That’s right; Major Xia had troubles of the heart over love letters!

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How could Ye Jian1 know that he was thinking about the love letters? To her, love letters were like essays; there was nothing exciting in it. It was just some thoughts of little boys; she was an adult; how could she be playing house with little boys.

Sounds of hurried footsteps could be heard from inside the infirmary, Ye Jian wanted to knock on the door, but the door was opened from inside, that person said: “I’ll inform her parents to come over right now, I’ll be troubling you to control her.”

It was the teacher in charge of the logistics of the military training arranged by the school, the form teacher of the fourth class.

Teacher Xiao, who had hurriedly opened the door, saw Ye Jian standing at the door. She froze for a while and said: “Are you injured? Or are you not feeling well? It’s a little messy inside, go wait outside, I’ll have the infirmary staff from the school check on you.”

Teacher Xiao recognized Ye Jian; she also knew that it was all thanks to Ye Jian dealing with the aftermath today, or else it would be hard for the school to explain to the army.

Someone slandered the instructor saying he likes a female student from his class; it even caused the political commissar in the unit to be enraged. Even a teacher with professional ethics would wish to beat that person up; he hurriedly took a few steps out, he then came back in and said: “Ye Ying’s parents would be coming over afterward, don’t remain in the infirmary for too long.”

She was afraid the parents would be angry with Ye Jian, that was why she reminded her implicitly.


Ye Jian thought the army would directly send Ye Ying away; she never expected her to remain in the infirmary. Hearing those words, she smiled politely and cutely: “I understand, Teacher Xiao. I won’t stay for too long; I will leave quickly.”

”Alright, you have not eaten, right? Quickly return to your class to have your meal after you’re settled,” No teachers would not favor good students, especially those who were worry-free and trouble-free. Teacher Xiao hurriedly left after saying a few more words.

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After pushing open the half-covered infirmary, Ye Jian saw two soldiers standing beside a sickbed; Ye Ying was lying on the sickbed with both eyes wide open with a blank gaze and expression, she was staring quietly at the ceiling, rows of tears could be seen flowing out of the corner of her eyes from time to time. From a glance…… She seemed quite pitiful.

”How are you, doctor? Sorry to disturb, there are some wounds on my arm which need treatment, sorry to trouble you,” Ye Jian only took a single glance and was no longer bothered about it, rather than saying she was pitiful, it was better to say she had only herself to blame.

She was present; Ye Jian would not avoid her; she generously gave her greetings and took off the camouflage coat, wearing a body fit short sleeve shirt and sat in the stool.

The medic initially wanted her to wait for a while, but his gaze landed on the gauze on her arm, he said to the two soldiers: “Keep an eye on her, it’s fine as long as you don’t let her struggle,” She was a student with heart disease, nobody would dare to touch her. 


When Ye Ying was brought to the infirmary, other than crying and crying, she did not speak; she did not make a fuss; she was so quiet, causing the teacher to panic. After asking for instructions from the school leader, he went to contact her parents, asking her parents to follow the school leader to the army to pick her up.

As for the results on the following procedures, he would have to wait until the military training ended before finding out.

Not crying and making a fuss did not mean she ignored everything and was not thinking of anything; she seemed to have emptied her mind. Still, Ye Ying was thinking very quickly; the worst plan after this matter had occurred was to…… withdraw from school, but there were several ways to withdraw from school!


Even if she wanted to withdraw from school, she had to withdraw elegantly!

Then, using her weak heart as an excuse to withdraw from school was the most elegant way to withdraw!

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When she was thinking of it, she heard the voice of someone

Ye Jian1 had never thought of making Ye Ying admit defeat and remain silent. If Ye Ying were someone who readily admitted defeat, she would have long admitted defeat when she was in middle school.


But she did not; when in the second year of middle school, Sun Dongqing had blown up the matter, in the end, Ye Ying had only taken a seven-day vacation and immediately adjusted herself, continuing to study in school. Just based on this point, it seems that Ye Ying was actually someone who would not accept fate deep in her bones.


Her spirit, which does not accept fate, had supported Ye Ying not to admit defeat to Ye Jian easily, but admitting defeat or not would not resolve this issue. Moreover…… She had admitted defeat this time. 


That’s right, she had lost this round, but it would not be sure the next round.


Her breathing became heavy and rushed, the vast change caused Ye Jian who was sitting on the stool to curl her lips coldly, Ye Ying would not easily admit defeat, she was well aware of it, but so what?

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What she wanted being not for her to admit defeat; it was for her to pass her high school in peace!


As for what Major Xia mentioned about using his connections to do something and nobody would find out about it…… If someone told her about it in her last life, it would be precisely what she was looking for, but not for this life, when she was fourteen years old until she was twenty-eight years old, she had been living in Ye Ying’s shadow for fourteen years, later on, she was forced to hide around like a stray dog. Fourteen years of time, how could it be just written off?


Not to mention, in her last life, her life was ruined in Ye Ying’s hands, in this life…… everything was changing, why should she be so anxious? It was no rush, take it easy; we still have time to settle the accounts.

She was not anxious to exact revenge; it was because she was aware that her abilities were still not strong enough to take away life while remaining undetected. She also knew clearly that what she wanted was not momentarily happiness!


Ye Ying was still so young right now; there would not be a sense of accomplishment killing her in one blow, she would slowly boil the frog[1]. Of course, most importantly, Ye Jian was aware that she could quietly take away a life without using force and escape the political investigation.


Right now, it was fine allowing Ye Ying to cause trouble for herself. First Provincial High was a good school, the students who were admitted into Chinese universities or western universities were well known in the national rankings. Based on Ye Ying’s current results, it would not be difficult to enter Chinese universities or western universities, but she can’t hold herself from bringing about her own destruction.


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Just trouble herself then, she would not take action and could still see her ruin her future, causing Ye Zifan himself to worry about it.


The medic had also heard Ye Ying’s shortness of breath, he purposely inspected it, after confirming there was no problem, he treated Ye Jian wound on her arm.


After a sterile medical scissors were used to cut the gauze and the bullet graze wound got revealed, the medic immediately recognized what kind of injury it was; he looked at the student in front of him in astonishment, “Your wound…… How did you get it?”


It was a wound grazed by a bullet; it could still be seen even if there was a scab. It was not surprising for a soldier to have graze wounds, but how could a student have a wound being grazed by a bullet?


Ye Jian never expected that the medic could tell that it was a bullet graze wound on her arm from a single glance, when she was about to speak, Teacher Xiao who had finished calling Ye Ying’s parents to inform them walked in, she had a solemn expression. Her voice was stiff: “Ye Ying, your parents would come over in a while, the school will arrange a teacher to return with you, you can explain after you return to school if there’s anything.”

They then heard Teacher Xiao say: “It’s been hard on you two, just leave this to us teachers to handle it. It’s been hard, thank you.”

[1] Boiling the frog: this idiom comes from the old legend that if you put a frog in boiling water, it will immediately jump out, but if you put the frog in cold water and then slowly turn up the heat, the frog will eventually get boiled alive.  she hated to the bone. After fixing her gaze, her blank expression was slowly retracted; she no longer had the deadpan expression, which caused the teacher to worry; there was a sharp expression in between her brows.

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