Chapter 2274 I Said You Are Amazing

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After a long silence, Qin Xiu sighed, “If I had your calmness now, I think that soldier would not have sacrificed. Till now, I still don’t know the soldier’s surname, name, or which troop he came from.”

After hearing about the heavy past, Ye Jian said softly, “Their duty is to guard the people and defend the country. You don’t have to blame yourself.”

“That’s why I said that you are very good. You are now two years younger than I was back then. However, you can face dangers calmly when you know there are dangers ahead. Ye Jian, you are really amazing.” Qin Xiu smiled slightly and said to three people in the car, “I will have some rest first. Wake me up anytime if you need me to drive.”

No one interrupted him resting. Ye Jian sat in the car and could smell the smoke from the night breeze. Looking through the car window glass, she could see the endless ups and downs of the mountains on the border between the neighboring country and her country. The concave peak between the mountains was like a monster’s huge mouth, quietly waiting for the prey to be sent into its mouth.

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Ye Jian lightly tightened the pistol in her hand and looked in the distance with her calm, sharp, cold black eyes.

No one spoke in the car. Qin Xiu closed his eyes and waited for the upcoming negotiation.

V8 sat in front with a gun in each hand. He would shoot immediately if there was anything abnormal.

The roads in the border country were not as good as those in the country. The road leading to the border was windy and dusty, causing yellow dust to fly everywhere when the car drove past.

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The negotiation was not public; it would be done in secret. As the situation of the neighboring country’s coup was unstable, no special planes were directly arranged for the negotiations. Instead, they would sneak in secretly; even the neighboring country did not know the specific itinerary of our ambassador.

In terms of security and confidentiality measures, our country has always been known for its rigorousness.

The car swayed and then steadily moved along the highway extending along the border into the neighboring country. Then it entered the highway where the merchants of the two countries trade. The car mixed with the vehicles of those merchants and drove through the two cities. They were expected to arrive at the negotiation site at 2 a.m., and the negotiation would officially start at 7:00 a.m. on the next day.

As a negotiation ambassador, Qin Xiu’s safety must be guarded well. He must be in a good mental state. No one called him to wake him; even Ye Jian did not have the opportunity to drive. The car was driven by K7 and V8.

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Night worms whispered outside, and the evening breeze sent them on their journey.

K7 was driving the vehicle in the dark night, with the high beams shining straight ahead towards the first city they would reach.

Due to the war, the neighboring city was quiet at 10 p.m. Even the lights of the street lamps looked lonely. The city mark was covered by the night, and only one light was shining.

This checkpoint was not the checkpoint between countries but a checkpoint set up by the local armed forces. There were two sentries in the booth holding a rifle, leaning on their chair slantingly, and snoring with their heads tilted against the butt of their gun. They were sleeping very sweetly.

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Four local armed soldiers stood guarding outside. They were all carrying guns, and walking back and forth from time to time, occasionally yawning, rubbing their eyes, and holding back their sleepiness to complete their execution at midnight.

Several black shadows walked along the dark roadside, arching their backs towards the checkpoint from the city.

About 200 meters away from the checkpoint, a few shadows were hidden in the grass on the side of the road. They communicated in the native language of the neighboring country, “A total of six people, all of them are solved, and their bodies are dragged into the woods.”

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