Chapter 1831 Broken Heart

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She didn’t resent the Du Family for standing by and doing nothing. After all, she was an unimportant person to them in her previous life. She would not deliberately embarrass herself, so at most, she would just blink and close one eye.


But now, if Du Jiayi really retaliated against her for something that she (Ye Jian) had done just to protect herself, then she would really fight the Du family.


Ye Ying had some relationship with the Du family if Ye Jian directly confronted the Du family,… She now felt that the contest between her and Ye Ying had begun!


In such a cold temperature, Ye Jian, who was waiting for Xia Jinyuan to answer, was sweating. Would he be willing to confront the Du family for her sake at that time?


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Xia Jinyuan did not immediately answer. He took off the glove from his left hand and from Ye Jian’s right hand, then he squeezed her right hand and stared at her with a serious expression, “Why do you ask such a question?”


“Du Jiayi’s family is not simple; I am worried.”


Her answer made Major Xia laugh lightly, and then he replied a little arrogantly, “In Beijing if the Xia family is number two, no one dares to call themselves number one. Du Jiayi’s family is not simple, yes, well, then I ask you, do you think my family, Xia Jinyuan’s family is simple?”


This was the real Xia Jinyuan, arrogant, sullen, and domineering; his attitude had always been like this!


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Ye Jian looked a little lost, just staring at him so quietly, without taking her gaze away from him for a long time.


They did not hide their conversation from their comrades in the car, but because of Xia Jinyuan’s seriousness, everyone in the car consciously looked away, even J5.

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They had probably felt something was not quite right, so J5, who was sitting on the opposite side, looked over slightly at Ye Jian and then immediately retracted his gaze and poked G3 lightly with his elbow.

G3 turned his head and saw J5 blinking and beckoning him to look at the other side. Then, he whispered very softly in his ear, “Why does it look like they quarreled?” 

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He and J5 were the only two comrades who knew that those two were in a relationship. Upon listening to J5’s whisper, G3 glanced at Xia Jinyuan from the corner of his eye and replied softly, “I don’t think so; he doesn’t look angry.”


If two lovers who were in a relationship quarreled, their face would look very black. If he quarreled with his girlfriend, they would indeed not look like the couple opposite of them.

G3 was basing on his experience to judge whether the two had quarreled.


“You sure? Why do I feel that something is suddenly different?” J5 was a little uneasy. Last time, he worried that Xia Jinyuan would fall in love with an underage girl and destroy his future. Now he was worried that Xia Jinyuan might be careless and accidentally gave Ye Jian to another troop.


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As an instructor, J5 was always worrying.


“If there is something between the two, what can we outsiders say? You don’t worry too much. Q King is calm, and he has a good heart.” Having said that, G3 stopped talking. He was a man of a few words, only slightly more than K7.


J5 thought for a while, then listened to his comrade and did not pay attention to the couple.


Ye Jian, who had been silent for a long time, sighed lightly before saying, “I’m just afraid to be a burden to you and Commander-in-Chief Xia.”


“Little fox, if my old man heard you say this, he would scold me till no end. He will definitely say that aren’t I quite capable? Don’t I usually handle things quite well? Aren’t I always so domineering outside? Since I am capable and arrogant, why can’t I handle my own wife’s problems? And making my own wife feel that her matter is not us Xia family’s matter?”

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