Chapter 15 - The Monster Duke Mistook Me for His Wife

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Translated by Arnlian
Edited by Arnlian


“This, why is…”


It’s strange. Something was wrong. I’m sure I have calmed the curse, but  why is this still fluctuating? 


“Nathan. Why, why is it like this?”


Having never experienced failure so far, I couldn’t hide my panicked state.

Nathan, who looked closely at Dillian’s curse, clicked its tongue. 


“Dillian, this brat, what exactly did he eat? The curse forced to go wild. Even if you press it with your strength, it will explode again soon.” 

“It’s forced to go… wild? Why?”

“There’s something that keeps provoking Dillian’s curse.”


The forced wild curse, the unstoppable Runaway. 

At that moment, I remembered the memory that had been sinking far away.

Just three lines. It was mentioned short enough to be unfavorable, but I clearly remember it.

The Runaway Dillian blew away a village. That’s why his position is at stake. 

‘Is that talking about this situation?’  

I reached for the arm, which felt strange. I felt a shady and unpleasant energy. 

If my prediction is right, this is,


“Curse catalyst…” 


A drug to get the Runaway to be blown up entirely, then to stigmatize it as a slaughter and drag him down from the head lord seat.

Literally, it was a drug that constantly stimulated the curse and forced it to explode. 

‘It’s a story that came out of nowhere, so I don’t know the exact time, but I’m sure it is now.’

In other words, it meant that the drug absorbed in the body could be purified. 


‘It’s a relief. I can solve this.’

The shoulders, which were full of tension, dropped down. A sigh of relief burst out from my mouth. 

It took a long time, and my body was exhausted, but only relief came to my thoughts. 


‘By the way, who made this crazy plan?’  

If Dillian’s Runaway explodes, all nearby lives will die.

That means the first thing to die is the assassins who attacked Dillian.

And the crazy man who made this plan must have known better than anyone else. 

‘Anyway, this crazy world. There’s no one who’s sane.’


I fumbled back on my memory while transferring divine power to Dillian. 

It’s blurry, but there was one guy who aimed at Dillian. 

‘What was his name?’

I don’t know what kind of jerk he is, but he’ll* break his head** next time they meet.





Dillian groaned in pain.

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It must hurt. I don’t even know how painful it would be. 

‘Can it be guaranteed that this will not happen again in the future?’

No. If it gets worse, then it gets worse. Those who failed to assassinate Dillian will not stop.


I didn’t know exactly where or what May went to do, so I had no way to contact her.

I had to find a way other than May.


“Nathan. Are there messenger birds that can move now?” 

“Are you going to contact May?”


I shook my head. 


“No, I will send it to that guy.”


A man called genius, along with May, I needed his help. 


“I will try to see if there’s anyone nearby that can move.”

“Then deliver this for me.”


I roughly scrawled the situation on paper with one hand.


[I need a barrier stone and defense stone. Send it to me asap. I’ll pay for it next time.]


The barrier stone is broken. 

This was the biggest problem. 

It is also a problem for the unknown man that aimed at Dillian, but the monster was also dangerous. 

Nathan also raised its body immediately as if it was aware of the seriousness. 


“Should I send it to the magic tower?”


I rolled up the paper with a hair tie and handed it over to Nathan. 


“Yeah. With this, he’ll recognize it.”

“I’ll be back. Will you be okay alone?” 

“Yup. Go ahead.” 


After Nathan left in search of a messenger bird, I focused on Dillian.

How long has it been? 

Darkness fell out of the window, and a bird cried in the distance. 

At the time when the clockwise pointed at 12, Dillian’s consciousness finally returned. 


“Sir Dillian! Are you awake?”

“Ugh, why am I…”

“That’s a relief. Do you know how surprised I was because I thought something bad was going to happen?”


I thought I was going to cut off my highway to the afterlife.

I don’t know if you’re going alone. I almost died with you because of your serious Runaway that might make you go to the afterlife.


Is it Nongae’s strategy**? Are you going to make us die together? 


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“I’m really, really…”


Do you know how worried I was? 

The end of the voice trembled disgracefully.


“I am sorry.”

“Why is Sir Dillian apologizing?”


The bad guys are that bastxrds!


“Those jerks must go to hell and suffer the same way. I hope they got bitten by mosquitoes on the face. Got bitten on the philtrum, palm, and sole! Bite the eyelids too!”


Dillian laughed at the words close to cursing. 

‘You heard this and laugh? As expected, he’s still out of his mind.’

Ironically, I calmed down thanks to Dillian, I put down my fist in the air then wrapped up Dillian’s hand. 


“Sir Dillian, you got drugged.”


“Sir Dillian, you got hit by something on your arm, right? That is a curse catalyst. It is a drug that causes the curse to Runaway, are you remembering something?”


Dillian frowned fiercely as if something was vaguely coming to his mind. 


“I blocked the unavoidable arrow with my arm and this suddenly exploded.”


Dillian, who pressed the curse hard, clench his teeth. His chin is tightened. 


“And I even remembered I swallowed it.”


Dillian’s face sank as soon as he finished talking.


“Are you feeling guilty?”

“Feeling guilty?”


Dillian smirked. The twisted lips were cold. 


“Just, I felt dirty. Even though it was my body, it didn’t move according to my will.”


It’s still the same even though he lost his memories. Well, this is Dillian. 

Guilty or sympathy. That didn’t go well with Dillian. 

Furthermore, sympathizing with the trash that came to kill him.


“It is okay now, so you can relax. I’m going to wrap it up slowly, you can go back to sleep.”  


I flinched in surprise at the hot heat covering the back of my hand. 


“Miss Ria, what power is this?”

“It’s divine power.”


I revealed it without hesitation. After I used divine power on him, I could no longer hide it. 


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“Is this the secret Miss Ria was trying to hide?”

“… If that’s the case, are you going to use it as my weakness?”

“No way. I have to carry it to the grave.”

“I hope so.”


It doesn’t matter even if Dillian says it like that. At that time, I would have already left this place.


“Miss Ria. Something like this. Are you doing this to anyone?”


‘Something like this? What is something like this?’

Is he talking about purifying drugs injected into the body? 


“I don’t do it to anyone.”


Was he satisfied with the answer? Dillian’s lips bent gently like a crescent moon. 


“Sir Dillian is the second one.”


Then the gentle eyes hardened coldly. 


“Who is the first guy?”

“My friend. She is May, the mage I told you before.”


“Then do you think it is a man?”


The cold eyes eased like a spring breeze when he burst into laughter at the unexpected May gender debate.

‘Looks like he is out of his mind being drunk on drugs.’  

I couldn’t keep up with the changes in emotions that changed like flipping the palms. 




Dillian looked up at me. Eyes whose depth was unknown caught my eyes. 


“What’s wrong with your cheek?”

“Oh, I guess I got a scratch because a piece of glass splashed.”



Dillian carefully stroked around my cheek.

Dillian let out his hand when he frowned at the pungent pain.

Then he asked with a more painful look.


“Does it hurt?”

“Not really.”


You must be the one that hurts more.

I brushed the cheek that Dillian touched with my hand. Unlike when I treated him, it was an insincere touch.  


“Your wound is, healed.” 


Surprised came to Dillian’s face, when he saw my cheek with new flesh in an instant. 


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“It’s done now, right?”

“Next time, treat Miss Ria’s wound first. What if it leaves a scar?”

“Isn’t Sir Dillian’s wound more urgent?”


The sight of him caring about me more than his own pain made my heart ache.

It was a time when I bit my lips and stared at Dillian’s wounds. 

A large, hot hand overlapped on the back of my hand. 


“Miss Ria, is warm.”


He muttered appreciation while tilting his head. As if he wants to reach deeper. 

Trapped between Dillian’s cheek and hands, I couldn’t even snap. 




The heat felt from the palm was hot. I wanted to take my hand out because I feel like I was burned, but the purification is not over yet. 




I couldn’t say anything. I didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t want to. 

If I answered something here, it felt like I was going to stop him. 

Tick-tock. The clockwise sound is like my pounded heart.

I raised my hand to cover Dillian’s eyes. 


“It’s done. It won’t hurt anymore.”


I slowly moved my body. 

‘I can’t tell Dillian, the patient, to leave, so I will go to Dillian’s room and sleep there.’

At that time, when I was thinking about sleeping, the firm arms wrapped around my waist. And I was dragged. 

Unexpectedly trapped in Dillian’s arms, I opened my eyes wide. 


“Si, Sir Dillian?”

“It’s cold.”


Well, it could have been cold. My house was no different with an ice castle now because Dillian broke all the windows when he got Runaway.  


“I will bring you more blankets, so please let go of your arms.”

“It is cold.”


Dillian whined, repeating the same thing over and over again. 

I tried to loosen the tight arms on my waist, but Dillian didn’t budge.

Rather than letting me go, he naturally buried his face on my shoulder.  My neck tickled whenever he exhaled. 


“Wait, it’s tickling!”

“Do you know the name of my curse?”



**뚝배기를 깨보릴테다 (Ddukbaegireul kkaeborilteda) literally it was translated as breaking the pot. 뚝배기 = pot, but in this sentence, 뚝배기 = head. It’s a term that’s used like slang in South Korea, it’s the word used to express when someone gets really mad or wants to hit someone really hard.


**Nongae is a woman who lured Japanese generals to the Nam River when Jinju Castle was captured by Japanese forces in the 2nd Battle of Jinju Castle. She disguised herself as a gisaeng and embraced the Japanese commander. So, Nongae’s strategy is a term often used when someone sacrifices himself/herself.   

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