Chapter 19 - The Monster Duke Mistook Me for His Wife

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Translated by Arnlian
Edited by Arnlian


Whether or not, Dillian didn’t stop laughing. 


“Is it because of me?”

“Right. It’s all because of you!” 


Ria’s peaceful daily life throughout the year has been broken, her location has been discovered, and her divine power has been squeezed endlessly.  


For Dillian, who put his own filtering on it then converted it into ‘I tried to protect you.’ as a result he heard it like that.  


Dillian hurriedly covered his mouth. The corner of the mouth covered by the large hand drew a line. 


He almost showed Nathan his weird appearance. 


“Are you really sick? What’s wrong with you?” 


Beyond hating it, Nathan, who began to genuinely worry about Dillian, stretched its wings and put them on Dillian’s forehead. 


“There’s no fever…”


Strangely, his fingertips tickled. He feels like he needs to do something right now. 




Dillian, who pushed Nathan away, stepped up. 


“This brat, even if I worry?”

“I’ll make the best breakfast to treat Miss Ria.”

“Hoo. If that’s the reason, I will accept it with a generous heart. That’s a good ambition! Go, Dillian!”


A smile did not leave Dillian’s face, who had a strange misunderstanding alone. 


Thus, as soon as Ria entered the house, a halo was shining. 


“What’s that? Those eyes.”


What Ria saw was the mellow eyes. Dillian looked at Ria with sweet eyes without realizing it. 


Dillian also didn’t know. Ria didn’t know either. 


How the relationship between the two is changing. Where is it heading. 


“I have installed the barrier stone, so it will be okay now.”

“But it’s not that safe, isn’t it?”

“Well, right.”  

“Then we need to figure out a way quickly.”

“That’s right. We have to find a fundamental solution.”


The two, who agreed, laughed as their eyes met. 


‘I should leave asap with Miss Ria.’


‘When May comes, I’ll send Dillian home and leave.’  


They fell into different dreams while eating the same dishes at the same house and table.  






Time flies, and a month has passed since I was with Dillian. 

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I thought we’d be together for as long as fifteen days, but a month! 




As I sighed heavily as if the ground was about to collapse, Dillian approached.


“Is there still no news?”

“Yes. She needs to come soon…”

“She will be okay.”

“Of course. May is strong, so she will be okay. What I’m worried about is not that side.”



Looking out the window while my hand on chin, I turned my head and stared at Dillian’s eyes. 


“It’s Sir Dillian.”



Dillian blinked, perhaps it was an unexpected answer.


“Were you worried about me?”

“Of course. Who else am I worried about if it’s not Sir Dillian?”


Should I worry about Nathan who eats well and sleeps well? Of course, I should worry about a time bomb that I don’t know when it will explode. 


“That makes me feel good.”


Dillian’s face blossomed like a flower in full bloom. He opened his eyes gently on his shining face as if it had only illuminated him. 


‘Is treated like a time bomb that good? Anyway his taste is really something.’ 


“Please keep worrying about me.”

“You don’t have to say that, I’m doing it everyday.”


His eyes, which had a warm energy like spring, soon subsided coldly by the words that followed. 


“You have to go home as soon as possible but you’re tied up, so you’re worried. You miss your family, right?” 


At the sudden change of atmosphere, I rolled my eyes then I gently patted the back of Dillian’s hand.  


As expected, I shouldn’t have brought up a story about his house. 


I quickly added a word. 


“When May comes back, I will ask her to send Sir Dillian home as soon as possible.”


“Honestly, I didn’t know it would take this long. I want to send you soon… I’m sorry.”

“Ha. What are you talking about?”


Dillian burst into laughter as if he was exhausted. 


Is he not believing me? But if it’s May, she can do it tho.


“I understand that you’re feeling anxious. But if it’s May, I’m sure it will be safe…?”


Tap, Dillian covered my mouth. 


“Stop, stop talking.”


Feeling somewhat frustrating, Dillian swept up his bangs roughly. 


“What’s the reason you’re trying to get me out of this house?”

“Reason? Of course Sir Dillian needs to get back to where you lived. And as long as the location is discovered, you can’t stay here forever.”

“Then we can go somewhere else together.”

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“What? Me too?”


What he’s talking about. I smiled and waved my hand. 


“You’re kidding. My house is here, where am I going?”  

“Then, this is where I’m going to be.”


Smiling awkwardly, I closed my mouth when I saw Dillian’s eyes. 


Those eyes were sincere. He was really thinking of staying here.


‘Isn’t he crazy?’


I jumped up and grabbed Dillian by the arm. 


“Wait, why? Now, you will be able to find out what you’ve been curious about! Family too! Friends too! Even who you were. Everything!”

“I’m not curious anymore.”


You’re not curious? Aren’t you so curious that you annoyed me a lot!


“Let’s stop talking about that. I’m going to get up now.”


Dillian hid himself without any time to hold onto him.


“What’s wrong with him?”

“What do you mean what. It’s his silly intentions.”






“Sir Dillian. We need to talk.”

“I’m busy right now. Let’s do it in the evening.”

“Sir Dillian.”

“I will clean up the snow in the yard first.”


“I’m busy.”


Didn’t know what made Dillian uncomfortable that he didn’t give time to talk. 


As he disappeared repeatedly, it was difficult to even talk to him once, even if I barely talked to him, he avoided it like a loach. 


“You’re really doing all sorts of things.”


Whenever that happened, Nathan jumped around and looked at Dillian. And I am doing the same.  


That was definitely his silly intention to not to leave the house. 


‘It doesn’t make sense. What’s so good about the countryside that makes him want to stay here?’


I will understand if he feels anxious because there’s no memories. However, no matter how I looked at it, Dillian was fine. 


As expected, in-depth dialogue was needed. 


‘This time too, just you try to avoid it.’


As I approached the sofa where Dillian was, I called him with a solemn face.


“Sir Dillian. This is not the time for you to avoid me.”




Finally, we can communicate! 


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“I need to cut firewood before the sun goes down.”

“What? No. I could do that…”


I hurriedly raised myself, following Dillian, who was moving as if he was about to leave. 




In the meantime, my body went back. I was wondering what it was, I stepped on the laundry and fell back. 


Everything looked like slow motion. Dillian’s surprised face with his hand stretched toward me and Nathan flying late from the room.


I closed my eyes to the pain that would come soon.


Boom. A loud sound came together with a body that hit the floor, but the pain that I’ve been waiting for, didn’t come. 


When I opened my eyes, there was Dillian right in front of me. It was close enough to intertwine each other’s breaths.


“You really.”


Spitting out like a sigh, Dillian touched my forehead with his forehead. 


The crumpled red eyes disturbed the view. 


“About you. So careless. You’d better be careful.”


The occasional informal speech lightly rebukes me.


“I’m afraid you’ll cause an accident so I can’t turn away from you.”


The last word was close to talking to himself. Dillian, who slowly raised me by pulling my hand, looked at my body.


“You hurt?”



Then Dillian sighed deeply. 


If I feel it like he feels a relief, aren’t my eyes crazy? 


Looking at Dillian, I was surprised to see the back of his hand. 


The back of his hand was red and red, it was a painful color. 


“Sir Dillian, your hand!”

“Ah, this is nothing.”


In fact, Dillian didn’t think much about his injury. 


“What do you mean it’s nothing! It’s starting to bloat!”


The words of bruise came out of my mouth. 


I changed and reacted fiercely, I was angry at the sight of him who did not know how to cherish his own body. 


“Are you angry?”

“Yes, I’m angry.”


Feeling guiltless, I chewed my lips, Dillian gently pressed my lips with his thumb. 




He slowly lifted my chin.


“Why is Miss Ria angry?”


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The eyes that looked at me were persistent. 


“… I don’t know either.”

“You don’t know?”

“I don’t know!”


So annoying. When I turned my head, Dillian slowly stepped back from my side. 


“Miss Ria is not honest.”



Worried that he would run away again, I quickly reached out. 


I felt pain in my ankle. 


‘Is it sprained?’


Ignoring the prickly pain, I pulled Dillian’s arm. 


“Are you going to run away again?”

“That’s not it.”


As he bent, he lifted the clothes I stepped on and made me fall on.


“I’ve been curious about this for a long time, whose clothes are these?”


The clothes were what Dillian had worn over the past month.


Dillian gets suspicious why there are men’s clothes in a house of a woman who lives alone.


“Is that what I know?”


What does Dillian know…? I don’t know what it was, but that clothes was a means to protect me.


I don’t want to say it myself, but I look pretty decent, I have wealth, and I have good skills. 


As I live in a small rural village with a high spec, there were more than one or two brat who approached me with a cunning heart. 


So, that clothes, 


“Clothes of the person I live with.”



It was a kind of shield that created a fake lover or spouse. 


‘It was all thanks to May.’


May handed me over the men’s clothes I don’t know where she gets, saying that there should be at least such a put up in this difficult world. 


‘This can’t stop everything, but it’s better than nothing.’

‘Hang with your clothes together. If someone is flirting, just say you have a husband.’

‘Then later, if there’s a good guy, bite his neck and make him your husband. Got it? That’s how you avoid dangerous guys.’


May, when will such a man appear? Is there? 


I made eye contact with Dillian, who stared blankly at my face.


As expected, this person was the most dangerous. 


“Together… Is that what I think it is?”

“Yes, honey, it’s my dear’s clothes.”


Dillian paused at the awkward title. The eyes that looked at me were shaking. 


“… Honey, dear?” 

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