Chapter 2323: Late

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There was no delay. After five minutes, Ye Jian and Qin Xiu came down together, nodded slightly to the comrades who were waiting for them, saying that they had already thanked Kun Dan.

J5 and the others had completed their pre-war preparations, and when they saw Ye Jian come down, they asked her if she wanted to be the rider or the shooter.

During the day, Ye Jian’s speeding skills once again refreshed everyone’s understanding of her. J5 had taken it for granted that Ye Jian would definitely know how to ride a motorcycle.

“I’m fine with both, but I don’t have any actual combat experience.” Ye Jian answered with a smile. She could indeed drive a car or a motorcycle. During her training, Major Xia reminded her that land combat was not only field combat but also urban combat. Motorcycles were one of the means of transportation in the city. As a special soldier, she must learn how to ride one.

She never objected to his suggestions, and when she was learning to drive cars, she also learned to ride motorcycles.

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“Before the breakout, you will be the shooter; after the breakout, you will be the rider.” J5 arranged calmly.

This time, Qin Xiu naturally couldn’t be with Ye Jian anymore. He was on the same motorcycle with V8, J5, and K7 were the riders, Ye Jian and Snow Eagle were the shooters.

As it got darker and darker, the neighborhood of the repair shop became extremely quiet. There was no sound, like a death-like silence.

The slum area on the west side of the city was not a focal point of war. The occasional gunfire would not affect much, but now it was too quiet outside that it made people panic.

The atmosphere in the inland river, which was five kilometers away from the slum, was even more tense. The armed forces of the neighboring country had searched the area tightly, even the fishermen living by the river were not let go, but they did not find the people they were looking for.

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At this time, three hours had passed since the discovery of the motorcycles, but there was still no progress.

As soon as the New Policy Leader Klitsch heard that there was still no progress on the military side, he was so furious but helpless at the same time. At 7:30 in the evening, Ruilila ordered all the old political forces in the city to launch the largest attack. The soldiers from the neighboring country left as quickly as possible, no longer blocking the inland river.

Klitsch immediately sent the police to take over the search work. They were no longer searching only along the inland river but expanding their search.

Kun Dan received the news about the military’s sudden blockade of the inland river. Knowing that something was wrong, he hurried out of the room on crutches. The “dong dong” sound of the crutches knocking on the floor was a little anxious, making Ye Jian and others who were waiting downstairs look up to the ceiling.

Then they saw Kun Dan come in speaking in a local dialect, and the faces of J5 and Snow Eagle changed drastically!

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Ye Jian didn’t know what he said, but the sudden change in the expressions of her comrades also made her heart sink.

Before asking, Snow Eagle said in a low voice, “In three hours, the neighboring army found the motorcycles we threw into the inland river and searched the vicinity of the inland river. It was not until just now that they withdrew their troops and left.”

“As soon as the military left, the police expanded their search range. We are only five kilometers away from the inland river. The police may come any time…”

As soon as Snow Eagle’s words fell, the Old Policy shot the first cannonball against the New Policy, sending a turbulent flood rushing out of the dam and rampant throughout the city.

Ye Jian, whose expression was originally dark, gradually laughed as she listened to the sound, “The military left in a hurry because the Old Policy has opened fire. Even if the police want to search here, they are a little late. We should go.”

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“Yes, we should go.” J5, who had finished communicating with Kun Dan, turned his head and smiled at his comrades, “The police are late.”

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