Chapter 2099: Furious

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Xia Jinyuan calmly looked at the increasingly solemn Major General and slowly expressed his suspicion, “Antonio sent out guns and ammunition from various countries to cover all modes of transportation. I know that there are two Western countries. Antonio had successfully won a South Asian country’s frontier checkpoint and became a safety line covering the arms deliveries.”

“Now I suspect that the Chinese businessman who was escorted back to China has a route in this frontier.”

V8, who had not left, heard the words, and the calmness of a special soldier on his face showed an incredible surprise, as if he had heard a shocking thing and did not believe it at all.

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There was a brief freeze in the office, and then the Major General shouted, “Xia Jinyuan!”

His suspicion made the Major General furious. With the heavy army threatening the country, the atmosphere suddenly became depressed as if the air was being squeezed and dignified like a heavy stone, “Do you know what you said? If you dare to doubt those soldiers, I will be the first one to kill you!”

Facing the Major General’s fury, Xia Jinyuan was not afraid; he replied in a deep voice, “Major General, I know exactly what I said. I have my doubts. Now I am just reporting my doubts to the military.”

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“Whether the matter is as I suspected or not, it still needs to be investigated by the military. The businessman who was escorted back to the country transported illegal weapons to our country through layers of checkpoints. Major General, how much do you think he had done? And how many people benefited from this operation?”

“Also, I will not doubt the comrades stationed in the territory. They are loyal to their duties and protect the country. They even sleep with steel guns in their arms. Major General, they have sacrificed enough. As a soldier, I don’t want to hear anymore that soldiers in the territory, in the same uniform as me, die.”

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Xia Jinyuan, who had a waist injury, could not stand for long. Facing the Major General’s cold eyes, he pointed to the guest sofa and smiled, “Haha, can you at least consider my wound situation? Can you give me a seat first?”

V8, who didn’t say anything this entire time, secretly sweat coldly. His knees trembled a bit, facing the Major General’s anger, but Q King could still joke with the Major General. This kind of psychology was really powerful!

The Major General wanted to throw the pile of papers on his desk directly to the face of this man who still dared to joke with him. However, it was just a thought; he was really reluctant to actually do it.

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This General had never let himself down, and he had never spoken out his suspicion directly, which had proved that this matter was very likely to be true.

“Aren’t you showing off that you have strong patience? Why can’t you stand for a while?” He said as he beckoned V8 to give him a hand, he really didn’t want anything serious to happen to him.


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