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Dullahan was exceptionally rigid, and Shion judged that it would be difficult to hold him down even with it laying down on its back. So, he moved away and kept his distance.

Glancing at his companions, he saw that the elf whose clothes were on fire didn’t seem to be hurt that bad, but the black horse was rampaging near them. One of them had been kicked by its hind leg. They had their arms crossed to guard against the hit, but the horse’s leg strength was quite strong, so Shion was a little worried.


Unusually, Haku attacked with a low roar like a fierce animal. He bites down on its long neck and shakes it vigorously from side to side. The black horse tried to resist Haku, ruffling its shiny, well-groomed fur, but it’s biological energy was so different that it was unable to give even the slightest counterattack and died.

This made Dullahan’s mobility became limited. Shion follows Haku’s lead and activates his dark magic. A <Dark Sphere> formed between them and the Dullahan.

Dullahan seemed to have keen intuition and picked up a fallen longsword with his right hand and slashed at the dark ball.

The heavy sword was swung swiftly. A moment after the blade touched the ball, it slightly distorts its shape. But that’s all. It will not be destroyed, and the magic will not be interrupted or disappear.

“It’s not gonna work”

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Carelessly approaching the dark ball had its repercussions. A series of lightning arrows were fired at it from a very close range. Two arrows came out at the same time, and they were repeated five times. Dullahan, who was hit by all the arrows, fell back with its arms wiggling, and then collapsed as if it had lost the strength in its legs.

“Tha…That’s lightning magic! Such power…..!”

“Just how many did it shoots…?”

It was a given that the elves were surprised. Lightning arrows are considered to be a very powerful and difficult form of lightning magic. It’s not that common for them to see someone firing that many shots in a row.

Dark balls can absorb and stock magic and shoot it at the same time as if it is the same attribute.

An ordinary enemy would certainly die from that attack. …… but the Dullahan stands again as if nothing had happened.

This is not that surprising for Shion. It was obvious that the Dullahan had superhuman resilience when it picked up the sword with its broken hand earlier.

“Even if you’re a monster…. Your power is too much”

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Even if it doesn’t have a sense of pain, the fact that the Dullahan is struck by lightning and falls means that there are muscles that are paralyzed. It was odd that it was instantly restored, even though the Dullahan hadn’t used any recovery magic or items.

The elves surround Dullahan and shoot their bows in unison. Because of the hard armor, the arrows do not pierce through and fall to the ground. Even so, it seems to help stop the opponent’s movement, and the elder instructs his companions to keep their hands steady. In the meantime, the elder tells Shion something important.

“This is what makes him so troublesome. Some of us in the village have fought with him in the past, and this happens every time”

“What bothers me is that It didn’t have head. It’s just a torso, but it fights as if it can see me”

“That’s what I’m talking about. The weak point of this thing is probably its head. There was a time when we tried to attack it in the past, but it escaped. Why does this immortal escape? The reason probably lies in its head”

He said that when the elves attacked it in the past, the Dullahan’s head was firmly attached. From this, it is clear that the Dullahan wants to avoid fighting with its weaknesses exposed.

“He’s probably hiding his head somewhere”

There were many trees and shrubs around. Shion narrowed his eyes, wondering if the Dullahan had made holes in the tree trunks and were keeping them there.

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The Dullahan must place its head in a position where it can see itself clearly while trying to fight with its body and a black horse. It is no wonder that a monster so cunning to create a spider silk trap would take such a strategy.

“A high place. That sounds like the kind of place a bird would build a nest”

“That’s what I’m thinking, too. …… But you go on ahead, Lord Shion. I’m worried about Kuna and Punini”

“isn’t it better to defeat the Dullahan first?”

“I had a bad feeling about this. Don’t worry, defeating the black horse has made things much easier”

The elder’s hunches were often right, so without hesitation, Shion straddled Haku’s back.

‘You’re sure?’

“Yeah, let’s leave this to the village chiefs”

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The elves’ fighting ability and coordination are excellent. Even if the opponent was a Dullahan, he judged that they would not be beaten one-sidedly.

Shion looked over his shoulder to see the elves behind him.

Two of them examine the surrounding trees and other objects, while the rest attack Dullahan unilaterally.

The elder’s powerful spell was unleashed and the Dullahan fall on one knee.

‘Woah, that’s awesome. I bet he’s way older than me, right?’

“He’s an amazing person. But Haku who defeated the Black Horse is more amazing”

If the Black Horse was still around, Dullahan’s mobility would jump through the roof. The elves would not have been able to concentrate on defeating just one of them.

Shion hurried on, for now, praying that Kuna and Punini were not in any serious trouble.

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