“And that’s the gist of it.” [Ryouma]

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“You didn’t even sleep before coming here?” [Carm]

When I reported the events that occurred this morning to Carm-san, he looked at me with a fed-up expression.

“I couldn’t find a good point to stop. By the way, would it be a problem if I did the experiment here too? ” [Ryouma]

“So this sack contains the Odor-Absorbing Liquid? It should be fine as long as it’s not dangerous.” [Carm]

“I want to find out if this Odor-Absorbing Liquid would still take effect while in this state. I also want to investigate how long its effect will last and how much of an effect it will have in an environment were people are active. The experiment won’t be anything special. I will be just leaving this sack here. I’ve already confirmed that the Odor-Absorbing Liquid works just as described, but there’s a limit to how much odor it can absorb, and in the case of the scavenger slime, it quickly reaches that limit.” [Ryouma]

“Once it reaches its limit, it becomes useless?” [Carm] ”

“Yes. But it’s possible that the stench released by the scavenger slimes just so happens to be too strong, so I plan to leave these sacks in various places and gather information like that. They’re not poisonous, so it should be safe.”

“In that case, there’s no reason for me to be against it either. If things go well, it might become a new product too. Let’s hope for a good result.”

“I’ll be going now then. I need to find people willing to help me with my experiment. Oh, and I almost forgot. Here. Souvenirs. Baked sweets from Kereban. They’ve been popular lately. I tasted some myself and thought they were delicious. Not overly sweet, just the right amount.” [Ryouma]

“Thanks. I’m sure the women will be elated.” [Carm]

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After leaving the distribution of the souvenirs to Carm-san, I dropped by the nearby florist.

“Good day, Pauline-san.” [Ryouma]

“Oh, if it isn’t Ryouma-kun. Haven’t seen you in a while. Are you well?” [Pauline]

“Yes.I had to go to Renauph and then Kereban immediately after, but I’m doing just fine. I brought you some souvenirs by the way. They’re baked sweets and last for a long time, but you might want to give them a try sooner than later.” [Ryouma]

“Oh, you’ve brought us some nice things, haven’t you?
The children will be delighted. Did you come just for this?” [Pauline]

It was then that I asked her if she minded helping me with the Odor-Absorbing Liquid test.

“Alright.” [Pauline]

Pauline-san happily agreed to help me.

“You’re always helping us out. It’s the least we can do. Besides, I also look forward to seeing a new product from your store. Leaving one sack around our store won’t be a problem.” [Pauline]

“Thank you very much. If anything happens or if there’s anything that should displease you, please do inform me. We can make a much better product after receiving feedback.” [Ryouma]

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“Then I’ll be sure not to hold back if something happens.” [Pauline]

Pauline-san happily laughed.

“Oh, one more thing. Would you happen to have some Dante Flower here?” [Ryouma]

“We have some stock from yesterday.” [Pauline]

As she said that she went to a corner where the flowers were lined up and came back with a container. Inside were bouquets of yellow flowers. Large petals were connected to the flower and the stem, but because they were yellow colored, I couldn’t help but be reminded of dandelions.

So this is a Dante Flower. It’s what I’m looking for. Only, all the flowers have already been cut. The roots are missing.

“Where are the roots?” [Ryouma]

“I cut them after purchase. Did you want the roots?” [Pauline]

“Yes. In my hometown, we have a drink made from boiling a flower similar to the Dante Flower.” [Ryouma]

“Unfortunately, I’ve already thrown them away. You’ll have the wait until the next… Wait. You grew your lawn before, right? I mean, you can use Wood Magic, right? ” [Pauline]

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“Yes. I can.” [Ryouma]

“In that case, what about this? The seed of a Dante Flower. New stock won’t arrive until net week, you see.” [Pauline]

“That will do. How much for it?” [Ryouma]

“50 suits per bag.” [Pauline]

When she showed me the contents, I saw dozens of seeds that looked like sunflower seeds. I’ll be making tea with these, so…

“Just one bag probably won’t be enough.” [Ryouma]

“These seeds are meant for people that like to raise their own flowers, so there’s not a lot per bag, but the storehouse should have 30 more bags.” [Pauline]

“In that case… Since I’ll be experimenting at first, I’ll take 10.” [Ryouma]

“Alright. I’ll get them now. Just wait a bit.” [Pauline]

With 10 bags of seeds, I should have enough even if I fail a couple of times. I can get more later once I’ve confirmed that I can mass produce these things.

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…Oops. Gotta pay.

“Here you go. 500 suits all in all. Do be careful of monsterification if you use wood magic, though.” [Pauline]

“Monsterifi— What? ” [Ryouma]

“Sometimes plants grown through Wood Magic can turn out different. Scholars would probably have more complicated terms for it, but basically, the plants and trees edn up with a different color, become imbued with poison, and could even become able to move like monsters. Apparently, it’s because of mana. Some plants or trees are more prone to monsterification and some less so, but that’s about all I know. I’m not an expert on the subject.” [Pauline]

“I see. This is my first time hearing that.” [Ryouma]

“Ahaha. Well, unless several people cast spells or at least use a similar amount of mana, Monsterification probably won’t occur. It’s not really something that happens a lot, so don’t worry. Enough about that. If you manage to make some delicious drink, let me know, okay? I’ll get you all the flowers and seeds you want as long as you’ll buy them.” [Pauline]

“Thank you very much. At that time, I’ll be sure to rely on you.” [Ryuma]

Monsterification, huh… I feel like I’ve heard of it before. It seems there are all sorts of different mutations. I’m a little curious how mine will mutate. One day, I’ll bring my experiment along that direction too, but for now, let’s just make my Dandelion Coffee.

I stored my purchased seeds into my Item Box and left the florist.

Next let’s drop by the butcher and talk to them about the Odor-Absorbing Liquid. If the opportunity permits, maybe I can also get some blood. After that I’ll drop by Miya-san’s house. And then… Raypin-san? And then…

Like that I went around town looking for people to help me with my experiment.

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