The next day.

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 I visited the merchant guild at a time that was a little late to be called morning.

“Welcome. What may I do for you today?” [Receptionist]

“The guild master, Grisiera, contacted me the other day…” [Ryouma]

 I’ve been preparing since last night and have made several of the medicines from the list.

 I was planning on speaking with the guild master while selling the medicine, but…

“If it isn’t Takebayashi-Sama. Welcome to the merchant guild.” [Other Receptionist]

 The staff member I’ve dealt with many times before came out from the back of the receptionist desk and brought me to the reception office.

 It seems he already knows me by face.


“Welcome. You’re here to sell medicine, right?” [Grisiera]

 As soon as we saw each other, the guild master guessed why I came here.

“I see you know already.” [Ryouma]

“I requested for it, after all. So I’ve already prepared to meet your demands. Also, I heard you went to the training of the adventurers guild. After you came back and got my message, some time has passed since then, so considering the time it would have taken you to make medicine, it’s not too hard to infer. Still, I was actually expecting you to come either tomorrow or the day after.” [Grisiera]

 As usual, her foresight is terrifyingly accurate.

 But that isn’t all that I came here for.

“There’s actually something else I’d like to talk to you about.” [Ryouma]

“Oh? Then best we settle our business with the medicine quickly then.” [Grisiera]

“Please. ‘Item Box’ ” [Ryouma]

 I took out 50 vials of medicine that I’ve concocted.

“I made them with the ingredients I had on hand. I still had some grell frog ingredients left.” [Ryouma]

“Can you make the medicines as long as you have the ingredients?” [Grisiera]

“If it’s something I can make, yes.” [Ryouma]

 The guild master snorted as she took one of the vials and used Identify on it.

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“Was there a medicine on the list that you can’t make?” [Grisiera]

“There are some medicine that I’ve never made before, though I do know the concoction method. I came here today partly to confirm some things in regard to those.” [Ryouma]

“I see. From what I’ve seen, these medicines of yours all have the same quality and there’s no problem with their effects either. No reason to be miserly then. I’ll get you the ingredients you need. Can you bring the other medicine then?” [Grisiera]

“I understand.” [Ryouma]

 After saying that, she immediately called for staff members to assess the quality of the medicine and take them into the guild storage. Not long later, she told them to prepare the payment and the ingredients. When the staff member left again, she spoke to me.

“So? What is this other business you came for?” [Grisiera]

“Plume Diamond.” [Ryouma]

 As soon as I mentioned those words, her eyes became sharp.

“Do you know about it?” [Ryouma]

“After being at this job for so long, yeah. You have one with you?” [Grisiera]

“An article belonging to my grandmother. She told me to sell it whenever I’m in need.” [Ryouma]

 I also told her that I was preparing a set of formal clothes.

“…And so, I was wondering if I could use it as an accessory, but I didn’t know its value and didn’t know whether it could be used or not.” [Ryouma]

“You get points for not bringing it to some place strange and talking to me instead. Do you have it with you?” [Grisirea]

 I took out a cloth from my Item Box.

 Inside it was a plume diamond that had been divided into the size of a thumbnail.

 I’d only split and modified its shape, so nothing should have been changed as far as the Identify results go. I expect it to still be a plume diamond…

 When I revealed the contents of the cloth, the guild master looked at the diamond as if she were licking it, then she used Identify. Afterwards, she exhaled in astonishment.

“Is it fake?” [Ryouma]

“It’s real. I can hardly believe that you have such a huge plume jewel with you. It has the transparency you’d expect from a plume. On top of that, it’s a diamond and is beautifully colorless… The cut is a bit disappointing, but it’s still a first-rate item.” [Grisiera]

 Apparently, the ‘plume’ is a special word that signifies the grade of a jewel, and means ‘special’ in an old language somewhere.

“In other words, this is a top quality product.” [Ryouma]

“Not top quality. ‘Special’. Understand? Jewels, you see, have extra things like grains of sands, fine scratches, and/or dents… Usually.” [Grisiera]

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 Now that she mentions it, I remember now. In the process of a jewel becoming a jewel its components end up with inclusions or cavities. …But a jewel made with alchemy has no such thing.

“…How do you know that when you don’t even know about plume?” [Grisiera]

“I just remembered.” [Ryouma]

“Your knowledge is really imbalanced. Well, if you know that, then that makes this quick. This jewel has no inclusions. That is the condition required for a jewel to become a plume. But such jewels haven’t appeared in present time.” [Grisiera]

“Present time?” [Ryouma]

“I don’t know if these jewels were always like this from the start or if the part of the jewels without inclusion had simply been cut out, but a long time ago before an old hag like me was born. A long long time ago.

 It is said that these jewels were either found in some historic ruins or passed down as a national treasure in some kingdom for a long time. Either way, these jewels flowed into the market, and the nobles tried to acquire them all. Currently, most of these things are being treated as heirlooms.” [Grisiera]

 If these things existed in the past, then there must’ve been a human alchemist who made them.

 An otherworlder like me… Maybe it’s the ‘Alchemy King’ I heard about from Gayn and the others.  I’d like to investigate it if the opportunity shows itself.


“Would it be a bad idea to use it as an accessory?” [Ryouma]

“No need to worry about that. If you announce it and go around, showing it off, it might be a problem, but all you’re doing is greeting the duke’s family, right?  Then in that case, it won’t be a problem.

 But if some strange noble does notice it, it’s unlikely that he’ll cause problems immediately. If anything, he’ll first ask you to sell it. At that time, you can just sell it. You said it belongs to your grandmother, but it’s not like you feel much attachment to it, right?” [Grisiera]

“You can tell?” [Ryouma]

“I can tell that much.” [Grisiera]

 The guild master grinned.

 I won’t pursue it, but this part of her is so suspicious… Whatever. I won’t say anything unnecessary.

“Well, if you’re really worried about it, then just sell it off quickly and you won’t have a problem.” [Grisiera]

 In other words, it will be too late to worry about it when I take it with me. Then in that case, I’ll use one as an ornament.

 As for the rest, I think I’ll crush them and have the slimes eat them. I could also give them to the duke’s family.

“Excuse me. The payment and the materials have been prepared.” [Staff]

 Oh, the person from before came back. The guild master pushed the diamond to me. She seemed to be telling me to put it away already.

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“Enter.” [Grisiera]

 After confirming that I’d put the jewel away, the guild master gave permission for the staff to enter. Three staff members entered the room. One brought with him a heavy-looking leather bag, while the other two were carrying bags of various sizes. They lined up the bags on the table, then they handed a paper to the guild master and left.

 The guild master looked over that paper, then she nodded and turned the paper to me.

“Confirm the payment and the ingredients.” [Grisiera]

 …I checked the list just as she told me to. When I got to the payment portion, it was written there that the medicines I brought sold for 3,000 suits per vial.

“Isn’t this too much?” [Ryouma]

“Demand for good antidote won’t run out anytime soon, and the customers are all rich nobles. Besides, I have to make sure to have enough stock that the people who actually need them will be able to get some. For that, I need the manufacturers working hard. Your antidote is of high quality, so considering the season, the price is just right.

 But when the season ends, the price will go back to normal, so you should quickly turn those ingredients into medicine.” [Grisiera]

“I understand.” [Ryouma]

 I don’t have plans to go on a trip for a while, so I should quickly concoct them.

“By the way, Ryouma. I hear you received permission from Wogan to accept bandit subjugation jobs.” [Grisiera]

“Where did you hear that?” [Ryouma]

“From the person himself. He mentioned it while we were talking about something else. …So, are you planning to take on bandit jobs?” [Grisiera]

“Yes. I specialize in combat, after all. I don’t have any problems with fighting other people too.” [Ryouma]

“I know. That’s why that kid gave you permission. But if that’s the case, then do drop by the guild frequently. The movement of the bandits affect our work, so our guild’s information should prove invaluable to you.” [Grisiera]

“That’s true… Thank you very much.” [Ryouma]

“A merchant is someone who uses whatever can be used. If you can use that information to hunt bandits, then that too will result in our profit.” [Grisiera]

 …That’s true too.

 So, the guild master’s advice also considered her profit.


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“I’ll leave it to you then.” [Ryouma]

“Anytime…” [Clerk]

 I thanked the clerk from yesterday and after handing him my diamond, I left the store.

 Unlike me, he knew the value of the plume diamond.

 He’s probably privy to jewels due to the nature of his work. The moment I showed him the diamond and said that I wanted to use it, he immediately knew that it was a good diamond. Moreover, after he examined the diamond, his attitude toward me changed. He was polite from the start, but after examining the diamond, he became even more polite.

 I paid him a bit more to keep him quiet, but considering I used the diamond I made myself for the decoration of the suit, I didn’t really lose out. I also got to learn the important points of making a jewel, so when you look as it as a learning fee as well, it’s actually inexpensive.

 Alright. Next on my schedule is… Ah, yes. The monster affinity diagnosis that I learned from Roche-san.

 I walked leisurely to the tamers guild. Or at least, I was planning to, but I reached it almost immediately. The tamer guild was a lot closer to the store than expected.

“Good day. I heard I could take the monster affinity diagnosis here. Can I take it today?” [Ryomua]

“Welcome to the tamer guild. The affinity diagnosis? Yes you can take it. Please show me your guild card.” [Receptionist]

 It’s been a while since I showed my face to the receptionist, so I showed my card as instructed.

“Oh my? Have you never taken it once?” [Receptionist]

“Yes. I’ve always had a monster since I registered, so I felt no need for it.” [Ryouma]

“Really? The affinity diagnosis is free for first timers. Please take this to the eastern gate of Gimuru.” [Receptionist]

 She came back with my guild card and a document. It seemed to be some kind of admission ticket.

“The eastern gate, right?” [Ryouma]

“Yes. The affinity diagnosis will have the tamer form a monster contract with various monsters. Which monsters you’re compatible with will be based on the common points and trend of the result. Because of the number of monsters, a plot of land needed to be provided.

 At the eastern gate of Gimuru is our lodging facility for large-type monsters. The monster affinity diagnosis is also managed there.

  So that’s why she’s sending me to the eastern gate.

“Thank you very much. I understand now. I’ll be going then.” [Ryouma]

“You’re welcome. I pray for your good fortune.” [Receptionist]

 Like that I ended up heading toward the eastern gate.

 …Come to think of it, this isn’t my first time going to the eastern gate, is it?

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