Idake Virus: A virus that grows in filth. Causes the Idake Disease.

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Incubation Period: Activates 10 hours after entering the human body.
Symptoms: Dizziness, fever, cold, numbness in the limbs, general paralysis, obnubilation (mental cloudiness), cardiac arrest.
Prognostic Symptoms: Numbness or paralysis may remain.
Infection Method: Oral Infection
Note: Weak to heat and lack of moisture. A special medicine exists for this disease.

So there really was a virus! I couldn’t confirm yesterday as I’d already cleaned everything by the time I’ve thought of it, but it would’ve been great if I was able to check beforehand. That way there wouldn’t have been any room for doubt. Wait a moment, there’s a medicine for it!?

The moment I learned the name of the disease, the corresponding medicine and its concoction method appeared in my head as if I were merely remembering something I already knew. Looks like it’s included in the knowledge Gayn and the others gave me. I should share this information with the others too.

“Guys, can you hear me?” [Ryouma]
“What’s up, nyaa?” [Miya]

After cleaning myself and the surrounding area in front of the door, I opened the door a little and called out. Miya-san immediately noticed me.

“I thought I’d get some info first before starting, so I used Identify, and as it turns out, the disease is called Idake. Apparently, there’s also a medicine for it. I came back to pass that info.” [Ryouma]

“Really, nyaa!?” [Miya]

“Yes, there’s no doubt about it. The medicine has a couple of expensive ingredients, so it might be too late already, but can you still tell the guild master about it?” [Ryouma]

“I’ll inform him now. If we tell him the name of the disease and the fact that there’s a medicine for it, the old man will surely buy enough to cover us even if it’s expensive. I don’t know how long he’ll need, though, so we should get the news to him ASAP.” [Jeff]

“Wait, tell him the concoction method too. That way he can have someone concoct it immediately.” [Ryouma]

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“You know the concoction method too!?” [Jeff]

“Yeah, I recognize the medicine back when my grandma was teaching me.” [Ryouma]

“That is most reassuring. Speak and this one shall write it down.” [Asagi]

As Asagi-san pulled out some writing tools, I immediately told him the formula and concoction method of the medicine. He didn’t understand what the medical jargon meant, but he still managed to write everything down.

Come to think of it, I haven’t used a brush in forever. I’ve been using nothing but feathered pens since coming here, but then again… It’s not like we used them a lot in the previous world either. At most, brushes were only used to write a New Year’s card.

“Done. Will this do?” [Asagi]

After confirming that the written information was accurate, Jeff-san took the note and ran. I myself went back to the latrine pits.

Now that that’s done with, I don’t have business left with the filth, so it’s time to wipe them out. Slimes, eat them all!

At my behest, the slimes by my feet inflated like a balloon, filling the staircase to the latrine pits with their body.

Their splitting yesterday resulted in their numbers going past 1,000. Because of that they didn’t become a huge scavenger slime after merging but a king scavenger slime. It’s a lot bigger compared to the huge scavenger slime.

Also, it may be called king, but it’s still possible to grow into an even bigger version so long as their numbers increase. I don’t know far they can go, but the skills of the king scavenger slime are as follows:


King Scavenger Slime x1

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Disease Resist Lv7
Poison Resist Lv7
Lead Belly Lv8
Cleaning Lv8
Deodorize Lv8
Deodorizing Liquid Lv5
Stench Lv7
Produce Fertilizer Lv6
Physical Attack Resist Lv3
Enlarge Lv4
Shrink Lv6
Jump Lv3
Overeat Lv1


The king scavenger slime possessed the Overeat skill in place of Digestion and Absorption. When I tried using it, the king scavenger slime used the Enlarge skill to make itself big enough to reach the ceiling of the latrine pit, then it consumed the surrounding filth with a speed several times faster than before.

Moreover, because the slime was now big enough to reach the ceiling, it could clean even places it couldn’t before. Later on I should be able to split the slimes into two king slimes to cover both sides of the latrine pit, while having a couple of scavenger slimes to deal with the middle.

With my mind made up, I ordered the slimes to deal with the filth, then I worked on the ceiling and the walls myself.

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Doubling on the slime numbers really was a big help as expected.

I know we’re working without rest, but still… We finished a full 2 hours faster than yesterday. That’s something.

After successfully cleaning this latrine pit, I cleaned my clothes and belongings and went outside just like yesterday.

When I did…

“Oh, did something happen again?” [Jeff]

“Oh, I’m done here. So I’d like for you to run your checks, so we can proceed to the next one.” [Ryouma]

“Already, nyaa!?” {Miya]

“Didn’t you need a day to clean a latrine pit?” [Jeff]

Huh? …Ah! I only cleaned one latrine pit yesterday. They were probably told that, so as a result, they think I need a full day to clean one latrine pit.

“It looks like there’s a misunderstanding. Actually, the scavenger slimes did their splitting yesterday, so I had to form a contract with the new ones. I actually only needed 5 hours to clean the latrine pit yesterday. But it’s even shorter now as the slimes have doubled their numbers.” [Ryouma]

“Doubled? Wouldn’t that just give you two slimes? How could two slimes cl— erm, eat that much?” [Jeff]

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Ah, they don’t know about the slimes merging to form the big variations.

“This slimes is usually in small form, but it’s actually a king scavenger slime, an advanced variant. Have you heard of the big slime?” [Ryouma]

“Yeah, it’s a giant slime.” [Jeff]

“Slime variants of the big class are actually a colony of many slimes of the same type. So while it may look like just one slime on the outside, what you’re seeing is actually an entire colony of slimes.” [Ryouma]

As I said that, I ordered the scavenger slimes to split 20 times.

“Unyaa!?” [Miya]

“Woah… Seriously?” [Jeff]

“This is…” [Asagi]

“From what I’ve heard in the past few days, the slime is rarely researched, so the only ones who know about this are me and my acquaintances. I’ve always been researching slimes, so I tend to forget that it’s not common sense. My apologies.” [Ryouma]

“Nah, so long as you can do your job, it’s fine. By the way, how many scavenger slimes are in that thing?” [Jeff]

“1464.” [Ryouma]

“1,000!? *COUGH Excuse me… No wonder you can work so fast.” [Jeff]

“Please consider the information regarding the slimes confidential too.” [Ryouma]

After that they ran their checks, and when they were sure everything was clear, we went to the next latrine pit, and then the next… And so on and so forth.

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