Returning to Newnelly

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Translated by Raizu


[…..So, Princess Ena was called “Lapis Lazuli Princess” when she was young.]

Inside the swaying carriage, I was listening to Plume talk about Ena.
The trip felt long on the way out and short on the way back. We were already in the territory of the Quordenze Nobles, and to some extent it was a place where we could talk more comfortably.

[She was also popular with her classmates at Blueland Institute.]

Plume, or rather, the Sylopea family, was planning to interact mainly with the Nobles of the Lushna region at the beginning of the Royal Capital social gathering. And among them was a male Noble who attended Blueland Institute at the same time as Ena.

[Naturally. If you’re a sociable and bright Levios Princess, you’ll never go unnoticed.]

[…..are we still talking about Princess Ena?]

[Yes, why?]

Does Ena look like that to those around her? From my point of view, I had the impression that Ena is an unhappy Princess who has the ability to act as a lady and is an honor student, but also too obedient to her parents’ orders.
Well, if she had that conversational ability when she was still a student, it wouldn’t be strange that people around her would judge her as a sociable Princess, I guess? Although it is possible that she used to be really honest, bright and sociable.

[Flowing white shining silver hair, blue eyes like butterflies, symbolizing Levios dancing in the land of purity…]

The male Noble who told Plume about Ena seemed to have a faint crush on her when she was a student. When Plume asked him about it in detail, he said that he was a little shy, but happily told her about his first love. These words must have been an expression of the outward characteristics he spoke to Plume.

[It’s true that she had whitish hair and blue eyes, so she can be likened to Levios family with legs.]

Alina combined her silver hair and costume to create a combination of colors that represents the Levios, but Ena can do the same while completely naked. That’s why next time I wish to see her naked.

[Was she really beautiful?]

Plume, who was sitting across from me, gently stroked her hair with one hand and asked.

[Well, she was.]


What’s with that [Hmmn…]? I wanted to respond, but there was no smile on Plume’s face. I couldn’t respond easily because it was a [Hmmn…] with a certain seriousness.

[I guess I should tell Fanny that her brother only saw beautiful older sisters in the Royal Capital.]

She said with a teasing tone.

[Don’t say anything misleading.]

Then, as if waiting for my reply, she turned her hand and pointed it at me, raising her fingers one by one.

[Princess Ena and Princess Alina of the Levios family, Princess Kalmia of the Adellahan family. They were all beautiful women… Ah, if that’s the case, Spierzeig’s Princess would be the same. And at the evening party, you were dancing with other wonderful older sisters, weren’t you?  For example…]

I wonder why Princess Alina was put into that same frame.
Even so, many of the female Nobles I met during the social gathering were indeed older than me. At that time, my original plan was to dance with a young Princess who seems to have a promising future, but there aren’t that many of them. It’s a natural story because I prioritized the current butts over the future butts.
And for some reason Orshian’s name wasn’t mentioned. I didn’t dance with her at the evening party, but she was present at the next family head meeting, and above all, I was with her during the demon beast subjugation in a joint fight.
…..Perhaps because she hasn’t seen Orshian’s face closely? Come to think of it, the only time Plume had a chance to see Orshian’s face was during the attack on the garden. But it was extremely chaotic at that time, so maybe she didn’t have the luxury to look at her face properly.

[If you’re counting the number of nice women I met at the evening party, you’re missing one.]

[Eh? Who?]

Of course, Orshian will not be included. I showed off my index finger and pointed it at the beautiful girl in front of me.

[Plume Sylopea is missing.]


[Plue during the evening party was so grown up and beautiful. Had the social gathering continued, we could have danced at the evening party every night… it’s such a shame.]

This is my sincere intention, so I’m going to put a lot of emotion into it.

I don’t know if I could be at the evening party every single night, but there must have been many opportunities to attend. It’s not like there’s only one outfit for an evening party. I was really looking forward to seeing and touching Plume’s revealing dresses that change daily.
Nevertheless, the Royal Capital social gathering ended in the middle. That raider Ephial, damn you.

[Ehh… Wil, were you looking forward to it that much?]

Of course, there’s no way I could have said that, but it seems that my passionate feelings were conveyed somehow. Seeing me regret with all my might, she seemed a little embarrassed.

[Of course. Was it not the case with Plue?]

Plume smiled modestly and said with a slightly proud expression.

[Fufu, what do you think? But… Fufufu, well, let’s dance again when we arrive at Newnelly.]

As if she was satisfied with this, she began to hum in a low voice.

…..Plume’s behavior has been strange since we left the Royal Capital.
To be more specific, I get the feeling that she’s strangely aware of me. From the content of the conversation just now, I felt the atmosphere of “I can’t lose” to Ena and Alina coming from her.
It seems that she’s worried that I’m obsessed with “Onee-sama”. Rather than angry or annoyed, I think the best way to describe it is that she’s concerned. She’s worried about the strange lump that has been born in her heart, and she can’t help but touch it. In the past few days, when I’ve been riding with Plume in the carriage, she talked to me several times in a strange way, just like in the previous conversation.
She may have been stimulated by seeing older Noble women in the Royal Capital, or maybe something akin to jealousy was beginning to sprout in her.
I would be happy if those feelings continue to grow and you become aware of me as her opposite sex. If I mess with it poorly, it might be ruined, and in order not to wither the small sprout that was born, I decided not to interfere.

While I chatted with Plume, whose mood seemingly had become good, the carriage continued its path toward Newnelly.
When I casually looked outside through the peephole, I could see Newnelly Castle in the distance.

[I can see the castle.]


I was sitting facing the direction of travel, but Plume was on the other side. Thinking that it would be difficult to look outside from that position, I moved my butt, which had been placed in the center of the seat, slightly to the left.

[You can see it better from this side.]

Once I moved, I tapped the space on the side that I just made.
The carriage isn’t narrow, but it’s definitely not wide either. When our shoulders were close enough to each other, a sweet scent wafting from Plume tickled my nostrils.

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[Something smells good.]

I guess she’s wearing a minute amount of perfume that I wouldn’t notice unless I got this close. It was a different type of fragrance than what Plume usually prefers, but I thought it’s not bad.

[Hmm? Did you notice…?]

She continued speaking before I could answer.

[Today, well… I felt like trying something a little different than usual. That’s why I took the plunge and put it on… Hey, what do you think Wil? Do you not like it?]

[No, it’s not like that. I think it suits Plue well, and I like it.]

[Really? …Ufufu, good then.]

When I was a student, when I changed my hairstyle, I remember feeling nervous about going to school and thinking that I should undo it. Plume may have been worried about whether her new fashion would be accepted.
Plume, smiling in relief, was sweet and adorable.

Once we cross the Ovieto River, we’ll already be in the Quordenze territory.

After a trip, our own home tends to feel like the best place. I thought the same thing when I returned back from Nambonan and Reisleaf. But this time, I felt it strongly.

Even when I entered the city, I didn’t feel any particular confusion.
I don’t know if it’s because the turmoil in the Royal Capital is something that happened in a distant land, or if the information itself hasn’t arrived yet.
Due to the return of the lord, the main street was completely closed to commoners, and my carriage follows my father’s carriage. By the way, the two members of the Sylopea family will finish their move without crossing the river today, and will be entering Quordenze tomorrow.

[Welcome back, Young Master. I’m glad you’re safe.]

When we arrived at our nostalgic home and got off the carriage, Tesh greeted us.

[Tillie did a great job. Please see to it.]


I told Tesh the name of the maid who mainly took care of me in the Royal Capital, and told Tesh to ask her if there was a handover of duties related to taking care of me.
Not only did Tillie take care of my personal belongings and attend to me during the evening party, but even when Orsian attacked, she was prepared to die to fulfill her duties. Since she was an elite from a knight family, I wanted to give her a proper evaluation, so I arranged for her to return with me this time.

Apparently, Tillie had entered the castle before me, and was quietly mixed in with the group of maids lining up. I didn’t know when she changed her clothes, but she’s wearing the maid clothes specific to Newnelly. Working clothes are free-style in mansions in the Royal Capital, so it was quite refreshing to see Tillie in a maid outfit.

Accompanied by familiar servants of Newnelly Castle, I set foot inside the castle. The smell of Newnelly Castle actually felt calming to me right now.
I once again think that life in the Royal Capital requires constant attention, so my spirit wears out uselessly. Now I can let loose a little. It won’t matter much if I suddenly shout cock and pussy on this occasion.


No, it does matter.

[Welcome home, Onii-sama.]

She must have come to pick me up because she couldn’t wait in her room. There was a smile that was just a little in good condition, probably because she was thinking of surprising me.
However, I always thought that Fanny was cute, but when I look at her like this, she really is. Up until now, I had only Plume as a comparison target, so it wasn’t very clear, but I’ve seen various Princesses in the Royal Capital, so I can assert that Fanny is on a pretty high rank

[…Fanny, I’m home.]

[Oh! Onii-sama, did you forget my face?]

[It’s not like that. When I saw Fanny’s face, I was so happy to be back in Newnelly, that I just forgot to reply.]

[I see. Then, I will forgive you. Fufu.]

Fanny’s tone was bright and cheerful, and I’m sure she’s really happy that I’m back. If you are happy like this, even my heart will be softened. Home is still the best.
Guided by my sister, who walked with light steps, I proceeded to the hall where my family was waiting.

Dinner was much longer than usual.

While eating with my family of four, I took turns talking about what happened in the Royal Capital with my father, but there was too much to talk about. It was around the time we finished our post-meal tea that the conversation finally came to a halt.

For the time being, it seems that my mother heard the outline of what happened in the Royal Capital from the messenger announcing our return. Therefore, it was mainly Fanny who was giving a noteworthy reaction.
Fanny was greatly shocked and angry when I told her about Orshian’s assault on the Quordenze mansion. However, in the end, we fought together with such an opponent to subjugate the demon beast, so it’s no longer a problem. I felt like she was losing her mind as I was talking.

After that, Fanny’s rush of questions continued even after she returned from the bath. After all, it continued until I received a call from my father.

[…I think I’ll be asked to talk about this in the bedroom.]

I was tired from talking too much. Tesh whispered when Fanny left her seat for a while.

[The Princess will sleep alone tonight.]

I wondered why, but as soon as I thought about the meaning of what she said in a whisper, I immediately figured it out. Today is Girls’ Day.

I don’t know if it’s a custom across the Eruo continent, but it’s said that it’s best not to have too much physical contact on such days.

[I see. Let’s take a look at the time before excusing myself to the innermost chamber.]

After finishing the conversation with Fanny, who had returned, at a suitable point, I said goodnight and headed for the innermost room. On the way, when I looked up at the sky from the window, there was a bright moon there.

[Father, I’m coming in.]

When I entered the room with a light greeting, my father was in the middle of writing a letter. Maybe he didn’t want to stop halfway, so his hand didn’t stop.

[Sit down.]

As I was told, I sat on the sofa and waited for my father while staring blankly at the ceiling. After a while, my father stopped his work and sat across from me.

[Things have finally calmed down for us to talk.]

Then, my father laughed lightly as if mocking himself.

[I received a mountain of letters from all over the Kingdom. And now that I’m back at home, I have to deal with all of it.]

[Thank you for your hard work.]

[Because of the premature end of social gatherings, there are few Nobles who haven’t officially exchanged greetings with Wilk.]

[…Thank you for your hard work.]

Putting aside the fact that I took action first, it’s a little rude to suddenly send a letter to the next family head who hasn’t exchanged formal greetings. It’s a natural flow for my father and mother to be the contact, but it’s a little apologetic story.

[Some even sent several letters. Even though they are Nobles from a small territory, they cannot be ignored, so it is necessary for Wilk to see the content of their letters.]

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[Haa, I understand, but…]

Isn’t it fine for my father to invent some excuses and reply as he pleases? My father laughed out loud, as if my face clearly showed the content of my thoughts.

[These are letters from the Princesses who you danced with at the evening party. Please take a moment to read them. If they have parents, letters from them are also attached, but there are also houses with letters from the previous family head and the family head before the previous generation.]


The soft feeling of the Princesses of middle and small aristocrats who invited me to a dance during the evening party re-emerged in my mind. Come to think of it, I haven’t exchanged formal greetings with them. Since I invited them to the dance, there’s no problem sending the letter to me, but I think they purposely sent it to my father to show off their gracefulness.
I didn’t know that the fee for touching their butt and thighs at that time would be returned in the form of a letter. It’s annoying, but I have to deal with this. It is a seed that I have sown myself. …..No, seeds cannot be sown just by touching them.

[It’s alright to reply later. You must be tired in the Royal Capital, so it’s fine to relax a little.]

[That’s good to hear.]

To be honest, since I entered the Quordenze territory, I’ve been sluggish, and my emotions have been showing on my face since a while ago. Some part of my heart was always tense in the Royal Capital, so it feels like the backlash is coming.

[…Father who has visited the Royal Capital many times is amazing.]

[Huh? Have you finally realized your father’s greatness?]

[Come on now.]

Hahaha, my father let out a loud laugh.

[I was worried about whether I would be able to live in the Royal Capital as the head of the family in the future.]

[If you become the next head of the family, you will be subjected to many tests from those around you, and depending on how you look at it, you may be in a position that puts more pressure on you than the head of the family. However, Wilk’s behavior this time was nothing to be ashamed of as the next generation of Quordenze, but rather something to be proud of. Don’t be so pessimistic, keep your chest up.]

[If Father said so, I’m relieved.]

I let out a sigh of relief, and when I took a few breaths, my heart calmed down to a surprising degree. From the time I left Newnelly to the moment I returned home, I had the image of being underwater and unable to breathe. The unconscious tension seems to have finally melted away.

While continuing the small talk, my father and I celebrated our safe return to Quordenze.

[…..Levios is in danger.]

Those were solemn words.

[Is King Levios’ condition really that bad?]

When I left the Royal Capital, I received a light explanation of the situation from my father, but I haven’t heard the details yet. Even after I subjugated the second demon beast, my father and the Royal Nobles did not come back to the mansion while waiting for the Royal Palace. I remember being surprised when I pulled up the curtain and returned to the Quordenze mansion to find only servants there.
In the end, my father and the others only left the scene after receiving news that the subjugation team led by Dunkel had subdued the first demon beast and that the social gathering cancellation had been declared.

Considering the series of disturbances in chronological order, the Royal Nobles were forced to wait in the Royal Palace for two whole days.
After the opening ceremony, the luncheon, the exchange party, and the evening party, the first demon beast appeared and a request was made to wait at the Royal Palace. We spent the night in the palace, all the while the second demon beast closed in on the Royal Capital. Then, Orshian and I departed for battle. In the evening of that day, I pulled up the camp, took a bath at the Quordenze mansion, and spent a sleepless night due to the effects of awakening magic.
Since the suspension declaration was just the closing address, I decided to leave the Royal Capital without returning to the palace.

Since we were withdrawing in such a hurry, I didn’t have time to talk things out slowly with my father, and since it wasn’t suitable for talking about secrets while we were moving to another territory, we were only able to sit down and talk now.

[Condition? …..not good.]

Father stared into the void as if remembering what happened in the Royal Capital.

[After the injury, he appeared in front of us several times, but each time he only did for a short period of time. And he always had a healing magic user by his side.]

[I heard that his wound could not be completely healed by healing magic.]

I had heard about it in the brief explanation when I returned, but I dared to ask because it would be a good starting point for the conversation and it would be a good way to look back.

[That assailant, Ephial’s magic sword…whatever it is, it seems to carry a powerful poison.]

Yes, that sword certainly had monstrous energy. I’ve never heard of a technique that manipulates monstrous energy rather than mana.

[He was lucky that the stab didn’t instantly kill him, and that there were many family members around him when it happened. He’s able to cling to life with the power of healing magic, but…]

King Levios forcibly healed his wounds with a shove of Highlord healing magic and overcame the poison that eroded his body. In a way, it’s like dealing with the strange disease of the demon beast Yersinia.

[…..that’s why he couldn’t get around to pursue Ephial.]

[Umu. Even though it can’t be helped, this is a big blunder.]

It seems that the poison that the cursed sword brought was extremely powerful. Because it was a direct hit, the poison must have spread to the deep parts of the body. It is said that most of the Highlords of the Levios family who were in the garden had to work together to somehow suppress it.
At that time, I wondered why the main forces of the Levios family didn’t go after Ephial, but it seems that there was such a reason.
…..Well, since the Highlord tends to avoid fighting against another Highlord, what is the truth? Maybe they didn’t pursue that intruder because they had a good reason to treat King Levios. If it was granny Vaine, it would be likely that she would immediately move to eliminate Ephial, but at that time, she was in a fierce battle to stop the second demon beast.

[And it seems that the poison of the magic sword could not be completely cured with healing magic… From the point of view of those who are familiar with magic, it is said that it is a technique that applies magic power residue.]

Even if the wound heals, the residual magic power won’t.
Only the members of the Levios family know the details as to whether the monstrous energy itself becomes poison to humans, or whether the monstrous energy with the effect of poison remains in the body. However, according to the fragmentary information released, it seems that the symptoms are called “residual poison” or “residual magic power”.
King Levios will probably suffer from remnants of poison for the rest of his life. Just like unremoved cancer cells repeatedly metastasize, the unremoved monstrous energy spreads toxins, so regular surgery… in this case healing magic, is necessary.
As long as the healing continues, there will be no loss of life, but pain will accompany it, and it should also affect life expectancy. And above all, it is expected that the mental exhaustion will be enormous.

[Applying residual magic power? It’s a terrible thing to think about.]

[Yes. However, the application itself is not that rare. It’s similar to the magic of slave crests.]

That’s true. The slave crest applied when I bought Eve is a magic technique that applies residual magic power.
The slave crest is a magic whose existence was not confirmed during the time of the priest, and is said to have been born after the era of turmoil. It is said that a nobleman with residual magic had an idea and developed it while continuing bloody slaughter. According to the low-ranking priestess Cynthia, it’s “a terrible magic developed by the Nobles”.
It seems that the adverse effects on the body are not well understood, but considering that it is a developed application of magical residuals, I don’t think it is very healthy. If I knew from the beginning, I would have put a stop to it, but it can’t be helped that it’s gone too far. That’s why Eve’s slave crest hasn’t been updated. The effect will have long since disappeared, so even if Eve defies me now, she will only be summoned by servants to receive sermons.

[By the way, Princess Orshian’s older brother seems to be showing symptoms similar to King Levios. The sword may carry a technique that applies both the Unclean Feathers and residual magic power.]

The mauve robe that came out to protect Ephial used a magic that corrupted the land.
It seems that the official name of this magic is Unclean Feather. The source of the information is the Holy Maiden Rona.

[That was in your report, right?]

Orshian called the Unclean Feather “Poison of the Land” and said that her brother was suffering from this. After subjugating the second demon beast, I listened to the story in detail and reported it to my father.

[Yes. It seemed that the Slade tribe carried out an attack with unclean feathers to retaliate against Princess Orshian. Most of the feathers were blown off by Princess Orsian, but her brother inhaled a small part and fell ill…]

[Even a small amount would have a serious impact on the body of a serf.]

[That’s right. Princess Orshian said she left the Mist Land to save her brother, who was getting weaker day by day.]

Beyond this sea, the land ruled by the Nobles seems to have the miraculous power of healing magic… Orshian, who had heard such rumors, headed for the Milendorva territory on the far opposite shore to seek help.

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After that, for whatever reason, she was taken under the protection of the Milendorva family, but Orshian’s brother is still not completely healed. I’ve only heard of poison that can’t be completely cured by healing magic, so it’s probably the same kind of poison. In other words, Orshian’s brother’s body still has remnants of poison, thus needing regular healing.
Since this is magic-related stuff, Orshian herself didn’t know much about it, so I couldn’t hear much of the details from her.

[In any case, we must pay more attention to the priest than ever before. It’ll be troublesome to have unclean feathers scattered by the magic of a high-ranking priest. It’s also necessary to think about defensive measures against the sword.]

My father stopped talking about unknown magic at that point, as it only amounted to speculation with the materials we had now.

[The first problem is King Levios. He’s not dead, but not in perfect condition.]

My father warned that strong stress could lead to extreme movements that someone would never choose if they were calm.

[Is that also related to the treatment of Princess Ena?]

[It was a quick move. You can see that King Levios has changed his policy significantly. Did he become unable to do what he originally planned…]

It’s vague, but in short, he’s lost confidence in his breeding activities due to his serious injury.

[But, what that entails… It’s a difficult place. We need to take a closer look at the Levios family’s movements in the future.]

Then, my father asked in a tone that reminded me of something.

[By the way, how did Wilk see Princess Ena? Do you find her attractive if you look at her as a woman instead of talking about politics?]

[I wasn’t attracted to her personality, but she had a nice face, so if I could get her for free, I would definitely want her. Her body is okay-ish. If the age difference is put aside, I’d enjoy her.]

My father smiles wryly at the frank answer that can only be done in Newnelly Castle.

[I see… No, don’t expect anything strange.]

It seemed that what I expected was revealed. My father denied it with a slightly flustered look.

[I have a few thoughts. I’m thinking of refraining from talking about marriage.]

[…..What does that mean?]

[It’s about Fanny. My father learned that it’s better not to let it go first.]

Because I was previously told that I could embrace Fanny, we ended up in a situation where I was in a crackle during the stay in the Royal Capital. It appeared that my father reflected on this and decided not to easily bring up “a woman I might be able to sleep with” in front of me.
If he told me that Ena is a candidate to become my bride now, he feared that in the future, I might throw a tantrum about it.

[…..well, I don’t have any weird expectations, so it’s fine. I can’t deny that I’ve been whining so much about it. But, I will never give up on Fanny.]

Therefore, once again, I showed my father my firm determination.

[Since Princess Alina has been withdrawn, you can assume that the exchange conditions have returned to a blank slate. In this case, the Levios family will have to make a big concession to Quordenze. I don’t know what the next proposal will be, but I think it would be difficult to ask for Fanny in exchange conditions.]

[If that’s the case, it’s worth it to subjugate that monster.]

[But thanks to that, we got that mountain of letters.]

After saying that, my father took some letters from the desk and laid them out on the mini table in front of me.

[What about these letters?]

[There are quite a few interesting things written about the monster subjugation. Read it.]

The senders of the letters varied. It seemed that they’re coming from all over the Kingdom, regardless of faction or territory size. What they had in common was that most of them were the young Nobles.

[…..these letters.]

After reading a few, I understood what my father wanted to say.

[For the young Nobles of the Kingdom, the declaration of joint fight in that garden seemed to have been a very dazzling spectacle. Apparently it stimulated their pride as Noble.]

What was written there was his passionate feelings for Wilk Quordenze, a true guardian of the land. It seems that there are quite a few Noble boys and girls who were really moved by the beautiful speech I used to buy time. The number of letters lined up in front of me exceeded 10.

[Wilk, who had already left the garden, had no way of knowing, but you were on the verge of creating a faction among the younger generation of the Kingdom.]

Do I have to check all these letters as well? It’s self-serving, but it’s also troublesome.

[Are the Royal Nobles’ sense of duty becoming too strong now that there is no more war between them…]

If you’re a child of a Noble family, I’d like you to be able to distinguish between your true intentions and your official intentions.

[What do you mean by sense of duty?]

At that point, I talked about the changes in the ideology of the Royal Nobles that I had been thinking about in the camp, and my thoughts on the generation gap in relation to the responsibility of being the guardian of the land.

[…I see, that’s an interesting idea. The guardian as the basis for being a superior individual? …..Now that you mention it, I don’t think there are many Nobles belonging to the Levios, Adellahan, and Milendorva factions who think like that. The Zeldomitra faction is closer to warring foreigners.]

There must be regional differences. The Quordenze faction and the Zeldomitra faction have no choice but to be conscious of the defense from the Nobles who are their enemies.

[Whatever the reason, among the senders of the letters is a young family head who has risen from the disaster of Yersinia. Personal connections that do not rely on existing factions are valuable, so please maintain your connections.]

[I will.]



[Maybe it will be useful depending on the movement of the Kingdom in the future. …..The outcome of the invasion of the Holy City is also greatly related to the capture of Spierzeig.]

[What will be the policy for the Spierzeig invasion?]

When I asked, my father’s gaze turned stern. Somehow I understood the reason for my worry, so I decided to state my thoughts first.

[We can’t keep calm like this. The sight of the Levios Kingdom shaking will set Spierzeig triumphantly agitated. We must advance to the great decisive battle on the Voistra Plains as soon as possible and crush it with all our might.]

It’s the Spierzeig family’s specialty to destroy the internal affairs of others. The current Levios Kingdom might end up becoming their playground.

[Quordenze’s enemies must be defeated with Quordenze’s fangs. That’s what I think.]

I insisted.
The only thing I want to say is to prevent the shipment of Fanny. I don’t need reinforcements from the Levios family or anything like that.

[That concern is justifiable. I understand Wilk’s worry. …..Firstly, as the head of the Quordenze family, I have to hear a story that I don’t want to hear.]

[What is it?]

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But, my father doesn’t really ask questions. Perhaps he was afraid to hear it, I could tell he was letting out a few sighs to release his tension.

[………’s the same question with Princess Ena. ……..what do you think of Romilie Spierzeig?]

I was asked several times while I was preparing to return, but this is the first time I’ve had a thorough conversation. Well, this is a tense question.

[Since it’s Father’s question, I’ll answer honestly. …..She was more beautiful, smarter, and more attractive than any other Princess that I met in the Royal Capital.]

Perhaps because of the shock, my father’s entire body seemed to sink into the sofa.
But to be honest, it’s true that Romilie comes out on top when calculating overall erection power. Plume and Orshian are still young, so there is a good chance that they will reverse this in the future, but they can’t beat the erection power that Romilie has at the moment.


My father’s voice seemed like he was holding his head at any moment, and it was a little funny, but I apologize if I made him uneasy. Let me send out a rescue boat.

[But for the sake of the future of Quordenze, the Spierzeig family must be destroyed. Fanny would want it too.]

When I told her about dancing with Romilie at dinner, Fanny got indignant and declared loudly that she would wear a new beautiful dress and dance with me. She must have felt unbearable to hear that a Spierzeig family got to dance with her precious brother.

[…..I see.]

I think I managed to let out everything.
Even if the Spierzeig family proposed a political marriage with Romilie, I won’t get on board Fanny would not agree to it. In short, it’s all because of Fanny.

[We must hurry to decide on a policy against Spierzeig. As Wilk said, there’s no way they won’t interfere with the current Kingdom. I will be going to the Royal Capital again in the not too distant future.]

[To the Royal Capital again…?]

We just came back, and he said that we’d be going again? As I thought so, my father shook his head.

[No, it’ll be only me next time.]

[Won’t it be too dangerous?]

[Probably only a few Nobles who are important will gather. It would be too foolish to collect a large number of Highlords and be attacked in the same way.]

In addition, my father explained it to the Royal Nobles, that there was also an episode about a priest who raised a demon beast in the Field. Most of the Nobles became busy researching their territories, so even if you ask them to come to the Royal Capital, chances are they won’t come.

[Of course, I’m going to take the elite troops and choose some of the main soldiers from the shadow houses. Unless all of that has been prepared, I won’t go to the Royal Capital.]

Quordenze’s elite troops and the main soldiers are a formation that can easily defeat a small territory. It’s a march where you don’t know whether you’re going to diplomacy or going to war. The Nobles of the territory that will be the passage are likely to be frightened.

[It will take quite a bit of time to prepare for the reception, go to the Royal Capital, and get the story settled. During this time, if Spierzeig loses their guard, they will naturally attack, but if they don’t, they won’t be able to proceed with an easy brute force technique. First, we must determine the future of the Kingdom.]

The Spierzeig family is already on the verge of a precipice, and I don’t think they’ll let their guard down even due to recklessness. A lull may be maintained for a while.

[You must be tired after everything that happened in the Royal Capital. Take it easy for a while. Of course, I don’t want you to forget to handle the letter.]

It’s a matter of course, but even more letters addressed to me arrived when I finished greeting. These ones came from the Adellahan family, the Milendorva family, and other places that make it difficult to reply. From now on, I’ll be quite preoccupied.

[What does Wilk plan to do from tomorrow?]

The conversation was starting to turn to small talk. As expected, it didn’t seem like father was going to have a serious conversation right now. Apparently, what my father wanted to hear most tonight was my final review of Romilie.

[I plan to go back and forth between Nambonan and here for a while. There are many things that I want to see around.]

Since there was nothing else to do while moving from the Royal Capital, I listened to the latest developments in the Pioneering Society and Nambonan City and put together the tasks. There are so many things I want to do.

[…Also, I would like to do a commendation for the New Year’s event.]

[Was it a card tournament in the city?]

It was a tournament held to promote card games. As the organizer, I was going to give some sort of reward to the winner of each category.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to participate due to Operation Serpent’s Fang, but the tournament itself was managed without a hitch by the civil officials, and the curtain closed on a high note.

[That’s right. I’m thinking of inviting the four people who won the best prizes of Seven Rows, Concentration, Millionaire, Poker, and Old Maid to the castle.]

[Four best in the five events?]

[Someone won the top prize in both Concentration and Poker.]

If I’m not mistaken, he was from outside the city. A man named Vidaldo, a commoner.

[Very well, do what you want.]

Now that I was permitted to invite them to the castle, let’s think about an event.

After that, I continued chatting with my father for a while.
The same goes for me, but my father must have had a lot of hardships in the Royal Capital. I feel like my expression has become richer since I came back to Newnelly.

[…The Sylopea family will be climbing the castle tomorrow, so go get some rest today.]

It was still a little early for me to go to bed when I was told that.

[Does Father still need to work?]

[No, I’m going as well. Merly told me to finish early.]

Is he going to get lovey dovey with mom after this? If that’s the case, it’s better for me to just step back.
When I got up from the sofa, I remembered one thing, so I added it.

[Come to think of it, I brought a maid from the mansion in the Royal Capital. After the handover, is it alright if I keep her around for a while in Newnelly?]

My father doesn’t care about the affairs of a lowly maid. As expected, my father readily agreed.

[Thank you. Good night, father.]

[Yeah. Good night.]

When I left the innermost room, Tesh was waiting there.

[Call Tillie to my bedroom.]

[It will be done.]

I’m just doing what I said.
Putting her close to me, even in the bedroom. I have to get the excellent maids to properly handle the lust that has accumulated during the returning trip.

I returned to my room in a relaxed mood.

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