Chapter 31 - The Monster Duke Mistook Me for His Wife

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Translated by Arnlian
Edited by Arnlian




Golden butterflies appeared.


At the same time, on the bookshelf that seemed to break if it got hit, blue sprouts grew.


The sprout, which is the size of a thumbnail, grew in size quickly.




A branch as big as an arm that grew simultaneously stretched out in all directions.


Bang! The wall shook loudly with the sound of something exploding.


The assassin who was attacking Ria was stuck in the wall. The three times more people who ran into Dillian also were stuck in the wall and were unable to move. 


From one branch to the other branch, again from one branch to the other branch.


Flowers soon bloomed from the never-ending growing branches.


The assassins, who were looking at the fluttering flowers, smelled the sweet scent and soon lost their minds.


It happened in a flash.


Dillian was the one who coped with the guys who escaped by tearing off the branch and the one that Ria couldn’t handle.


“What’s going on here…”


Moses shook his head when he saw Ria standing on a stand surrounded by butterflies.


Unbelievable. How can a woman who looks the weakest have such power?


Is that really a human power? The body trembled by basic instinct.


Let’s escape. I need to escape from here. The moment he was turned back as his instinct told him to.


Puk, a knife got to his foot.


“Where’re you going?”


As he paused, Dillian cutt off the escaped one.


Kkikik. Kkikikik-.


The chilling sound made Moses flinched, his shoulder trembling. The voice behind his back was frightening.


“This noona* pulled the knife, to fight you.”

*Older sister addressed by younger male to older female.


Ria, who hummed a familiar melody, pulled her lips.


It was revenge time.






“Damn it! Stop it now! Why are you only chasing me?”

“I only beat one guy.”


Lia giggled and swung a chair, chasing after Moses, who was running away.




Moses trembled with fear at the sound of cutting through air.




After falling on his feet, Moses shouted at Dillian, who was watching with his arms folded leisurely.

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“It’s better to make the brother one pass out!”


The voice was so desperate that it made Dillian who was looking at the fire across the river, move.


“Miss Ria, if you hit him here, it will hurt more.”


Of course, he didn’t say he would help.


Dillian taped Moses on the shin. That made Ria open her ears and nodded.


Moses screamed, and couldn’t resist the enthusiastic appearance.


“This crazy couple!”

“You have an eye for things.”


Dillian, who accepted the curse as a compliment, smiled and nodded.


‘That, that insane guy!’


Moses saw Dillian with hatred.


He doesn’t know what that guy who is smiling at all this is going to do.


“So, where is Nathan?”

“The last room. It’s in the last room.”

“If you touch Nathan even its hair-”

“Who is the one being touched! That crazy owl is the one ripping off my colleague’s hair!”

“… It really is?”

“That’s what I’m saying.”


The two people facing each other burst into laughter.


The moment he was relieved by the relaxed atmosphere. Ria swung her arm at Moses.




Ria slumped into the swinging chair, leaving Moses behind, who collapsed at the last chair shot.


I had to go save Nathan right away, but my body was as heavy as if it contained a thousand muscles.


‘I used too much power.’


Dillian, who approached Ria’s side, who clearly looked tired, bent his knees and made eye contact with her.


“Miss Ria, are you all right?”

“I don’t know. It’s my first time using it beyond my limit…”


Ria, who was raising her body, was reeling from dizziness.


If Dillia had not hugged Ria’s waist, she would have fallen forward.


“Miss Ria, first of all, cut off your divine power.”


The arm wrapped around the waist was strained. A low voice whispered to Ria’s ear.


“Do you know how strong the scent that fills this room now is?”

“… I can’t control it.”


Ria murmured helplessly. As if there was a hole in it, the divine power kept leaking out.


“I’m sorry… But I feel sleepy.”


The eyes keep blinking, and the voice is weaker.


“Miss Ria?”


Dillian hugged the collapsing Ria’s body with all his might.


“Miss Ria, wake up.”


The anxious voice faded away.


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‘Nathan, I need to pick it up. Nathan is waiting…


But contrary to her will, her consciousness quickly drifted away.






The moment Ria lost consciousness.


In the east tower, a big fire shot up from the last room.


“You’re in trouble, in trouble.”

“Hoook, hook.”

“It’s all happened.”

“Brea, breath is.”

“You’re all the ones who made this, aren’t you?” 


Nathan looked down coldly at the mercenaries who held their neck and were breathing heavily.


There is no mercy in its eyes.


It, as a divine creature, loves all life in this world, including humans. But there were exceptions.


“If a person hurts a person, can we still call it a person?”


Nathan asked in an indifferent voice to the mercenaries crawling on the floor like worms. 


“What do you think?”

“You, what are you?”


Although it was not the answer it wanted, Nathan, who was sweet and friendly, answered Akte’s rude question without hesitation.


“I’m my child’s guardian.”


Therefore, it recognized Ria’s danger faster than anyone else and reacted sharply.


Nathan, who noticed something wrong with Ria’s body, could no longer wait calmly.


“We do not intervene in human affairs. That was my rule. ‘He’ doesn’t like to cut through the human world like a loose colt, so what can I do? I’ll hold it in.”



Right, so then I held it. I waited until Ria came to my rescue.


“But this is the price.”

“He, help me!”

“No. You’re not worth it.”




The flames flared high.


It is only humans that are burned by the fire of the divine creature.


Screams were buried in flames, and soon they became ashes and disappeared.


“Oh, I didn’t get to ask who was behind it.”


The guy who looked like the leader, should be saved though then throw him to Dillian.


“I can’t help it.”


When Ria’s position is likely to be found, a gaze can be felt.


Nathan’s head turned to the rat.


“Gasped! Ow, the owl talked!”




Without clue, Ludo pointed his finger at Nathan.


At the rude gesture, Harris, paak! Hit Ludo’s hand until it makes noise.

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A strange silence hung between the three.


Its dignified face cracked.


‘I’m, I’m in trouble!’


I am the one who told her not to get caught, but I got caught instead!


Nathan’s raw yellow eyes shook like a storm.



“Oohoohoo- Hoo- Oohoohoohoo-.”


Flustered just for a while. Harris soon came up with a serious look.


“Hm, hmm. Perhaps you are Nathan-nim?”

“Oohoohoo- Oohoo?”

“I thought it was a coincidence because the name was similar, so it was true.”



From head to toe, a grain of dust was swept away, but Nathan was still pretending.


‘I am an owl. This body is a normal owl.’


Faithful Nathan hypnotized itself, but unfortunately it did not work.


“I heard everything you said earlier.”


Tsk, without realizing, Nathan, who clicked its tongue, closed its mouth.


“Do you know how surprised I was that you disappeared from the temple?”

“What’s the big deal about leaving the town?”

“Town, you say…”


There is no one in the world who leaves town for a year. Someone awoke Nathan.


‘Who is that? Who…’


Harris recalled the explosion of divine power a moment ago.


He is the only one who can use divine power here.


But there is another one.


Someone who cares and loves Nathan more than anyone else.


“… The one who woke Nathan-nim up, is Miss Ria, right?”


It was not a question. It was a word full of conviction.


This is why I don’t like quick-witted things.


Nathan sighed deeply.


“Can’t you pretend not to know?”

“That is troubling. Don’t you know why I came to this place?”


Finding Nathan who disappeared and the contractor who woke Nathan up.


Harris started with a tiny clue and managed to get here.


“As long as we find Nathan-nim’s track record, I must report it.”



A huge force weighed on Harris’s shoulders.


“I’ll be back when the time comes, so wait patiently.”


Harris could not move as the bird glared at him. Like a mouse caught by a predator.


Harris slowly knelt down to his knees in the dark.


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“… Yes.”


Harris could not resist that word at all.


Meanwhile, Ludo, who had become a spectator for Nathan and Harris’s conversation, knelt next to Harris while looking around.


“Why are you kneeling?”


Ludo’s eyes sparkled at Nathan’s question.


“I think that is how the mood told me to, Owl-nim!”

“It’s Nathan.”


“Hm, you’re not bad.”

“It is an honor! Nathan-nim!”


At a comic-like conversation between the two, Harris facepalmed.






Ria fainted. Dillian held unconscious Ria in his arms, and hurriedly put his index finger under her nose. 


The soft breath tickled his fingertips. Dillian unknowingly breathed a sigh of relief.


Trees and flowers filled the room, also a warm scent.


It was all the trace of divine power.


Ria’s unconsciousness seemed to be due to her divine power used beyond her limit.


If it is fatigue, she can rest well, but the problem is.


‘Her divine power keeps leaking out.’


“I have to find Nathan first.”


Nathan was the only one who could solve this situation.


Dillian raised his body up by hugging the weakly stretched Ria carefully.


Dillian opened his mouth to the butterflies that did not disappear even though Ria was unconscious.


“Find Nathan. Right now.”


I’m sure you guys know. They’ve been hanging around Ria for a long time.


He spoke with conviction. Or threatening words to find it even though they don’t know.


The butterflies flinched with a coercive attitude that had never been shown to Ria.


We have to help that guy for Ria’s sake. But that guy is too annoying.


The butterflies, torn apart by compatible emotions, quickly pushed Dillian’s back to Ria’s groan that soon followed.


‘It’s more certain to trust and follow these guys than I find it myself.’


The butterflies, which had been flying for a long time, stopped in one place and spun around.


“Is it here?”


Dillian opened the door without hesitation at the butterflies’ gesture of flapping its wings up and down, as if saying it was the answer.




The broken door was ragged by the kick.


That was an open door. The butterflies were silent at the sight before them.


“Oh, it was open.”


At the peaceful voice, the butterflies began to worry about whether they could keep that human being by Ria’s side.

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