The Man Picked Up By the Gods (Reboot)

Chapter 220: Chapter 220 - Day 1 of a Three Da

The next day.

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Hyuzu and the others came to Gimuru last night and will be helping me for awhile, so I really got fired up to do some work, but…

“Today’s a rest day…”

Saying it didn’t change anything. It’s a rest day, guys. I haven’t rested for even a day since I came back from Fatma Territory. And the guild master went out of her way to inform Hyuzu-san and the others that I started talking to her and Serge-san as soon as I came back, so now I have to rest for the next three days. During this time the skilled maids and the men will be taking over my work, and I won’t be allowed to go outside or drop by the store. They even offered to help take care of my meals and other daily necessities, but of course, I refused them… Anyway, because of that I will be taking a break for the next three days.

I have plans for the last day of my break, that is the day after tomorrow, but from today and tomorrow I am completely free. Which is why…

“I will be researching slimes the ‘whole day’!”

For the longest time I couldn’t find the time to organize the slimes, and I just kept on feeding them and they kept on evolving, but now we have the time, so let’s do that. Also, I have something I want to try out after I made that acid back there at Fatma Territory. Let’s use this opportunity to do what we can! Alright!

And so, time passed, and before I knew it, it was night time. After experimenting and observing since morning, I organized the notes I took down.

I decided to make a list of what the slimes ate and what they evolved into.

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Variant Feed and Expectation Evolution
Sticky Slime => Crab Slime => Spider Slime
  => Shell Slime => Crust Slime
  => Net Slime => Fiber Slime
Acid Slime => Shell Slime => Shell Slime
  => Shellfish and Egg Slime => Pearl Slime
Poison Slime => Charcoal and Sand Slime => Filter Slime
  => Poison Needle Slime => Sting Slime
Metal Slime => Net Slime => Wire Slime
Bloody Slime => Parasite Slime => Evolution pending.
Stone Slime => Sand Slime => Sand Slime
  => Porcelain Slime => Evolution pending.
Weed Slime => Water Plant Slime => Aquatic Weed Slime
  => Algae Slime => Alga Slime

After that I summarized my observation records and inquiry.

First, let’s talk about the three slime variants that evolved from the Sticky Slime…

‘Spider Slime’

Appearance: Slightly smaller than the sticky slime.

Skill: It didn’t lose any skill, and it learned two new skills, Build Nest and Trap Mastery.

Note: The spider slime has woven a nest at the tunnel walls. Lately, it could frequently be seen crawling along the threads like a spider. The thread it produces has also changed a little.

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To test it, I had a sticky slime and a spider slime produce the strongest thread they could, and then I asked them to bind my arms with it. I compared the two threads by trying to break free from them. From that I found out that the spider slime’s threads were more elastic and harder to tear. Overall, they felt stronger (Note: This is merely based on my personal impressions and as such is completely subjective.)

Spider threads were seen as well structured fibers with good qualities even back at Earth and was a topic for research. The sticky slime threads were also fairly durable, but the spider slime’s threads have probably undergone some sort of structural change. I don’t know how good a material it is right now, but I’ll find out once I talk to a specialist when the opportunity presents itself.

Also, I mentioned that the spider slime had become smaller, but the change was within the margin of individual specimen differences. I’ll find out their average size once there’s more of them.

‘Crust Slime’

Appearance: No particular changes.

Skill: No skills lost from evolution. Learned a new skill, ‘Form Carapace’.

Note: The Form Carapace skill works by covering itself with its liquid and letting it harden. Hardening the surface of its body does not impede its movement, and can be considered as a pure increase to its defense.

I used Identify on the carapace and was able to discover that it’s almost of the same nature as the ‘Hardening Liquid Plate’ which are made with the liquid of the sticky slimes.

The hardening liquid plates were originally made from the liquid of the sticky slimes, so it should possible, but just in case, I had the crust slime spread the liquid it used for its Form Carapace skill on a surface, and when that liquid hardened it indeed successfully produced a hardening liquid sheet.

With the crust slimes, I can make hardening liquid sheets without having to rely on alchemy, but other than that, it’s not really that different from a slime. The spider slime was like that too. It feels as if they’re just taking the special characteristics of other species and evolving while keeping their intrinsic nature as slimes.


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