Chapter 2139: Serious Abuse, Divorce (Part 5)

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After hearing these words, Ye Zhifan, who suppressed his cough, had nothing to worry about. Instead, he felt relieved!


People always wanted to marry a virtuous person, but marrying Sun Dongqing as his wife, and bringing up a daughter who was ignorant, stupid, and would never learn from the mistake, was the biggest failure of his life!


He wanted a divorce now!

After the divorce, he could find a better and younger one!


As long as the Du Family didn’t bother him, he could find a way for his official career himself. He didn’t care about the person behind the jade pendant! Whether the person was directed at him Ye Zhifan or directed at Ye Ying, he didn’t care anymore!


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He had been an official for nearly two decades, he had not been greedy, and he had only acquired shares in a few companies, so he was not afraid even if others wanted to investigate him.


Ye Zhifan, who began to calmly think about how to retreat, threw both mother and daughter out of his life. He didn’t care anymore, even if it was his daughter!

Why should he care about a white-eyed wolf!

How could Sun Dongqing agree to the divorce? This was a shame to herself; how could she agree to it!


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At this time, no matter what Ye Ying said, she was not moved!


“Old Ye, unless I die, don’t even think of getting a divorce!” Sun Dongqing folded her arms and sat directly on the hospital bed, “Ye Ying is your daughter and mine. There is no chance for divorce!”

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Uncharacteristically, Sun Dongqing didn’t make any noise but stared at Ye Zhifan coldly, “Don’t even think about it! In this life, I am a member of your Ye family; even if I died, I’m still a ghost of your Ye family!”


She disagreed with the divorce. And this made Ye Ying anxious. She rushed up to pull Sun Dongqing desperately, “Let’s go, Mom! Let’s go! Don’t beg him, don’t beg him again!”


“I will fight for you; I will not let you down! I will definitely let you live a good life! He doesn’t recognize me anymore; why should I recognize him! Mother, you go back to Yunnan Province to divorce him! Divorce him! Divorce!”


Last night’s brutal beating and today’s enjoyment at the Du Family had a fresh contrast, and it made Ye Ying hate her father even more. She wanted to cut ties with her father immediately!


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“I won’t go, I won’t go anywhere! No way we are getting a divorce!” Sun Dongqing, who was stimulated by Ye Ying again, suddenly broke out and yelled at Ye Zhifan, “Ye Zhifan, if you dare to divorce me, I will go to your work unit and make trouble. I will make you feel restless and make you unable to be the director!”


She dares to threaten me! Ye Zhifan turned his head and glared fiercely at Sun Dongqing, “You dare to make me restless so that I can’t be the director, then I will keep your daughter from entering the army!”


Holding Ye Ying’s notice of enlistment, he picked up the videotape again. Ye Zhifan, who totally did not recognize his blood relatives anymore, became even more ruthless, “I will tear this notice of enlistment. I will send the video directly to Deputy Chief of Staff Du! Sun Dongqing, you dare to threaten me. Let’s see who can have fun with whom!”


Husband and wife who could turn each other into a rivalry, perhaps only Ye Zhifan and Sun Dongqing had such capability.


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Ye Ying was frightened, holding Sun Dongqing’s arm and crying, “Mom, please, please, divorce him soon! I am your daughter, for me, please divorce him quickly!”


“I’m going to report before 12 o’clock tomorrow. Go back to Yunnan Province now. The formalities were completed yesterday morning! Please, I beg you.”


Sun Dongqing’s lifeline was Ye Ying. What she hoped most was for Ye Ying to stand out; she didn’t want to see Ye Ying’s future blocked by others.


She never thought that her husband would use Ye Ying’s future to threaten her in order to force her to divorce him. Sun Dongqing, who could still not accept this, yelled and rushed towards Ye Zhifan.


“You dare to force me, Ye Zhifan, you are looking for death, you dare to force me! I’ll fight you; I’ll fight you!” 


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