Contrary to the relaxed smile, the words that flowed out were bloody.

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Cassis was taken aback by the truly villainous smile.


“Duke, cancel your remarks….”

“Can you really kill me?”


Aina, who cut off Cassis’s words, approached Dillian without hesitation.


No, what’s wrong with her? Cassis, who was embarrassed several times today, hurriedly blocked Aina’s front.


“Duke. Aina, so the Saintess doesn’t know the etiquette yet.”


Cassis, who was well aware of Dillian’s nature, hurriedly defended Aina.


But Aina’s mouth was like a disaster.


“But it was the Duke who said bad things first….”


Cassis sighed, saying that there was nothing he could do about her honest and naive action.


“Aina, the Duke probably didn’t mean it in such a bad way.”


At that moment, Dillian couldn’t hold back the burst of laughter.




‘It’s funny.’


In front of that woman, Cassis, was acting like a gentle sheep, but as Dillian looked at him carefully.


As soon as he saw him, his eyes became sharp.


‘She’s a Saintess, you’re kidding me huh? It’s not even funny that he just brought some local thug.’


Spark, an invisible flame flew between the two.


“I was a little surprised that the Crown Prince seemed to care about the Saintess very much.”

“Ah, it’s because I owe Aina a lot. Not long ago, she also caught a terrorist who was targeting me. Had it not been for Aina, I would have been seriously injured.”


Honey dripped from Cassis’s eyes as he looked at the Saintess.


Dillian could not stop his wrinkled face at the sight that made his stomach churning.


‘Tsk, he already fell for her.’


Dillian shook his head, looking like a dragonfly caught in a spider’s web.


Is this the kind of fate that will ruin your life by going crazy in love?


Dillian looked at Cassis pathetically, not knowing he was worse than Cassis.


“I heard that he is a dangerous person, what if something serious happens while I let Cassis-nim alone with him?”

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Aina glanced at Dillian and whispered.


I thought she was going to turn down her voice, but I could hear it very well.


No, maybe she meant it for me to listen to.


Dillian, who doesn’t care with Aina’s cautious act, asked Cassis, who was caught in the middle and sweating.


“What do you mean by terror?”

“It happened a week ago. The day before my birthday banquet, Aina found a suspicious person and brought them to me.”


Cassis remembered that day.


The courageous figure that subdued a man twice as tall as her.


“After investigating, it turned out that they were terrorists that targeting me.”


It was clear that Manus had threatened his place.


“She’s been paying special attention to my security since then, so I hope you don’t feel too bad. Duke.”


Cassis thought that Dillian was angry, so he defended Aina firmly, but Dillian did not care.


Because of those two figures that look like a pair of cockroaches for him, he wants to see Ria even more.


“There is someone waiting for me, so I will go now.”


Someone’s waiting for him, it’s his fiancée then.


The news of Dillian’s engagement, which heated up the capital, was something Cassis knew well.


“Yes, right. Your fiancée must be waiting, but I didn’t notice it.”



Aina tilted her head and muttered, but no one cared about her.


Cassis pushed Dillian’s back saying ‘that’s right’ and ‘that’s good’, and Dillian also got up from his seat without missing the time.


Just before the door closed, Cassis’s voice was heard telling Aina.


– Aina, don’t bother the Duke. Only you will hurt.

– Beside that, what do you mean by fiancée?

– Don’t dig too deep.

– But it seems like I’m the only one who doesn’t know what everyone knows… I’m so curious.


Dillian sighed in vain when he saw Aina chasing after gossip despite Cassis’s worries.


‘The empire is over. I can’t believe that’s a Saintess.’


Dillian shook his head, saying that there is no such thing to end the end.


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Neison, who found Dillian, approached and bowed his head.


“Your Grace, did you finish the talk well?”



It took more time than expected, but there won’t be something more bothersome, right?


“How’s about miss Ria?”

“Well, I have something to tell you.”


Neison took notice of Dillian’s eyes at the news from the Duke’s mansion a little while ago.


“Say it.”

“It is said that the High Priest came to see the madam.”


Dillian’s steps stopped. The face that looked at Neison was cold.


“Why are you saying that now?”


He didn’t raise his voice, but Neison wept at the cold voice that would freeze the surrounding area.


“Yo, Your Grace. Madam says there is nothing wrong. So please calm down.”

“I’m going back right now.”

“Your Grace, let’s go together!”


At the time he jumped and walked out of the palace.


As Neison hurriedly caught up to Dillian’s side, he lowered his voice at the figure he saw from afar.


“Your Grace, that is the third Prince.”


The dark black hair, which was clearly visible from afar, fluttered in the wind.


It was Manus, the third prince, whom Cassis kept in check.


The royal family’s unique purple eyes stared intently at Dillian. And soon he turned his back.


“His Highness seems to know that you are on the side of the Crown Prince. Seeing him leave without saying goodbye.”


After holding hands with Lexter, he was blatantly wary of Dillian.


“Good. He won’t bother me anymore.”

“Then please just push for The Crown Prince.”

“Noisy, walk fast. Before I throw you away.”

“Your Grace! You must not throw me away!”


Neison ran as hard as he could, chasing after Dillian, who had already gone far away.


And there was a man watching them,


“Prince, Count Blent has asked for an audience.”

“Got it.”


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Manus’s intense gaze, staring at one place, did not know how to withdraw.






I widened my eyes at the unexpected news Dillian had delivered.


“Is the Saintess in the imperial palace? Isn’t she in the great temple?”

“Yes, she was living there with the Crown Prince.”

“She is a Saintess, why is she there…?”

“She was famous as the benefactor of the Crown Prince. It seemed they were in a closer relationship than that.”


Dillian, who pushed the macaron in front of me, added.


“It seems to me that he has been caught as a pushover.”

“He has been caught as a pushover?”


What does this mean? The news that the Saintess is in the imperial palace instead of the great temple is also disconcerting, but the Crown Princehas been caught as a pushover?


‘What’s going on?’


After meeting Dillian as promised, I asked him for tea time, and inquired about the imperial palace terror attack incident.


But I didn’t expect to hear that the Crown Prince is a pushover.


“I was worried that he might end up ruining the empire because he was so into her.”


That, is not something you should say yourself….


My heart tickled at the sweet gaze as sweet as the macaron placed in front of me.


“Sir Dillian, don’t open your eyes like that.”

“What’s wrong with my eyes?”

“Mellow’s eye is prohibited. Do you get it?”


It makes me feel weird.


Ignoring Dillian, who tilted his head asking what Mellow’s eyes were, I chewed macarons and organized the information I had gathered so far.


“So you’re saying that now, the Saintess is living with the Crown Prince and even caught the terrorists in the meantime?”

“Yeah, you’ve sorted it well. As expected of my wife.”


With that praise, the macaron entered my mouth.


I took the macaron from him and ate it, and I rolled my mouth and shook my head.


As Dillian said, it is true that Aina becomes the Crown Prince’s benefactor, but that is by healing his wounds.


‘But even if this thing happens, I have already arranged it.’


This is a coincidence or….

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“Miss Ria, it won’t happen, but if you ever meet a woman named Saintess, don’t get too close.”

“What about the Saintess?”

“She pretends to be innocent and deceives the Crown Prince perfectly. She is wicked.”


No way. Aina is a good person.


She is the protagonist of this novel.


The title of the novel is also Saintess, ‘Aina’.


“No way, she is a Saintess.”

“What if it’s a Saintess? Isn’t it just because that she has more divine power than others? Personality is another thing.”


If I hadn’t seen the High Priest, I would have thought so. But God certainly sees character in humans.


Looking at his nature, Aaron, who is like an angel, must have become the High Priest!


“And does God exist? If I were a god, I would have chosen miss Ria as a Saintess instead, not her.”

“Oh my God, are you crazy?! What kind of Saintess am I?”


That’s blasphemy. As I jumped like a spring, Dillian, who had been thinking for a moment, nodded.


“Miss Ria is right. When miss Ria becomes a Saintess, it will be difficult for us to meet freely as we do now. My thoughts were short. Let’s just let that woman take the place of a Saintess.”

“I’m going crazy….”


I was blown away by the nonsense I had not heard after a long time.


‘Still, the relationship between the two is the same.’


No, I should say it looks worse.


The time zone was wrong, but the two met, and created a hostility just like the original.


‘Let’s do good. Even if it flows according to the original, I just have to do it well.’


To do that, I needed to talk about what happened during the day.


“Sir Dillian, the High Priest came to visit us this afternoon.”

“I heard about it.”


The languid smile remained the same, but blue tendons bulged out in the hand holding the teacup.


His eyes were ferocious as he seemed to have gotten quite a bit of heat from those who intruded into his area.


“Sorry. It’s my fault. I should have made the barrier stronger.”

“It’s okay. It was a good time.”


I told Dillian about the Darkness Shards.


“Maybe there are other people who have been caught other than that knight.”

“Exactly. He wouldn’t have planted just one.”

“So, by the way, can I check the people in the mansion?”

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