needed a partner in order to attend the banquet of the Marquis Elihan.

Alas, there was no man courageous enough who could be her partner.

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Living with Benelucia, Senelia had never hung out with a male aristocrat for eight years.

it ‘s not like she could ask her family members to escort her, her father had been the only male left in their family. 

So, Senelia went to Benelucia.

Because the best way to stop Lucalina from confessing was to have Senelia and Benelucia appear as partners.

Of course, the situation became embarrassing once she made her decision as Senelia belatedly recalled her memories of the original story.

“Sally! Come on in.”

After Senelia sent a letter to the Grand Duke’s estate in advance, Benelucia, who had been waiting for her ever since, welcomed her warmly.

He seemed to think that Senelia had changed her mind, thus his face was full of joy.

However, she did not come to the Afron Mansion to resume her relationship with Benelucia.

“I greet Your Highness the Grand Duke.”

Unlike Benelucia’s friendly, open attitude, Senelia’s greeting was dry and bland in comparison.


Benelucia couldn’t help but come to a conclusion based upon Senelia’s appearance.

She was of the same mind as she was the day before. 

“…Come in at once.”

Beneficial hesitated, for a moment, before leading Senelia inside.

They weren’t at the front door as he had come to the gate to meet her carriage.

He couldn’t bear for Senelia to be treated badly at the door, besides, for now, at least Benelucia was facing her face to face.

Benelucia’s plan was simple, he decided to keep Senelia in his mansion for as long as possible.

That way I’ll turn her heart back to mine.

But his silent promise was useless.

Immediately it fell apart when Senelia handed Benelucia an invitation from Lucalina the moment she entered the drawing room.

“I think she misunderstood the relationship between His Highness the Grand Duke and myself and sent the letter to the wrong person. I hope His Highness the Grand Duke will return it.”

“What are you…!”

Unknowingly, Benelucia, who felt like crying, hurriedly suppressed his voice lest he frightened Senelia.

He was a stout knight, loud and bold as a knight should be once having been christened by battle, but his Senelia was a slender young lady.

I have no intention of scaring her.

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So Benelucia tried to calm down his bursting emotions.

However, it was unavoidable that his stomach was boiling with the suppression.

[T/N: His swallowed emotions want to come out.]

“How could you…? Anyway, how can you give this to me?”

Benelucia’s words were cut short with his need to suppress his explosive emotions.

Senelia bringing the invitation from Lucalina carried three main meanings behind the intention.

First, of course, that she had no intention of partnering with Benelucia.

The second was a declaration that she would not intervene between his and Lucalina’s relation, no matter where it should lead.

“That’s why I directly decline Lady Elihan’s invitation.”

Senelia answered as if she had been waiting for his inquiry.

The family of Marquis Elihan was originally a prestigious family.

However, it was only natural for her to feel burdened as she was only a low-ranking nobleman, especially as Lucalina had successfully managed to win the war that lasted for several years.

“Besides, in the first place… If Lady Elihan hadn’t misunderstood, she wouldn’t have bothered to send me this.”

And finally, the third meaning meant that Benelucia would better correct this misunderstanding by talking directly to Lucalina.

In other words, Senelia meant to tell Lucalina through Benelucia’s own mouth that he and Senelia were not related.

But if you know my heart, Sally, is this not the cruelest of treatments?

“…Do you really want me to clear this up?”

Benelucia asked, he looked desperate, as if wanting, begging, Senelia to deny it.

Senelia made no reply.

When she didn’t deny it, Benelucia crossed the table and grabbed Senelia’s hand with his own.

Unless there was an explicit refusal on her part, Benelucia would interpret her silence in a hopeful way.

“Come with me to the banquet of the Marquis Elihan.”

His behavior embodied the characteristic positivity of someone who had never been rejected by anyone.

“I will prove it. When I said I love you, Sally, I’ll prove it to you.”

Benelucia’s gaze was determined.

…But Senelia didn’t believe it. 

Because the protagonists of this world were Benelucia and Lucalina.

And because Benelucia always couldn’t bear to abandon Lucalina.

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“So, keep this for you.”

Benelucia returned the invitation to Senelia.

She looked down at the invitation in his outstretched hand without receiving it.

When she made no move to take it, he put the invitation directly into Senelia’s hand.

“I wouldn’t let another man stand next to you anyway. You can’t go to a banquet without a partner.”

If one entered the banquet hall without a partner, they would only become a laughing stock.

And to be sure that she would have no choice but to go with him, if Benelucia would step in and interfere, no one would want to become Senelia’s partner even if she tried.

“Come with me to the banquet, Sally.”

Benelucia held out a hand to Senelia brimming with perfect aristocratic grace.

Blond hair radiant under the chandelier. 

Silver eyes that sparkled while seeing only her.

That alone made Benelucia appear as if a prince standing in the middle of a ballroom, asking for her hand in a dance. 

His infinitely friendly tone was not shared with just anyone.

He was the man everyone wants to have.

A privilege that can only be received when he willingly lets someone sit at his side.

That privilege was enough to make any other person mistakenly think that they were something special to him. 

But Senelia thought that was cowardly.

“You haven’t left me with a choice, but you’re talking as if you’re asking me.”

Benelucia always acted as if Senelia had a choice.

But no matter how much he respected her, in the end there was nothing Benelucia couldn’t do if he wanted to.

Even so, between love and separation that would be kept for Senelia to decide.

Of course, that would have to wait,  as in order to interrupt Lucalina’s confession, Senelia had to go to the banquet of the Marquis Elihan with Benelucia.

It was correct of her to plan to come to Benelucia expecting his reaction to some extent. His reaction was expected after being handed that invitation.

Still, Senelia couldn’t help but feel upset.

Wasn’t it the same for the first two breakups before I broke up with him for the first time?

[T/N: She’s talking about the scandals before she broke up with him this time.]

Senelia had not asked anything about the scandalous Benelucia at the time.

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Because I was afraid that I would hear words of farewell.

She knew, after much thought, Benelucia wouldn’t abandon her if she didn’t push like the other women had. 

“Sally, are you not going to ask me anything?”

At the time, when Benelucia asked for her thoughts on his scandalous behavior, Senelia pretended nothing had happened and kept her mouth shut.

“…Of course not.”

How Benelucia sighed then, Senelia remembered distinctly.

She wouldn’t ever forget as he was a being with the power to make someone nervous with a single sigh. 

“…Do as you please.”

After that, Benelucia left her. Just like that. 

 That was the end of the first relationship between Senelia and him.

Benelucia had not explicitly told her to leave the Afron Mansion.

But he acted like he had no regrets, and she knew that was true.

What can Benelucia have to regret about me?

After the first break up, she struggled to become the person he needed the most.

Even so, Benelucia gave Senelia a choice, and she had no choice but to withdraw.

If she became an obstacle to him, all of Senelia’s goals would end in failure.

“I wanted to make sure you love me.”

However, after hearing his reason for his actions, she reached a form of clarity. 

It was all set from the beginning, regardless of whether Senelia did this or that, the answer he wanted from her was fixed. She had to love him. He planned it out as so.

So, like most of the eight years that went by, she had no choice.

Really, I’m fed up.

Still, just like back then, she couldn’t get away.

“Your Highness’s words, are these your orders?”

This time, this time would be different. Senelia decided to do the same for Benelucia.

She acted as if she would refuse to listen to Benelucia unless he said it was an order.

She backed him up into a corner, until he was left with only one option.

Senelia’s question was clearly asked knowing that there was only a fixed answer. 

He had no choice but to play it her way.

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