Chapter 5: Overwhelm (2)

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(No censorship this chapter)


“Lend me the power you gave me at the hospital again.”

“It’s already used up…… hehehehe, if you still want it, devour them.”

His fist rained down upon them, among the 30 odd men in the factory, a dozen were knocked out by Li Anping, a few of the men carried them out and the remaining ten plus men surrounded the injured Li Anping.

Earlier, Li Anping could still rely on his monstrous strength to defend or counterattack. Now after a few minutes, the blood loss from the gun wound had already severely weakened him. The first area he got hit was his leg. A man took the chance when Li Anping was distracted to step on his wound, the intense pain causing Li Anping to cry out.

Li Anping knocked the man back with a punch, but at the same time a baseball bat slammed him on his back, causing him to fall on the concrete floor.

He struggled to get up but the surrounding men were like evil spirits from hell, numerous pairs of hands grabbed at him, as if they wanted to drag him down to hell.

These people who normally followed Chang Zheng, were arrogant and proud, almost each of their hands were blood-laden, and had a gang of henchmen of their own as well. Never had they suffered such a loss, tens of them getting thrashed by a single person, the biggest disgrace of their lives. Now that they had the chance, there was no way they would let Li Anping go.

However, due to their years of brawling experience, they had good control in their assault. Since Chang Zheng had declared that he was going to torture Li Anping, they would definitely not beat him to death. Even so, within a few minutes, Li Anping’s flesh was already torn open, a bloody mess, like a broken doll thrown on the streets.

“Didn’t you want to seek justice from us?” Outside the circle surrounding him, the shrill laughter of the triggered Li Anping’s nerves: “Fuck you!”

“Still not retaliating? As long as you absorb a few souls, it’ll be enough to alleviate the crisis.” The voice in his head mockingly said.

Seeing the unmoved Li Anping, the voice howled: “Useless, you piece of trash, at this rate you’ll never get your revenge. You’ll be trampled on forever, becoming worthless garbage that cannot protect anyone.”

The grievance of being framed, the pain of losing his loved one, Chang Zheng’s sheer arrogance. Li Anping’s emotions erupted like a volcano.

Li Anping felt like there was a breeze cold air emitting from his body, as if something had awakened in his mind. He stretched out an arm and grabbed at a leg which was kicking at him.

“Fucker, still not letting go?” The man found that his leg was tightly gripped thus he raised his other leg to kick at Li Anping’s arm. However, after several attempts, the grip had not loosened in the slightest.

“Fuck, let go!” A few people saw this and hurried to help attack Li Anping’s arm, shoulder, some used their legs while others smashed with a pipe.

The person who was grabbed trembled: “Why is it getting colder?” Next, he felt his leg tighten, and a strong sucking force emitted from it.

“Eat him! Devour him!”

“Together for eternity, become the source of energy for our strength!”

“Devour! Li Anping!”

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The man instantly fell. The surrounding men were confused at this peculiar scene, and Li Anping had already let go of his leg.

“What? Did he get sick?”

“He had a spasm?”

“Gu… guys…. look at him, what happened?” A man pointed at Li Anping, his face full of terror.

Only to see that Li Anping was still sprawled on the ground, but the sportswear on his body jerked up and down nonstop, like a python slithering about. The sound of his bones and muscles twisting and turning cracked continuously, sending a chill down everyone’s spine.

Li Anping gradually stood up, the injuries on his body closed and healed at an insane rate. His muscles expanded with time, and his entire frame became much large, over 2 metres.

His eyes were dyed with the colour of blood.

“You… will all die.”

Rushing into the crowd, Li Anping pulled back his right arm at an arc, and his fist landed on two people’s head, sending them flying. In midair, their necks emitted a cracking sound, their heads and necks compressed into a ball and before they had hit the ground, they lost all signs of life.

Absorbing two more souls, Li Anping felt revitalized, as if there was unlimited energy about to burst out from his body, with the wave of his hands, the weapons surrounding him were all blown away.

“Use the gun, quickly draw your guns!”


“Don’t run, fire together!”


Li Anping body was pelted by bullets, blood spraying out like a fountain. The impact pierced his bones and muscles, sending his body flying backwards.

Being shot again by handguns, the difference this time was that Li Anping did not lose his fighting capability as the energy from the souls he had absorbed earlier continued to repair his body as well as increase his strength. Slithering on the ground, Li Anping rushed towards the shadowy area of the warehouse, the intense pain causing his body to move via muscle memory.

As mentioned earlier, this warehouse, other than its huge space, had leftover cupboards and boxes. It was already night time at the moment, thus they provided a large number of shadowy areas.

“What happened, why did you guys fire again?” Chang Zheng rushed over upon hearing the gunshots, bringing with him two of the dogs, which were barking nervously at the shadows. Seeing the three men on the ground, Chang Zheng howled: “What are you guys doing? So many people and you can’t even take care of an injured good-for-nothing?”

A few of the men stammered to explain the situation, some saying he was possessed, being immune to bullets, Chang Zheng waved his hand impatiently: “He’s in this warehouse, go find him now!”

At this moment, Li Anping leapt out from the shadows, his four limbs moving across the ground at an unimaginable pace, bringing a trail of afterimages behind him as he disappeared into the darkness again.

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Chang Zheng stared blankly at the spot at the vanishing afterimages, turned around and saw the henchman who was talking to him a moment ago had been beheaded. The wound on his head was like a devil’s smile, the blood oozed out from the wound and sprayed on Chang Zheng’s face.


A chain of cries and screams were heard. Although some of the men had seen blood before, they had never seen something so savage. The men that hung out with them daily had been beheaded right in front of them.

“Shut the fuck up!” Chang Zheng pulled out his gun and shouted: “Two men one group, back to back, stay sharp, fire if you see anyone.”

“What the fuck was that.”

The remaining people having heard the instructions regained their composure, and immediately took out their guns, standing back to back. They carefully observed the surroundings, realizing that the place which was familiar as home to them had become almost terrifying to be in.

“Fucker, come out if you have the guts.” Chang Zheng’s vision swept through the warehouse and suddenly shouted: “All you know is hide? Didn’t you want to teach us a lesson? Then get the fuck out here and fight me fair and square.”

After saying that, the surrounding was still silent, only the sound of their coarse breathing could be heard.

“Boss, this is too creepy, shall we retreat?” One of the men suddenly whispered.

“Escape your ass.” Chang Zheng scolded him, and pointed to the door: “All of you follow me to the door, there is only one exit here, if we block the exit he will have no choice but to show himself.”

The factory had split into 3 groups of people. Li Anping and Chang Zheng’s group of 10 plus people stayed inside the warehouse. Another 10 plus who were knocked out by Li Anping earlier were dragged out for treatment. And there was the man in the steel cage.

Hearing Chang Zheng’s instructions, everyone headed for the door, their movement was slow and they stood close together, pointing their guns at every possible angle, as if Li Anping was about to spring out any moment.

“What in the world was that?”

“He’s very fast.”

“How would I know.” Chang Zheng’s expression was grim, and he muttered: “Who cares what he is, once I catch him, he is dead meat.”

Before he finished his sentence, above them a shadow suddenly fell, and instantly pounced at a one of the men.

“Don’t fire! Save me! Save me!” The man screaming in terror, his cry for help caused the others to hesitate but Chang Zheng had already aimed his gun. He had obviously been trained in using a gun before, compared to the surrounding men, his posture was way more professional. He also let go of the leash, releasing his two wolf dogs.

But faster than his gun, was Li Anping’s movement. ‘Bang Bang’ Two shots fired had only left dents on the ground as Li Anping had already dragged the man into the shadows. The two wolf dogs barked and followed into the shadows.

At this time, the men had finally reacted and all fired towards the place where Li Anping had disappeared into. The gunshots were fired continuously, as if they were trying to get rid of the fear in their hearts, thus they continuously fired at the shadowy area.

But the shots that they fired could not hit Li Anping, within the shadows the man’s pleas could be heard.

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“No, no, please let me go!”

“Please I’m begging you! Please let me go!”

“AHH!!! My arm! My arm!”

The inhumane wailing tore through the skies and followed by the two dogs’ whimpering, silence returned.

When Chang Zheng had rushed to the spot, there was only the corpse of the men which was torn apart on the ground, and two wolf dogs lying lifelessly beside him.

No one could imagine what kind of cruelty the man had gone through in the shadows, but this was what made it more horrifying, the surrounding darkness struck fear in everyone’s hearts, as if it would devour them at any moment.

Seeing the man’s corpse, some could not help but vomit.

“I can’t take this anymore, I’m leaving!” Someone swallowed his saliva, and ignoring the others, ran for the door screaming: “Ahh!”

But after he had taken a few steps, a steel pipe flew out of nowhere and stabbed him right on the back, piercing his chest. The scream stopped abruptly and the man fell on the ground, blood and substance flowing out of his mouth.

He turned his head around, staring at the group of men, as if he wanted to say something, but could not. Finally, his head jerked and he stopped breathing, dead.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” One man raised his gun like he had gone insane and fired continuously: “I see you! Come out here!”

Unfortunately, what answered him was a metallic clang sound as another pipe flew out again and at a speed where only a trail of black shadow could be seen. He plopped on the ground, like there was something stabbed into his body.

He looked around but found himself uninjured and started laughing maniacally. But halfway through, he found that everyone including Chang Zheng looked at him with a weird expression, like they were looking at a ghost.

From the people’s perspective, a steel pipe and penetrated the man’s brain and only after a few seconds did he fall with a loud scream.

As if it was a signal, Li Anping had seemingly found a new toy as after the man collapsed, numerous pipes were thrown out and shot towards the remaining gang. Corpses fell like domino pieces, at this moment life seemed utterly fragile.

After blood has splattered all over, the men could care no longer. Even with Chang Zheng’s intimidation, it could not stop them. Their face was full of terror as they rushed towards the door with bloodshot eyes.

The scene had completely lost control. Li Anping rushed out from the shadows again, his four limbs moving on the ground towards the men. His speed was spectacular and his body continued to twist and turn, none of the bullets could hit him.

This time, he did not make the scene as bloody as before. All the men he chased were taken out with one hit. All their souls were devoured.

No screaming, no bloodshed. The remaining people died unknowingly in the darkness.

When Li Anping stopped, there was only Chang Zheng still standing.

He pointed his gun at Li Anping, his hands trembling uncontrollably: “Kill me if you have the guts.”

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Li Anping coldly looked him in the eye: “Originally I wanted to talk to you a little first.”

“I…” Chang Zheng howled at Li Anping.

Ignoring him, Li Anping rushed forward before Chang Zheng was able to fire and twisted his neck.

Observing the surroundings, Li Anping waved his hand and Chang Zheng’s corpse flew out, smashing onto a wooden box and landed in a mountain of trash.

“Then I realized, I have nothing to say to scum like you.”

“I should probably… go find Huo Qing myself.”

Next, Li Anping walked out of the warehouse and slaughtered the remaining henchmen one by one. He also collected some of the cash in case of emergency usage.

“Da Guang Road’s abandoned factory, there was a gang fight here.”

Picking up one of the corpses handphone, Li Anping called the cops and hung up after saying one line. He looked at both his hands, solemnly.

“You regret it?”

“How can that be?” Li Anping raised his head and walked out of the factory: “Initially, I thought that after killing these people I would feel remorse, disgusted, angry but to speak the truth, when I broke their necks and devoured their souls, I felt nothing at all. As if I was simply killing a chicken.”

Perhaps shocked by Li Anping’s attitude, the voice only sighed long after: “Because you are a born devil.”

“How should I address you?”

“You can call me Black.”

“Black, I should thank you.” Li Anping stood at the factory’s door: “If not for you, I would never have the strength to do what I did today. I understand now, towards those scumbags, since they don’t have any principles and don’t treat themselves as human beings, then I do not have to treat them as humans either. You said something wrongly, I am not a devil, I represent justice.”


“I have decided, I will use the power you gave me to defeat all evil. From today onwards, I will only devour the soul of the evildoers, I will become stronger and stronger, and eliminate all the evil in the world.” Li Anping clenched his fists as he spoke full of determination.

“To punish the evildoers, and to reward the kind people.”

“I will become, the Hero of Humanity!!!”

Saying so, he punched a steel door nearby, causing it to be detached from the door frame and was sent flying on the ground.

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