Vol. 2 Chapter 223

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Green Flower

Translated by Raizu


[Next time, I’d like to hold a meeting like this in the brighter hours.]

Finally, Dunkel said so and closed the meeting for tonight.

By holding the next head of the family meeting in a bright time, in other words, in a public place, it seems that the aim is to appeal that there is a connection between us. Dunkel and Sadin were natural, but Kalmia and Kilorde were not against the proposal either.
Rather than agreeing with the Prince’s plan, Kalmia decided that she should maintain the connection as the next head of the family. As for Kilorde, he probably just couldn’t allow his family to be left out. Plus, there may be a sense of opposition to me mixed in.

[Well then, excuse me.]

Kilorde was the first to leave.
He spreaded one arm wide to indicate the direction Orshian should be moving. However, that pose appeared to be intended to protect Orshian from my gaze as well.
I didn’t even have any intention to be involved with Orshian after this anyway. If it’s on the bed, then it’s another matter altogether… I tried to simulate it in my head, but when I tried to do anything, I was quickly reprimanded with a “Pervert”. What a formidable opponent.

[Wilk-dono, see you soon.]

Unaware of my thoughts, Orshian happily fluttered and waved her hands to me several times, then rhythmically descended the stone stairs and left. It was very interesting to see Kilorde chasing after her by having to jog while maintaining his dignity so that he wouldn’t be left behind.

[… she a no-holding-hands Princess or something?]

After confirming that the Milendorva group has disappeared, I muttered.
Neither when they showed up at the meeting place nor when they left, they didn’t hold hands. Perhaps Kilorde tried to take her hand and was rejected. He’s such a sad boy

[Oh, I see Wilk-dono is rather friendly with her?]

Kalmia picked up my sarcasm while laughing elegantly. After all, she must have also felt that the relationship between Kilorde and Orshian was inconsistent.

[It’s almost as if what happened the other day was a lie.]

The words that followed contained a lot of joking nuances, but they were also probing.
I feel like people are asking what the hell was going on with the turmoil that engulfed the entire Royal Capital the other day.

[Hahaha, that was a surprise to me as well. As long as you resolve your animosity, you can get along with anyone… Princess Orshian must be a pure person.]

Things are as they say. As expected, you can’t call the Princess of another family a straightforward single-celled boar.

[…Don’t you think so too, Novalf-dono?]

And I wasn’t not the one who kept quiet while being probed one-sidedly. I asked him a question as he listened to our conversation.

I’m not the only one who had a confrontation with Orshian. Together with Crowne, Novalf clashed with the Milendorva army led by Orshian.
In terms of the fact that there was a direct battle, their relationship should be much worse than mine, which ended only in a threatening battle. Nevertheless, he and Orshian sat at the same table as if nothing had happened.

[Pure, huh. I certainly think that’s right.]

The giant of a man let out a big sigh and immediately smiled at himself. And in a roundabout way, he concluded that Orshian either didn’t remember him or had simply forgotten about the battle.

[The old woman was there at the time, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she didn’t notice me. It is highly questionable whether it is right to say that we are standing in the same place.]

Nobles are not usually humble. However, it is unclear whether Novalf’s remarks correspond to that sentiment.
Depending on the interpretation of the words, it sounds like he’s boasting about Crowne, who fought on equal terms with Orshian, who beat up the Levios army. If it is his position, it can be considered that he should raise his own family more than himself, and it can be said that it is fully acceptable.

[Same place, huh…]

[Equal standing…]

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The Prince and Sadin’s lines overlapped, and both of them immediately closed their mouths.
They simply turned their heads towards me. No more words. Novalf also turned to look at me, and Kalmia was also paying attention to me.

A quiet silence descends upon the place.

I can somehow guess what they are thinking, especially Kalmia and Novalf.
Today is probably the first time they’ve been in such close proximity to Orshian. They must have felt the magic that belonged to a Progenitor up close, and understood the anomaly firsthand. If that happens, the next thing that comes to mind is my existence.
Unlike Crowne, who controlled the Milendorva army with her veteran army leadership, I fought Orshian on equal footing in a one on one clash. With Orshian herself gone, it’s only natural that doubts about my amount of magic would emerge.

However, training related to magic power, and even educational methods, are close to confidential information for Nobles. Even Earl Sylopea, who is an ally, never asks me about the amount of magic I possess. It was a part that they couldn’t easily touch, no matter how much they cared.

[Young Master, it’s time.]

Everyone remained silent, and an indescribable atmosphere spread. I was giving her instructions, and she seems to have completed the task.


It’s the perfect opportunity to leave here.
After stating that I was leaving quickly, I got up from my seat. At the same time, Rona raised her face and put her hands together.

[May Wilk-dono be blessed by the Great Spirit of the Sun.]

Those words of Rona, who solemnly prayed, were strangely stuck in my mind.


[Young Master.]


When I left the meeting place to a more deserted place, the accompanying maid spoke to me in a low voice. I could tell the sermon was about to start from the tone of her voice.

[Even if it’s the evening party, it is not advisable to make promises without consulting Master first.]

She was selected from among the maids who went on business trips to the Royal Capital and came to this party venue. Although she is young, she is an elite among elites in the Quordenze Maid Corps.

[Really? Looking at the attendees today, I thought it might not be the case.]

There may have been a performance in giving a speech, but Dunkel showed resentment against King Levios and was quite clearly rebellious. Sadin also seemed to be trying to show an intelligent character with a calm face and voice, but there was no doubt that his heart was full of ambition.
If I were to use my past life as an analogy, the Prince would be a hungry wolf and Sadin a cunning fox. However, from the perspective of the Eruo continent, it would be more appropriate to compare the appearance of a Prince who is about to bite an authority figure head-on to a fox.

[I realized again that what I want should be obtained by myself.]

[……….Do you think you can make some aggressive moves if you pretend to be influenced by the young Princes of the Levios family and the Zeldomitra family?]

As expected of an elite maid. It’s easy to see that I’m trying to use them as useful cushions.

[Well then, what am I doing here? I should get back to the party venue.]

It’s already very dark, and the sound of the song that was carried by the wind here was nearing its end. I have to return to the venue as soon as possible to enjoy the once-in-a-lifetime asses.
I learned some troublesome tricks… With the momentum of leaving the maid with such a troubled expression behind, I proceeded on my way.

The banquet was in full swing in the palace.
Compared to the beginning of the night party, the tension seems to have completely loosened, and the overall atmosphere is filled with a rough atmosphere. It seems that both Earthlings and Eruo Continental people get in high spirits meaninglessly in the middle of the night.

It’s as if my eyes, accustomed to the dark, were suddenly illuminated. It was a 180-degree difference from the tense atmosphere that had existed a few minutes before, and it disoriented me somewhat.
Looking around, it seemed that the number of people had increased.
Perhaps the number of Nobles other than the Royal Nobles had increased. In King Levios’ speech in the morning, he said that an unprecedented number of foreign Nobles had arrived.
Guests can attend the evening party freely, but the number who arrived at the start could no longer be compared to now. Apparently some of them chose to observe the situation first before entering.
They’d want to make connections considering their future affiliation with the Kingdom. Looking for a bride or son-in-law who wants to have a relationship with a Royal Noble who is on bad terms with a rival Royal Noble… Nobles from outside the Kingdom come with various expectations. For example, independent Nobles who are hostile to the Zeldomitra family seem to participate without hesitation. I don’t intend to get involved with it because I think it’s going to be troublesome if I approach it poorly.

It seems that one of the purposes is not only to show off the external influence, but also to keep a check on domestic Nobles by inviting foreign Nobles. Well, the situation has changed greatly since the time when we were recruiting participants for the Royal Capital’s social gatherings, and there are some Nobles among the Levios family who deeply regret inviting them. right. I think I am self-employed.

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Anyhow, I’m here to dance with Princesses.
Excited, I entered the venue and took a few steps before stopping. I felt like about a third of the people in the room were paying attention to my movements.

[…..I need something to drink.]

In order to conceal the fact that we stopped in a strange place, I gave instructions to the maid.
Whilst doing so, I looked around. I was being watched. No, scrutinized.
Tension, anxiety, anticipation, and feelings that resembled a fun-filled mob. The kind of mixed gaze pierced me.

I move to the door leading to another room, acting like I don’t care about anything. Either way, this room doesn’t have a stage for dancing, so there’s no point in staying long.
However, it seems that this was a hit in a sense. It was because I could feel the tension level rising rapidly as I got closer to the door.

I wondered if Orshian was gorging on some nuts somewhere around here.
As I was thinking about that, I heard that the “Grand Duchess” was at the main venue. This door leads to the opposite direction from the main venue. Apparently, the people here aren’t afraid of me and Orshian clashing.

Knowing that, I shouldn’t have anything to fear. If it’s not Orshian, there’ll be a very low chance of trouble. So, I want to prioritize my curiosity.

[Let’s move.]

I passed through the door with the maid holding my cup following behind me.
As I started walking down the corridor leading to the next room, I felt a commotion in my back.

[…This is…]

The room was a hall prepared as a dance hall.
The moment when I entered the room, I realized that I had reached my destination. The eyes of the Nobles looking at me were full of tension. Rather than the vague tension in the previous room, this could be called a sense of urgency.

And I wasn’t the only one getting attention. There was another person in the room who was in the spotlight.
As people’s gazes kept going back and forth between me and that person, I naturally became aware of their existence.

[Don’t make a fuss.]

The maid tried to say something, but I stopped her with words.
I can’t let them see us upset here. Not only me, but also the maid accompanying me.


She replied quietly.
If you’re an elite maid, you should understand that I can’t pretend to run away without saying hello when I’ve been the center of attention.

I took a wide stride, and walked in gracefully.
The large hall was silent, as if time had stopped.

Step by step, we got closer.

The intended opponent was still turning their back on me. But, it is too unnatural.
The maid who was following the other party was making some kind of signal with her fingertips, so they should be able to tell that we were approaching. It would be reasonable to think that they were waiting for me to talk to them.

Almost all the Nobles in the hall were watching my movements. I feel like I’m playing a scene from a play, the main character of this set.
A few more steps. When I got there, she turned around.


For a moment, I was speechless at the sudden movement.

Contrary to its elegant and subdued design, the dress has really bright colors. The red and crimson colors were even brighter than the red of the dress worn by Marquis Adellahan.
Her long, flowing hair was a clear bluish green color. Overall, her hair looked like it was straight and had no curls, but the fact that only the tips are curled up makes her look charming.
Her green eyes, which matched her neat appearance, were quietly staring at me.

The sound of swallowing saliva echoed in my skull in a scary way.

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[O’ green flower that blooms at night, can I have your hand?]

That’s not it. That’s not what I meant to say.
It’s because I really liked her appearance. After much speculation and calculations, I decided that the only chance I had was during the night party, so I invited her to the dance without thinking.

The people who were holding their breath as they waited for our exchanges could feel the murmuring of silence. Was my heart beating faster because of a mistake I made, or because of her good looks?

[Yes, let the starlight guide you.]

What came back was words that allowed the frankness unique to an evening party. Apparently she interpreted that she wanted to dance anonymously.

No, in the first place, I was just going to say hello and leave. I had no intention of dancing.
However, at this point there was no other choice but to dance, and it was something of force majeure. Let’s use Dunkel and Sadin as an excuse.

When I stretched out my arm with my palm facing up, her thin white fingers were placed neatly there. The fingerless gloves resemble those worn by Plume. The cord seems easy to untie.

[Please, be gentle.]

Invited by the sweet voice, I put my hand on the string. I soon found that the knot had been trimmed. Aside from simple repairs, it takes a certain amount of time and effort to tie it so tightly. If you don’t call a maid and use something like a knitting needle to tighten it tightly, you can’t get it to line up so neatly.
At the evening party, the gloves are put on and taken off many times, so the strings are not tightened to the initial state. Simply put, she hasn’t danced once tonight.
I shall take her virginity in tonight’s dance. It’s strange because I felt excited just from the act of untying the string.

On her lace-thin gloves, the petals that resembled the same cluster amaryllis as the skirt of her dress were embroidered in red thread.
Her white bare skin was illuminated by the light when the tightly tied string was undone. I gently squeezed her hand, she quietly took a step closer with a smile on her face.

Our gazes intertwined, but no words were exchanged.
I think we both thought about how far we could go in the conversation because it had been confirmed that we would not introduce ourselves to each other at first.

As we stared at each other in silence, the music cut off, and the interval until the next song began.

Normally, there would be a lot of noise from the participants, but this time it was eerily quiet.
Anyone can see that it is me and her standing in the center of that silence.

[Come on, let’s go.]

We proceeded to the stage.
It seemed that the people around me were adjusting their position so that they would keep a distance from us, so we naturally arrived at the best spot in the center of the hall.

I placed one hand on her waist and brought our body closer. She was not very tall, just a little taller than Plume. Considering she might be older than me, she’s a little petite.
When I got closer to her face, I noticed that her eyelashes were flashy. It’s curled so long that I think it’s fake hair, but this is her natural eyelashes. Her face was pure and gave off an impression of neatness, so it was somewhat surprising.
She has a good figure. The flesh is full of youthful springiness, and it seems that her breasts and buttocks are well nourished. I felt a wholesome beauty from her.

When I tried to put my hand on her wide open back, she brushed her hair sideways like combing her hands and put it on her shoulder. From between her swaying hair, there was a faint scent resembling fragrant oak.

[Let’s enjoy the occasion leisurely.]

[I appreciate it.]

Unlike me who danced many times today, this would be her first step. It would be a problem if I suddenly made a violent move and my foot slipped.

Besides, there’s no point in dancing violently.

Although the dance has begun, we are still under the watchful eye of the public. What kind of conversation will we have, what is our impression of each other, whether the atmosphere is good or bad, they are watching with bated breath.
I can’t rub on her butts or press her breasts against me while receiving this much attention. My molester level is not that high yet.

This time, I prioritized conversation over physical contact.

I was attracted to her Noble and elegant demeanor.
To be frank, I feel like she’s the most elegant woman I’ve talked to at this evening’s party.

Her graceful voice spun from her refined movements had a charm that made me want to listen quietly.

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[It’s a scent that has been loved since ancient times…]

Even when we’re just talking about hobbies, I could see how highly educated she is.
One of the major hobbies among the Nobles is to create original scents by combining fragrances, and she seems to like it too. Not only does she make it, but she also has a lot of behind-the-scenes stories about the birth of the blend called a masterpiece and a wealth of historical knowledge, so I never get tired of listening to it.

[I see, so that education is the secret to this fragrance?]

I guess she’s researching various perfumes that suit her. The sweet scent that wafts from her hair skillfully mitigates the nobility that might be perceived from a Noble, and successfully directs the glamor of a woman.
When I conveyed my honest impression that it suits her very well, she continued in a calm tone.

[I made it from my favorite flower.]


When she stretched her neck a little and brought her face closer, she tilted her head to hide her embarrassment. Depending on how you look at it, it looks like a preliminary movement for a kiss. Like a vampire biting the nape of my neck, I gently brought my nose closer and enjoyed the girl’s scent.
Also, praising a woman’s perfume is the same as praising her clothes and hairstyle, so it’s not sexual harassment or anything. Sniffing in is not considered rude as long as the other party approves. Good culture.

[It’s really graceful. …..Some people are said to have lost their lives because of this scent, but is there still poison left?]

The plant that is supposed to be the raw material for this perfume has poisonous bulbs. The smell is similar to that of a golden moxa, but it looks just like a cluster amaryllis, and it also has the same poison. Well, plant poison doesn’t work on the Highlords, so ordinary Noble women don’t mind it at all.
I casually told her that I was able to identify the flowers and that I was wary of her.

[I think it’s not unreasonable to think so when you hear the name.]

There’s no way it’s still poisonous, she briefly claimed.

[I was hoping that you care more about the scent of flowers rather than their names.]

…Speaking of which, that was written in the letter before.
It’s a pretty good way to respond. I had the impression that she was a well-educated woman, but she seems to also have a quick mind.

When I involuntarily smiled at the splendid response, she immediately returned a smile and changed the atmosphere between the two of us into a gentle one. Let’s stop trying to keep each other in check, and let’s enjoy dancing and talking now… Yes, it seemed like we were being lured in.

After that, for a few songs, I forgot about the attention of the people around me and enjoyed dancing with her. No, it would be more accurate to say that I was obsessed with it.
I wonder if that is something that the persona of a female Noble can do. I couldn’t read what kind of feelings that she had towards me at all. The various thoughts that must have been wriggling inside were completely covered up by the mask of a Noble.
Considering her personal history, it wouldn’t be surprising if she harbored such terrifying malice that she hesitated to speak about it. What kind of expression would she have when she looks at Wilk Quordenze?

If you hide it, you’ll want to see it. It’s like a girl’s skirt. It tickles the hearts of men greatly. And the stronger the guard, the more intriguing and irritating it is.

If I were the main character in the play, I would have started singing, “I want to know your true heart”. Of course, I didn’t mean to go out of control to that extent, but it was true that I was enjoying the challenge itself, whether I could find out what she was thinking through conversation.

[Grateful for this time that the green flower and the stars have guided me here.]

[Thank you for a wonderful evening.]

We faced each other and said our farewell. In the end, we never introduced ourselves to each other.

Now then, what’s next? Thinking of excuses for the future, I pulled her hand and stepped off the dance stage. But, I soon realized that I didn’t have time to think about such leisurely things.

Waiting in the bleachers wasn’t just my pale-faced maid. At some point, I saw my father there.
Father was completely expressionless. The face of a Noble who nobody could tell whether he’s angry, dumbfounded, or in despair. It’s terrifying on the contrary. As soon as I instinctively felt that I may have crossed the line a little too much, cold sweat overflowed from my whole body.

And there was another Noble a little further away from my father, whom I had never seen before.
He is about the same age as his father and wears a crimson cloak. I didn’t recognize his face, but there’s no way I don’t know his name.


Holding my hand and walking next to me, she muttered so.

Magnis Spierzeig.
The current head of the Spierzeig family, Duke of Spierzeig, was there.

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